Tony Awards 2023 nominations: Best prediction scores by our Editors and Users (revised)

For the 20 years of predicting hundreds of awards shows, Gold Derby has not made a mistake in calculating scores for an event. However, for Tuesday’s Tony Awards nominations, Jordan Donica (“Camelot”) accidentally did not have his name checked as a nominee for Best Featured Actor in a Musical. That caused our score report to be inaccurate by one slot, so please accept our apologies for the mistake.

The top User remains the same with Josh_Moore having the best score of 78.57% (66 of 82 slots correct) when predicting the 2023 nominations. Our top scorer is actually tied with seven other people — Brian Lipton, Carter_Eldridge, Peggy Sawyer42, JMo96, Jake North, Oscar7212 and Boots127 — but has the better point score of 25,270 by using the two Super Bets (500 points each) wisely.

How did this mistake affect your score? You can see how your score compares to all others in our leaderboard rankings of all contestants, which also includes links to see each participant’s predictions. To see your own scores, go to the User menu in the top right corner of every page of Gold Derby when you’re signed in to the site. Use the drop down menu to go to “View Profile,” then look for the links to your “Award Show Scores.” Gold Derby must evaluate each potential winner’s eligibility as per our contest rules. If eligible, the first-place finisher receives a $100 Amazon gift card.

For our 12 Gold Derby Editors predicting, David Buchanan is still the best at 76.19%. We have a three-way tie at 75.00% for Marcus Dixon, Joyce Eng and Christopher Rosen. Sam Eckmann, Paul Sheehan and I are then tied at 73.81%. Denton Davidson is next at 71.43%, and then Daniel Montgomery at 67.86% and Ray Richmond at 66.67%. Charles Bright and Rob Licuria finish at 65.48%. See Editors’ scores.

Over overall best Expert is still Brian Lipton (Cititour) with a score of 78.57%. For the other nine Experts predicting, Gordon Cox (Variety) and Jan Simpson (Broadway and Me) are tied for second place at 76.19%. Next are David Gordon (Theatermania) and Wayman Wong (Talkin’ Broadway) at 75.00%. We then have a three-way tie at 73.81% for David Sheward (Cultural Weekly), Matt Windham (amNY) and Susan Haskins-Doloff (Theater Talk). Finishing at 71.43% is Michael Musto (Queerty) and then Andy Humm (Gay USA) at 66.67%. See Experts’ scores.

PREDICT the 2023 Tony Award winners through June 11

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