I had to say something.

Washing twice a day is bad for your skin UNLESS you lotion without drying off first; otherwise, NO LOTION means your skin gets dried out which is bad and can make your skin flake or crack A.K.A. dry out.

Showering Daily: Is it necessary? (Harvard)

How often should you bathe? (Healthline)

Vaseline should be treated like lotion; it’s designed to keep moisture in but people can be allergic to it, like Neosporin or Aquaphor since it is the base for them—it is a petroleum by-product that does not agree with everyone. That is OK.

Vaseline FAQs (Direct from the brand)

Aquaphor vs. Vaseline (Healthline)

Reddit: Lanolin Vs. Vaseline (since Lanolin comes from sheep, you can have an allergy to it)

For lanolin, I use it in place of Neosporin like moist wound therapy. I find my children and I do better with it. This is just my family. I recommend testing to see how your family and you handle lanolin.

It does not HAVE to be Shea butter or coconut oil based lotions. Any lotion works. I’ve tried it. Cerave or a similar brand lotions work well and tends to be recommended by doctors from my personal experience.

It is OK not to smell “sweet” (good) or have a smell at all every day. Not having a smell is ok too.

Image Source: https://pin.it/5FlD2oU

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I have no medical training except for first aid and CPR. These are from my personal experience and/or what I’ve read—valid, verifiable links of information provided.

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