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EPA issues final revised risk evaluation for Pigment Violet 29

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Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency has published a final revised risk determination that states Pigment Violet 29 – as a whole chemical substance – poses “unreasonable risk” to workers and occupational nonusers under certain conditions.

EPA found that long-term inhalation exposure to the substance – primarily used as a colorant in consumer products such as paints, coatings, plastics and rubber products – “can cause lung toxicity effects” or an “adverse increase in the number of cells in the lungs where oxygen transfer occurs.”

The revision marks a reversal of preliminary findings that PV29 poses no unreasonable risk of injury to humans or the environment. It further aligns with EPA’s June 2021 announcement to change certain aspects of the chemical evaluation process under the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act with the objective of ensuring “the public is protected from unreasonable risks from chemicals in a way that is supported by science and the law.” This includes revisiting the assumption that personal protective equipment is always provided and worn properly by workers when making risk determinations.

In a January 2021 final risk evaluation, EPA found that PV29 presents unreasonable risk to workers under certain conditions, including:

  • Domestic manufacture and import
  • Paint and coating processing
  • Plastic and rubber product processing
  • Recycling
  • Industrial and commercial use of plastic and rubber products in automobile products

The agency, however, maintained its stance – published November 2018 in the initial draft risk evaluation – that the substance poses no unreasonable risk of injury to humans or the environment.

Subsequent analysis by the Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals – mandated under the Toxic Substances Control Act, which the Lautenberg Act amended – revealed various data-related concerns, prompting the changes found in the January 2021 determination.

“As EPA moves forward with a risk management rule for PV29, the agency will strive for consistency with existing OSHA requirements or best industry practices when those measures would address the identified unreasonable risk,” EPA says in a press release. “EPA will propose occupational safety measures in the risk management process that would meet TSCA’s statutory requirement to eliminate unreasonable risk of injury to health and the environment.”

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