Friday 19 May 2023


Most of the public do not understand the difference between weather and climate. This gives those pushing the climate alarm narrative the opportunity to pick out an extreme weather event and use it to try and convince the public that the climate has changed dramatically, when the long term data does not show it.

Every time there is a major cyclonic event, the media fan fear of climate change and argue that human-induced emissions of carbon dioxide are causing more extreme weather. However, an examination of relevant data shows such reports to be misleading. Have a look at the data in the linked article below:

Cyclone Mocha: Don’t Fall for the Climate Bait | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT (


  1. There is a whole study on attribution of human climate change on weather.

    Attribution Science: Linking Climate Change to Extreme Weather

    Today, as extreme weather events happen more frequently, people are routinely asking if they are caused by climate change. Ten years ago, scientists would have had a hard time answering this question. Today a new type of research called attribution science can determine, not if climate change caused an event, but if climate change made some extreme events more severe and more likely to occur, and if so, by how much. There have always been extreme weather events caused by numerous natural factors, but climate change is increasing the number and strength of these events. Now, it’s possible to quantify climate change’s influence more precisely, however, determining that climate change contributed to an event does not mean it caused the event.

  2. Attributing the extra added by global warming is a highly contentious issue. Many climate expert scientists would disagree that this is possible.


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