Sunday 4 December 2022


This is the real reason why our electricity price is going so high (aided by Putin's war). 

The Tories’ Wind Power Delusion–Matt Ridley | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT (


  1. THe world will be going to mainly intermittent power and storage by mid-century, Overproduction of RE will be used during low intermittent production along with other means such as energy efficiency, long distance transmission, local power consumption managed at the home and industrial level.

  2. Meant to say overproduction will be used for storage during low intermittent production.

  3. But what about the huge cost? If electricity remains as expensive as it is currently we will all be permanently a lot poorer. Everything becomes more expensive. This is what is happening in the UK and California.

  4. Renewable energy is actually cheaper than fossil fuels. Levelized cost of energy of renewable energy is very competitive.

  5. I don't believe that is true, but even if it was there is still the issue of intermittency and the consequential need for back up or huge storage. That is why it is so costly.

    1. Your cost thoughts don't include the climate damage. The warming of the oceans today and for the past 100 years is from man made global warming. That damage alone is in the trillions if we don't change.

  6. This notion of "damage" is speculative. There is no evidence of any actual damage, let alone that using wind and solar energy will have any effect. But the increase cost is real and will be felt by all of us now and in the years to come.

    1. Sea level rise is already baked into the future warming of the earth from our GHGs. 3 feet of sea level rise is absolutely certain. We cannot stop that. Most of the mega cities of the world are within 10 feet of sea level today. That will require abandonment or massive amounts of sea level walls built. That is just sea level rise alone. There is plenty of other harsh possibilities that will also tally up. The discussion is extensive and long. Any subject you want to discuss on this, I'm all for it.

      1 Observed and future changes in temperature
      2 Weather-related changes
      2.1 Rain and snow
      2.2 Heat waves and temperature extremes
      2.3 Tropical cyclones and storms
      3 Weather-related impacts
      3.1 Floods
      3.2 Droughts
      3.3 Wildfires
      4 Oceans
      5 Ice and snow
      5.1 Glaciers and ice sheets decline
      5.2 Sea ice changes
      6 Wildlife and nature
      6.1 Ecosystems on land
      6.2 Marine ecosystems
      7 Tipping points and irreversible impacts
      8 Health, food security and water security
      8.1 Health
      8.2 Food security
      8.3 Water security
      9 Economic impacts
      9.1 Economic inequality
      9.2 Most affected sectors apart from agriculture and fisheries
      10 Impacts on societies
      10.1 Displacement and migration
      10.2 Conflict
      10.3 Social impacts on vulnerable groups
      10.4 Human settlements
      10.5 Especially affected regions
      10.6 Possibility of societal collapse


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