
Yubi's Adventures



The free pack is out and ready for you and your crew!

Download everything you need to venture to the Acron post and find out what happened to the research team that has yet to return.

Want to see it rather than play it? Our friends at UGT Show got you covered!


Through the battered portholes of the brig, you catch sight of the edge of your destination. The island is all hard stone and sharp edges. Its many soaring rock arches and sinkholes catch the water that falls from above, as well as other stranger kinds of debris. This water in some places flows in pitiful trickles over the edge, but is mostly trapped in fetid pools, lakes, and swamps. Although you can tell that in the open Ariel above there would still be daylight, down here things are dim.

Picture this: you're on your way to prison and the only thing on your mind is escape. Every guard, piece of equipment, and door becomes a potential obstacle or ally.

But what if the prison itself was the ultimate challenge? Welcome to Boneyard, the island where forgotten prisoners go to rot.

This place is no ordinary jail, it's a sprawling, treacherous terrain with lakes, mountains, caves, and even its own capital city. It's no wonder why adventurers can't resist the call to explore this forbidden land. However, don't let the beauty of Boneyard fool you. The inhabitants are not to be underestimated. Sure, there are some kind souls who will lend a helping hand, but for every one of them, there are just as many robbers, pillagers, and bloodthirsty maniacs out for their next victim. This is not a place for the faint of heart, but for those daring enough to take on the challenge, Boneyard awaits.

Firefern [Red][Herb][Hot][Bioluminescence] Q2

The crimson leaves of these rare shrubs emanate real warmth, and their constant shivering brings a dancing flame to mind.

One of the many plants found on the island, this particular shurb not only likes to hide small creatures, but can also be used in a number of different recepies -

  • Use it for bombs [Hot]
  • Make your own whisky [Red][Hot]
  • In a potion recipe to create glow-in-the-dark affects [Herb][Bioluminescence]

Or just use it as a campfire to cook! The possibilities are many!

The system of sentima: Sundered wilds was created to facilitate endless creativity, not only for what you can do with the many plants and mushrooms, but also what you choose to build with the many body parts you will have access to *wink wink*. Crews that venture here will not only be encouraged to craft their gear but also their main mode of transportation.

In April we will be dropping our free testpack! It will contain all you and your brave gaggle of explorers will need to try out your wings in this exciting world.

  • Playrules
  • Set of playable tribes, including proffessions
  • One shot campaign, including NPCs and landmarks
  • Map of the island.

Follow us here or on Twitter, join our Discord (where you will also be able to look for players) AND sign up to be notified!

Can't wait to see you there!

Yubinger Firebox

What is better than a weapon in each hand? A third one attached to your bum! Wasps are one of the many playable tribes players will soon experience in the upcoming setting of

Sentima: Sundered Wilds

A wild and unforgiving world, best suited for the brave explorers who are looking at combining their creativety and injenuity to solve problems their way! Where crews will be investigating and researching places and things that they then will be able to gather, combine and use to get out of the many sticky situations that will arise.

Follow and make sure to sign up to get notified - Weekly updates on Lore, Art and upcoming Testplays packs


Look at all these delicious body parts ripe for the picking! These here bones and sinews will make the perfect ingredients for energy-infused consumables. And this hunk of flesh? It'll make for some mighty fine armor once it's properly enchanted. Let's not forget about these claws, fangs, and pincers – perfect for crafting some of the deadliest weapons you've ever seen.


But that's not all, my friends! These eyes, ears, and other organs will make for some top-notch items - you can even infuse them with Energy! Oh yes, my little mining cart is going to be full to bursting with loot that we'll turn into some of the most valuable and powerful items around. Let's get to work, my fellow explorers, and make the most of these bountiful body parts!

Research - Gather - Craft - Survive


Midnight Mushroom [Green][Mushroom][Herb][Leeching][Fever-inducing]

Although these dark-dwelling mushrooms are safe to eat if properly cooked, they are quite dangerous while alive, rapidly draining the energy of anything they can sink their hyphae into to fuel their growth. Farmers must wear protective clothing and keep their distance when working with these mushrooms, but they are a convenient crop, easy to double or triple in.

The tags help Explorers combine ingredients to create new and exciting consumables, items, weapons, armour or what ever (depending on how generous your Trail Guide is feeling :P )

Research - Gather - Combine - Survive!


Ah, you there! You fancy yourself an explorer?

The Rooted outpost is a magical wonderland nestled high up in the misty mountains, where the inhabitants grow their homes from seeds and live inside giant, hollow trees or comfortable buds hanging from branches. The Sepia Market bursts with life and color all year round, while the Betula Tavern is the gem of the district, built inside a hollow tree with a black-and-white trunk and large branches. The Caddina Quarter, with its mossy archway and plant tapestries, is the perfect spot to enjoy the slower pace of the Bloom. Don't miss out on the adventure and excitement that await you in the Rooted!

Our wonderful In-Island healers <3

Follow and sign up to be notified! We will soon be dropping our trailer and AND the free playtest pack!

Experience with our own 3d20 system or with a 5e/PF Monstermanual


Have I got a tale to tell! This is the story of a land like no other. A place where danger lurks around every corner, and adventure is waiting at your feet. But if you've got the guts and the smarts, there's treasure beyond your wildest dreams to be had.

This is a place of floating islands, energy storms, and insectoid tribes that'll make you shake in your boots. But that's not all, my friends. There are ruins to be explored, artifacts to be discovered, and enemies to be vanquished. And let me tell you, the loot is worth it. If you're brave enough to face the challenges, there's no end to the riches you can acquire. But beware, not everyone is cut out for this life. Only the toughest survive in this harsh, unforgiving world. So, what do you say? Are you ready to take on the adventure of a lifetime? The rewards are waiting for those who dare to try

Free playtest pack to drop soon!! Experience with our own 3d20 system or with a 5e/PF Monstermanual


Ever wondered what it would be like to play as a mutated insect? Ever wanted to explore an unforgiving setting full of weird plants, mushrooms and bigger than life Behemoths? Of course you have! That's why we are are soon releasing the amazing world of Sentima: Sundered wilds - where you can feel uncomfortable yet at home <3

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