Saturday, Jun 08, 2024

Watch: Taiwanese MP steals bill, runs away from Parliament to prevent its passing

The video of the Taiwanese MP snatching the bill and running out of the Parliament was shared by @CensoredMen on X.

TaiwaneseThe video triggered a wave of memes and jokes across X.

A Taiwanese lawmaker caused a major commotion by grabbing a bill and running out of the legislative chamber to prevent it from being passed. The event happened just before President-elect Lai Ching-te was set to take office on Monday.

According to reports, the morning session was already heated, with lawmakers shouting and shoving each other even before any votes were cast. The situation escalated when one MP, now nicknamed the “Bill Bandit,” grabbed the bill and dashed for the exit. Other lawmakers chased him, turning the chamber into a scene of chaos.

The video was shared by @CensoredMen on X garnering over 9.1 million views. Memes and jokes about the “Bill Bandit” running off with the bill went viral.

One user said, “He took matters into his own hands.” Another user wrote, “Taiwan makes 90%+ of the world’s computer chips but doesn’t have a working copy machine.” A third user said, “this is what a filibuster should be. A man intercepts the document, and if he can avoid getting tackled for 24 hours then the bill cannot be passed.”

Watch the viral video here:

While some citizens are concerned about the impact on Taiwan’s democracy, many found the incident amusing. “I only see things like this in movies,” another X user commented.

First uploaded on: 18-05-2024 at 12:50 IST
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