Ellie Paskell Absolute Truth — Time for a song! Because if you feel like things...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Time for a song! Because if you feel like things are upside down, or falling apart (or you’re not sure who you are right now!!) you’re not alone and




Truly, this transitory period we’re in, globally, is a gift. Yes things are being released, yes we are to let things go - including parts of who we used to be - and YES - gateways are opening to the infinite 🌳🌺🌙🪶💪🌈 ✨The old is being composted to form fertile ground for MIRACLES to arise from. Trust trust. Trust the process, trust your body and her guidance, trust yourself. You’ve got this and we’re all together, traversing our own steps along the same path.

#song #whoamianyway #lightworkers #trust

song whoamianyway lightworkers trust

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#song #whoamianyway #lightworkers #trust