Free Time Zone API by SavvyCal

Fetch in-depth information about time zones, such as human-friendly names, UTC offsets, and exemplar cities.

Everything you need to know about time zones.

We painstakingly aggregated information from the IANA Time Zone database and the Unicode CLDR repository to bring sanity to the 595 global time zones.

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"abbreviation": "CST",
"aliases": [
"canonical": true,
"dst": true,
"formatted_offset": "-06:00",
"generic_long_name": "Central Time",
"golden": true,
"id": "America/Chicago",
"legacy": false,
"long_name": "Central Daylight Time",
"metazone": {
"exemplar_city": "Chicago",
"long": {
"current": "Central Daylight Time",
"daylight": "Central Daylight Time",
"generic": "Central Time",
"standard": "Central Standard Time"
"name": "America_Central",
"short": {
"current": "CST",
"daylight": "CDT",
"generic": "CT",
"standard": "CST"
"territories": ["001"]
"offset": -18000,
"offset_std": 3600,
"offset_utc": -21600,
"period": {
"from": "2022-03-13T03:00:00-05:00",
"until": "2022-11-06T02:00:00-06:00"
"windows_zone": {
"name": "Central Standard Time"