“If there’s no climate emergency, there’s nothing to be concerned about. If it’s not that big of an issue, then there’s no reason for the scientists to continue being funded. If there’s no use for all these bureaucrats to, quote unquote, manage the crisis and come up with these policies that they want to implement, then they’d be out of a job.” — Chris Martz

In Episode 434 of District of Conservation, Gabriella speaks with meteorology student and rising climate thought leader Chris Martz. Chris chats why he is interested in weather/climate issues, if climate change underpins all natural disasters, how to challenge the climate crisis narrative, and analyze Professor Bill McGuire’s crazy climate culling statements and the new Monmouth poll showing diminished support for prioritizing climate change among 18-to-34 year olds. Tune in to learn more!

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Connect with Chris Martz and follow him on Twitter

Bill McGuire’s crazy climate culling tweets

Pew: Why Some Americans Do Not See Urgency on Climate Change

Climate Professor Thinks We Should ‘Cull’ the Human Population to Reach Emissions Targets

Monmouth Poll: Climate Change Concerns Dip


Credit: Twitter.com/ProfBillMcGuire