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A melody. That is what brings Tony Stark out of his workshop and into the sea.

(MerMay 2022: Day 11 - Monster)


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Kinda like an alternate meeting to "Tony Stark VS The Ocean", though you don't need to read that to understand this. Unconnected.

Work Text:


Tony paused, and frowned.


Faintly, he heard the sound of singing.


He turned towards it, squinting in the distance. He didn’t see anything, only the vastness of the ocean.


The beautiful melody called to him, and he could barely resist.


He quickly made his way out of his house, and onto the cool sands of his private beach.


Tony stood on the edge of the sand and the sea, looking out into the dark sea. The cool water of the ocean lapped at his feet, sending shivers up his spine.


The song grew louder, calling him into the sea, but he resisted. He couldn’t just jump into the water, he would drown. 


He stumbled, the music calling him forward, but common sense keeping him still. He dug his nails into his skin, leaving crescent shaped marks behind. 


It took all of Tony’s willpower to stay put, and to not jump into the sea.


He bit his tongue, forcing his legs to walk away.


The further he got from the sea, the harder each step was. 


He stopped, digging his toes into the sand, taking a deep breath. He would not go into the sea, he refused .


Suddenly, the singing stopped.


He frowned, confused. Why did it stop?


He turned around, staring into the sea.


“My, you’re a strong willed one.”


Tony jumped, eyes darting around towards the voice. His eyes focused on where the voice came from, a man.




The man smirked, laying his face on his palm, “You resisted my magic, I wonder how ?”


Tony shrugged, “I’ve always been strange.”


The man hummed, flicking his… tail(?) behind him, “Still, none have resisted me before.”


Tony grinned, “Performance issues? It’s not uncommon, one out of five-”


The man hissed, literally hissed , “I am above you, human , and I am not affected by your ailments.”


Tony held up his hands in surrender, “Okay, okay, I get it. Do compare you to humans.”


Tony paused, lowering his hands as he unconsciously had been walking towards Loki. He gripped the fabric of his pants, trying to stop himself from walking closer to the man.


The man, who Tony was mere few feet away from, tilted his head, “You are not completely immune to my power, how curious.”


Tony swallowed, mouth suddenly dry, “Yeah, I guess.”


The man leered at him, and Tony inhaled sharply, “I like you.”


Faster than Tony could react, the man grabbed his leg.


Tony yelped as he fell to the ground, sand kicking up around him, and getting all over him.


“Hey!” He yelled, but the man ignored him.


The man continued to drag him into the water, the grip on his ankle tight.


Tony inhaled sharply as the water hit him, chilling him to the bone. He took a deep breath as the water came up to his chest, preparing himself to hold his breath.


As soon as Tony was completely under water, the man turned back to him. The man shifted his grip on Tony’s leg to his torso, holding Tony’s close to himself. Tony felt his face heat up, he has been having sex for years , why was being chest to chest with a merman making him blush?


The man grinned, making something in Tony’s stomach flutter. What was wrong with him?


The man rushed forward, pressing a rough kiss to his mouth. 


Tony leaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the man. Unsurprisingly, the man was a great kisser, maybe even better than Tony.


The man leaned away, and Tony groaned; they had just started!


Tony sighed, and froze. He was breathing, underwater .


It snapped him out of his trance, “What? How?” He just talked, underwater. Oh my god…


The man grinned sharply, and Tony gasped. The man’s teeth were sharp points, and his formerly pale skin was blue . He felt the man’s sharp claws dig into his back, and his rough skin uncomfortably rubbing on Tony.


Tony stuttered, fear curling in his gut, “You’re- you’re-”


“‘You’re, you’re’,” The man mocked him, “I’m what , a monster ?”


Tony nodded quickly, fear stilling his tongue.


The man laughed, "You wanted to kiss me, yet now you cannot speak. Is my appearance that disturbing?”


Tony paused, looking, really looking , at the man, “I mean, you do look somewhat like a horror movie monster, but you’re still kinda hot.”


For the first time since Tony met the man, he was shocked, “I am a siren, a monster . By the Norns, I was going to kill you! Yet you call me attractive?”


Tony’s eyes widened, “Wait a minute, kill-?”


The man interrupted him, “I am a man-eating monster! And you still wish to sleep with me! Why ?”


“Uh, I mean you're still attractive and stuff, and a really great kisser,” Tony frowned, “But can we please get back to the man-eating stuff?”


The man rolled his eyes, “Worry not human, I do not feel like eating you.” The yet went unsaid, but Tony heard it loud and clear anyway.


Tony shrugged, pushing past his uneasiness, “I mean, I don’t know how’d we have sex. Since, y’know, you have a tail, but kissing is always there.”


The man was still in a state of shock, “I still do not understand.”


“Do you need to?”


“I would like to.”


“Guess we’re at a stand still.”


The man hummed, again, “We are. Well, I suppose I should tell you my name.”


Tony raised an eyebrow, “I guess I should tell you mine too. I’m Tony- well, Anthony Tony Stark.”


The man smirked, “ Anthony , I like that.”


Tony shivered, “Well, I go by Tony-”




Tony stopped, “Huh?”


“My name,” He said helpfully, “Loki.”


“Well, Loki, nice to meet you.”


Loki laughed, “Hello as well, Anthony.”


They stared at each other, with no idea where to go from there.


Tony glanced up towards the sky, “I guess I should go back home.”


“Yes, I suppose you should,” He said discontentedly.


Tony glanced back at Loki, who seemed upset, “You don’t want me to?”


“No,” His voice was like silk, “I would rather have you here, with me .”


He felt the same lust he had a minutes ago come back, and he shook his head, “Yeah, though I think we should put down some ground rules first. No using your magic siren-lust power on me, okay?”


Loki pouted, “Fine.”


“Second, no eating.”


He shrugged, “Fair enough.”


“Third, you are going to explain everything to me.”


He raised a brow, “That is an… unusual request, but I suppose I can make it work.”


Tony nodded, satisfied, “Okay, now can you bring me back to the surface?”



Series this work belongs to: