The people who want to keep Illinois a so-called “safe haven” for abortions had their say in the state House chamber Thursday.

“It’s incredibly frustrating,” said State Rep. Randy Frese (R-Paloma), “that instead of working on a plan that could provide relief, we waste our time debating resolutions such as this.”

“I don’t want to negate anything in regards to inflation,” said State Rep. Margaret Croke (pictured) (D-Chicago), 21 weeks pregnant. “But I don’t want to have to worry about dying in a back alley trying to get an abortion, and I think that’s pretty frickin’ important, and we need to make sure that we are funding places like Planned Parenthood, where women in this state can get those services.” Applause rose as she spoke.

Several Democrats spoke to propel resolutions in favor of preserving abortion rights. House Speaker Chris Welch (D-Hillside) bragged that the Democrats are the ones putting Illinois on the right track, as opposed to former Gov. Bruce Rauner, a Republican, who, Welch said, “was destroyin’ this state.”

Ironically, it was Rauner who signed into law the Reproductive Health Act after telling supporters, including Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich, that he wouldn’t.