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Mute My Screams


Today is just not Keith's day. Insomnia, bad training day, bad food, and bad missions turned ambushes. Luckily, he saves Pidge from their hands. Unfortunately, Keith's captors have a little too much fun with him instead.


I'm behind ohboy but here's Shiro Saves Keith Week: Day 5: Rescue/Extricate

Day 6 should be next chapter!!!

Chapter 1: Rescue

Chapter Text

Keith's not having a fucking good day…

First, his insomnia had kicked his ass all night when he was trying to sleep. Then training was a big fucking mess. Then Hunk let Coran make them food and it was horrible, and Keith's not picky at all so that's telling. Then they got sent on a sudden mission. And then-

"Get them tied up," the one alien hisses to his other buddies. Keith lies still, trying to seem knocked out just like Pidge is. He knew something had been off. Had told everyone he could feel eyes on them. Multiple times. But no one fucking believed him. Thank goodness the others got away. Sadly, Pidge and him got hit in the process. The Green Paladin is clearly out, unconscious. But Keith isn't, just sluggish. Whatever they used on him must have been affected by his Galra side. He waits impatiently as they come to his side, "Get the red one first. He's clearly the guard one."

Keith doesn't know what that means but he puts it out of his mind as hands grip his wrists. Before he can overthink, he jumps up with a shout, opening his eyes. Everything blurs a bit but he doesn't give in. Instead, he calls for his bayard, slashing into one's hand. Their weapon shatters as they screech in pain, dropping it. Keith fights off the other three before rushing to Pidge's side in their distraction, grabbing her and throwing her over his back. He takes off into the forest, running as fast as he can. Every step is heavy, making his head spin and his limbs thick and awkward. But he runs and runs, knowing what will happen if they're caught. If Pidge is caught.

Keith can handle the torture. Pidge can't. She's only 15. She's his friend. He would take all the pain for his friends.

His foot catches on a root (did it move itself? Did his leg hit it wrong? Did Keith's vision double?), and they go flying across the dirty ground, sliding to a stop by an orange river.

Keith groans as he stares at the weird trees. He feels like shit. Luckily, his ankle isn't broken. It aches though, and his body feels heavier yet. Maybe the drugs were just slower-acting on his human-Galra body and not just not affecting it as badly. Keith curses the universe before getting on shaky limbs and grabbing Pidge. She lets out a groan, starting to wake up as Keith debates the river. But he shakes it off. If he falls into the water, Pidge will drown. He rushes into the forest.

Forever passes before Pidge finally wakes up. Keith's not doing well. His vision sways and his limbs feel numb and asleep. His brain is behind his senses, which is why Keith doesn't see the second root either. With a shout, they both slam into the ground. Keith skids into a tough tree, gasping as his back hits it hard. His vision blacks out on the edges as he moans softly, body going limp. His foot hurts more.

Someone's...shaking him? He groans before blinking. It helps a tad bit but his ears go wonky on him.

"Keith...wake...on…!" The voice shouts before Keith's jolting in pain. He blinks at Pidge who looks ready to cry, really scared, "Sorry! Keith! Wake up! We have to get out of here! If I can get us somewhere sheltered, I can send out a distress signal to our location."

Keith shakes his head. It makes him dizzier.

"C-can't," Keith presses his arm over his face to block out the blots of too bright light, "Dr-drugged...g-go."

"I can't leave you here alone!" The younger protests, grabbing onto him, trying to lift him. He groans before attempting to help her out. They get a few paces away before Keith collapses, Pidge letting out a yelp of surprise.

"Ow…" Keith blinks before noticing his face is in the dirt. It stinks like dead fish and sweaty gym socks. It wakes him up more yet his body stays stubbornly asleep. Pidge tugs on him.

"Go," he says before there's shouts in the distance. He knows they're not the team's. He shakes his head, looking at Pidge who stares back in fear, "Go! You can rescue me later!"


"GO!" Keith hisses before he uses the last of his strength to shove the younger over a small cliff. Pidge yelps in surprise before plunging into the orange water. Keith sees her break the surface just as he falls to the ground.

It takes a while for the other aliens to find him. But to Keith, it feels like one blink to the next. He's alone and then he's surrounded, a clawed hand pushing his head back.

These aliens look like giant lizards.

Keith wakes up more as one of them shoves something into his face. He gags before he's suddenly wide awake. That can't be good. He tries to move but hands pin him down.

"Not so fast, paladin," the leader glares at him, face a foot from Keith's. Oh, he's the one who had his hair in his fist, "We'll take one paladin vs none. I'm sure the Galra will pay a handsome price for you. Too bad you helped the others escape."

Keith narrows his eyes, smirking as best as he can. The other alien hisses before smirking devilishly.

"That's alright," the lizard guy snickers ominously, "They asked for the paladins to be alive. They didn't say they had to be in good condition."

Before he can blink, the alien jabs something straight into his throat. Keith stares in shock and fright as grey liquid slides down the syringe. Before he can make a sound, something starts to hurt.

Everything starts to hurt. It feels like he's on fire. Like literal flames are consuming his insides. He bites his lip as it grows. He can't scream. He won't. But it only grows, making him gag on his own breath. He feels like his insides are being shredded cell by cell and rearranged wrongly.

He ends up screaming. The others release him, laughing wickedly in sickening amusement as Keith wriggles and shakes. Keith powers through by getting to his feet. He gets two feet in front of him before he collapses, a choked shriek coming out. His throat hurts like a bitch as he shakes and sobs, screaming in agony as knives drive into his insides repeatedly, washed with waves of acid and salt.


Shiro curses loudly as he runs to where Keith is. Hunk and Lance are helping Pidge back to the castle. She's too weak from the run and swim through the forest. Because Keith sacrificed himself to get her out.

He curses his stupidity. He should have listened to Keith. His best friend has uncanny instincts for things like this and Shiro was too caught up in reviewing his previous nightmares that previous night to listen.

He gets close. Keith's armor pings off the scanner Pidge set up for him since their own got damaged in the ambush. He's about to throw the stupid device after a few moments of not getting any closer to his best friend, when he sees a splash of color in the foliage. He ducks behind the biggest tree, peeking out of it.

Five lizard aliens surround Keith who lies on the ground. He's tense, shaking almost like he's having a seizure. Shiro doesn't hear a sound from him besides his armor clanking together.

"That'll teach the bitch," the lizard laughs as the others join in, "The Galra don't need a talking paladin. I heard their witch can read minds."

"What a loser," another laughs, "Begging for a 'Shiro' like the weak pathetic thing he is!"

"'Shiro, help me!'" Another mocks as Shiro's blood heats and his heart goes ice cold, "'SHIRRROOOOOOO!'"

"Look, even now he calls for them," the leader chuckles before he grips Keith's hair, pressing his forehead to the dirt. It pisses Shiro off as the younger man wreaths in agony, still far too silent, "This has been the most fun bounty I've had yet. Put up quite the fight. Such loud delicious screams. And his fellow paladins abandoned him to his fate."

Anger slams into Shiro. He would never give up on Keith. Never.

"You hurt the wrong paladin," Shiro glares darkly at them as he steps out from behind the tree, lighting up his arm as he leaps forward. With a yell of hatred, he dispatches four of them in no time. He doesn't know if they're dead. He doesn't care as he spins around. The leader's eyes widen in fright before he tries to run. Shiro snarls aggressively before slamming into the alien. They roll around on the dirty ground, fighting each other. The guy is no match for Shiro, never was. Before he knows it, Shiro has his fist around his neck, glowing just enough to hurt.

"What did you do to him!" He demands.

"I didn't do anything-"

Shiro tightens his grip more before turning the heat up.

"Okay! Okay!" The coward yelps before clinging to his wrist, "I injected a pain serum into his neck! That's all, swear! I have the cure here!"

"Where?" Shiro questions before slamming the bastard's head into the ground enough to shake him, "Where!"

"It's! It's another serum! The antidote!" The lizard man yells before flicking his tail, "I can grab it!"

Shiro sees the trick for what it is as the alien picks up something from their bag, going to stab him in the side. His flesh hand stops the tail, twisting it cruelly as a snap fills the air along with a loud cry of pain. Shiro glances to see that it's Keith's blade he holds.

"Where. Is. The. Antidote," Shiro bites out each word, hand lighting up with heat just a bit more each one. By the time he's done, the alien is sweating bullets, panting and begging for release.

"It's in my pouch!" The other yells before yanking on his wrist, "Please! Take it! It's yours! Let me go!"

"No," Shiro smashes his hand over the other's head, making sure it's not glowing. The sadistic monster crumbles with a choked moan. Shiro shuffles around for the cure, finding a vial of white liquid and an empty syringe gun that once held another liquid. Shiro switches them out before rushing to Keith's side, carefully holding a silent flopping half-Galra down as he injects it into the spot he can tell the others did before. He carefully holds Keith to his side so he can't hurt himself more as he slowly comes down from the agonizing pain.

Before he knows it, Keith is limp in his hold. It's obvious that he's awake and aware, as his eyes turn to Shiro's own. He barely breathes.

"It's okay, Keith," Shiro nods before holding him tighter, "I got you. I got you."

Keith opens his mouth to say something, only small wispy sounds coming out before he grows more panicked. Shiro tries to calm him, but all the pain has messed with him enough that he keeps freaking out.

And then it gets worse because Shiro sees something red at the corner of Keith's lip. Before he can say anything, the bead of blood slides down Keith's chin, added by another to the other side. Which means Keith might be bleeding internally.

"Keith, it's me, Shiro," the older gets Keith's attention, "Breathe with me, Keith. Remember our breathing exercises? You're safe. The pain is fading that. Good...good job, buddy. Good job. You with me?"

Keith nods before wincing, opening his mouth. Once again there is no sound and he grabs his throat, looking pained.

"We'll get you to a pod," Shiro agrees before moving Keith's hand gently, "It's from all the screaming, okay? Can I pick you up? I'll take you back to the castle."

Keith nods before latching onto him. Shiro lifts him, mindful of any physical wounds, but there seem to be none.

He'll help Keith through this, no matter what.