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That smiling face when she sees things clearly

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u/CryptoNoobNinja avatar

I worked in an optical shop and there was this one young boy with a strong prescription who we got setup with Rx swim goggles. The parents were trying to teach him how to swim and he would freak out in the water. It turns out he loved swimming but he couldn’t see where the edge of the pool was so he would panic. Once we got him setup with the goggles he was good to go!


How do you know what prescriptions to give the kid though?

We uses a retinoscope that shines light into the eye and reflects off the retina. We measure it by how the light moves when reflected and try to neutralize the movement by holding different lenses (their prescription) in front of their eyes. - 4th year optometry student

Why don't they do that for all ages?

Why do I have to choose between two fotos that are equally bad but differently bad when they measure my eyes?


Because your a big boy and big boys have to make big boy decisions

What if it’s an optometry secret and they already do this? However, asking the patient gives the illusion of choice; that way people can’t be mad at the optometrist since they were given the “choice” 🤔

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I laughed entirely too loud at this.

u/Reelix avatar

I almost messed up the prescription of my glasses since the letter looked worse with a better lens since the glass I was looking through was starting to fog up.

I would have MUCH preferred a fully automated system....

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They do. At least at my dr.

My dr knows my prescription changed after i sit at this machine that shines a light in my eye.

Then i sit in the chair and read the letters and he already knows about which one i will need and i just choose which looks better.


Some stores are using autorefractors now.

I have amblyopia in my right eye, so when I went to the optometrist and used the phoropter, I couldn't ever get the right prescription for my right eye. I had glasses but I would immediately get headaches because my prescription would be wrong.

I noticed my vision was getting worse, so I went to a new glasses store that had a autorefractor. They measured my prescription perfectly in 10 seconds and I walked out of the store 40 minutes later with better vision than I have ever had.

EDIT: The machine I used was called an autorefractor not a retinoscope.

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They do! Then you pick which one is better from there to narrow it down. It's more accurate to do one or two, two or three, three or four.


Sorry, I'm Danish. It's how we spell it here

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u/SomewhatNotMe avatar

Now how are you supposed to get them to sit still and look where you want to test it?

u/Chewcocca avatar

Leg irons

Maybe that X-ray acrylic tube but with a hole cut for eyes

u/Baial avatar

The pig-o-stat?

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Fuck i need that, i have Meares Irlen syndrome so its borderline impossible to figure out my own prescription through those shitty comparison tests. 30 minutes through trying to see what letter is on the 3rd row and i just say fuck it and chose a random prescription.

Glasses cannot help with my visual processing, but it would be great if i didn't have blurriness on top of it.

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u/melaesser avatar

They use special drop to stop the focus or they have a tool that show a reflection that result to a prescription

u/neverelax avatar

Well they should use that on me, ‘cause I SUCK at telling what’s better or worse and usually end up with a crap prescription.

Same here. The last time I had new glasses made, I ended up hating the prescription because everything was blurry.

I went back and had them put my old RX in the new frames. Fortunately, my vision isn’t that bad and has barely changed in 20 years.

If you look at the hot air balloon in the machine they do this and then have you fine tune for a better one.

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u/fnord_happy avatar

Hot air balloon

ballon bad

u/Pitiful_Mixture7099 avatar

I did this test for the first time last year.

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Iirc they use something similar to the normal "read the letters" chart but with simple shapes or animal outlines, for toddlers. Dunno about for infants.

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We do a little snorkeling and were going on a trip to the Caribbean and was looking forward to seeing the sea life for real!!

Except - I knew it would just be a garbled mess for me as I needed a strong prescription at the time.

Talked with the folks at the dive shop and they said they could send the goggles to California to have the prescription placed into them! It wasn't cheap but OH MY GOD! Everything was so BEAUTIFUL when we snorkeled! So worth it!.

Talked with the folks at the dive shop and they said they could send the goggles to California to have the prescription placed into them! It wasn't cheap but OH MY GOD! Everything was so BEAUTIFUL when we snorkeled! So worth it!

Couldn’t you just wear contacts and wear regular goggles? Seems like it would be MUCH cheaper.

Yes, but I hated contacts and did prescription dive goggles as well.

It was close enough for my dad's prescription that he borrowed them to go to St Thomas and was the first time he snorkled and could actually see the fish nearly perfectly in 60+ years.

Then I complained that I had these fancy, really nice glass dive goggles but now I have LASIK and can't use them and my mom was magic and pulled out the original non prescription glass lenses to put back in fifteen years later.

One of my exes couldn't use contacts because of allergies and apparently this isn't that uncommon.

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u/IXdyTedjZJAtyQrXcjww avatar

This is a good way to get an eye infection and go blind and/or need super strong antibacterial/anti-fungal/etc eyedrops in your eyes every hour of every day for several months.

mayo clinic link for keratitis

The rare version of this (which is the one that really screws you, and requires months of severe medical intervention) is Acanthamoeba keratitis. It only affects 100 people out of the Unites States each year. But when you're upping your risk factor by swimming with contacts, and not just swimming with contacts but also swimming in a lake/ocean instead of a pool filled with chemicals... Your chances of being one of those 100 idiots is pretty high.

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u/CryptoNoobNinja avatar

That sounds amazing! I wear my contact lenses under my mask but Rx’d goggles would be very cool.

My other favorite story from when I worked at the optical shop was about the Optician’s mother. Her prescription was around -14. The problem is she grew up in a small rural village in China and actually didn’t know how bad her eyesight was until she came to North America. She got her first pair of glasses at 30! With -14!

I imagine her reaction would be kinda like the baby here.

So glad she was able to to see clearly !! It is a gift! :)

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I had no idea swim goggles existed, I literally can’t see two feet in front of me

u/CryptoNoobNinja avatar

They have prescription everything now. Squash goggles, ski goggles (or goggles made to fit over glasses), we even sold reading glasses for people applying makeup which looked really weird. They had one lens that flipped back and forth.

That’s a win!

u/heavynewspaper avatar

My full-face respirator has a prescription glasses insert for if there’s a chemical leak. Glasses pop the seal and contacts could be contaminated (but it’s not much of a concern). They look kind of like Bubbles’ glasses on a spring. Work even paid for them (about $150 for the frames, plus lenses).

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I was shocked when I saw them in the movie Notting Hill, and never believed they exist irl!

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So wholesome ♥️

u/SaltyShawarma avatar

Question: I can't see without my glasses. Everything is colorful blobs. I had Rx goggles when I was a kid. About five years ago I borrow some non Rx goggles to swim in a river. I could see perfectly with them! I've never needed Rx goggles again. I thought no one did. Under what conditions can people with a prescription see in the ocean (or any non rhyming body of water)?

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THERE ARE RX GOGGLES?!?! Where has this knowledge been all my life?!

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Aww the look of surprise... "ohhh it's peoples"

u/Judazzz avatar

"Those blurry blobs have.... features?!?"

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I need a loop of this, and the one where the baby gets a hearing aid, and maybe the one with the his in class getting "colourblind" glasses...

Just loop through the absolute joy for maybe a minute...

Every morning... Get up, hate the world right now... see the little loop of joy... Face the rest of the day knowing some things are worth the effort.

Oh man those colorblind glasses videos get to me - somehow especially when it’s an older man who puts them on and suddenly tears up and has the same face as this baby at the same time. I can’t fathom what it must be like.

u/Reelix avatar

Given how long they're meant to take to adjust (Minutes, not seconds), I do often wonder about the validity of those videos....

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I know a guy who faked it for color blindness glasses.

His girlfriend bought them for him and they didn't do a thing for his type of colorblindness and they also sometimes need a little bit of time to work because your eyes and brain have to adjust the input, so to speak.

He faked it and was like, wow all the flowers and plants and sky! Knew how expensive they were and didn't have the heart to admit they didn't work. Didn't realize until later there was a trial and refund period and felt really bad and was stuck using them as his only sunglasses.

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making a Flipdaddy's the first thing they see clearly will prepare this kid for disappointment

Out of curiosity from reading this comment I decided to check out the menu. 61 items on it. 17 different appetizers. You can’t be good at anything with that much on the menu.

u/xenoterranos avatar

sounds like an Applebee's reskin.

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Not great huh? I was expecting the opposite.


Who expects greatness from chain restaurants?

Didn’t know it was a chain.

It's barely a chain. They have 4 locations.

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u/Invisible_Target avatar

I know it’s a baby and all, but you’d think they’d pick somewhere nicer for this

u/StoCazz avatar

Get over yourselves

I mean, realistically the first time would be, yknow, at the doctor’s office.

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I feel like this is a commercial for Flipdaddys.

u/Clawless avatar

The logo perfectly framed within the camera for the entire duration.

while the child wasn't framed perfectly

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u/billcosby23 avatar

I’m so skeptical of every video now, that’s exactly what I thought. Maybe it’s the cynic in me…

u/gulpyblinkeyes avatar

This video is definitely one that it feels right to be skeptical of. Why would the parent have the baby awkwardly in the bottom half of the screen while perfectly framing the logo instead of just pointing the camera at the baby?

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Well if I ever see on it might even work on me.

They just went bankrupt unfortunately 😞

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If that were my kid, I’d have him fill the frame and centered. Just sayin!

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I love that he basically starts with hell no. Don't put that on my... wait. What is this? Wow. That is what my mom looks like? Yay! Wow. She is so beautiful. Everything is beautiful. Look at it all! Who knew?

I got my glasses in grade one and had the same reaction haha


I got my fist pair of glasses at about 18 and I remember just looking at the trees like wow I can see every leaf???

I really don't think that people with natural 20/20 vision truely appreciate seeing in detail

No they dont

I 100% do. As soon as I hit my mid 20s my eyesight started sharply declining. Now have to wear glasses whereas before I only wore them for maybe night driving. Tbh I never wore or needed them and my fam would joke and call me eagle eyes. My astigmatism is getting worse and worse every year. I used to be better than 20/20. I can’t even wear normal contacts my astigmatism so bad. I miss the eyes I had as a kid and a teen. I squandered that shit so much. Now I should wear them but the eyestrain is so bad I end up almost blacking out from headaches. I am always shocked when I put them on and suddenly everything is like crystal clear.

u/IntegralCalcIsFun avatar

Even just updating my prescription is an amazing feeling. Turning lines from slightly blurred to crisp always feels like I'm seeing for the first time.

u/NEWTYAG667000000000 avatar

I do. And I show off to my sisters about my vision.

Damn! How can I differentiate between a black dot and a black ring from so far away?

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u/spooky_butts avatar

I think this is most people's first memory of glasses. Seeing leaves

So funny but true! I was amazed in elementary school! Just walked around in a daze looking up at the trees. Very memorable.

Leaves and rain. Freaking magical!

Mine was walking around Costco and being able to see details in the ceiling.

u/SwimmingDoubt8725 avatar

Wait haha, that's my first one too with glasses, age 16. Crazy!

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My eyesight is "fine", my prescription hasn't changed in 20 years, and until I got older and started getting migraines at work I never saw the need to buy glasses.

Then, maybe 5 years ago, I basically got told by my boss that I wasn't allowed to keep taking breaks for migraines if I didn't get glasses (not officially... Just more a dressing down).

I bought a pair that weekend, and spent maybe an hour walking around town on the virge of tears... Everything was so sharp, the colours didn't bleed into eachother, everything was brighter... I realised then (and only then) that there really is a noticeable difference with HD video, I had just lived the first 30 years of my life or whatever in standard def, and not noticed.

My husband and kids joke about “being able to see in HD again!” whenever they clean their lenses. Also whenever they put their glasses back on (waking up, after showering, etc).

Yup, it's definitely like that for me.

Quite a few of my family (out to uncles, cousins etc) have always worn glasses, and I knew people in school with them... But they all basically couldn't see without then (probably like this kid tbf)

For me it really is just the difference between SD and HD. But it still shocks me sometimes if I've not had them on for a few hours.

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u/cynicaldotes avatar

thats funny my one friend did the same thing when went to get her glasses at around the same age lol

Trees were actually magical when I got glasses around age 12. Didn't realize how bad my vision was. Couldn't read street signs either until I was very close to them before glasses and was confused how people managed to follow the rules of the road.

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I had the same reaction at 14.

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This repost never gets old for me.

‘Whoa. Look it that… and wait, look it that over there! Cool!’

My baby daughter has been in glasses since she was 7 months old. There's been such a marked improvement to her mood, her ability to play, her interest in colors, and in people's faces. She's also just happier, and I think she was getting headaches straining her eyes to see, which resulted in evening meltdowns.

It's also impossible for strangers not to coo at her or tell me how cute she is when out in public. Only downside is she tries to chew on them.


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They couldn't see properly

I noticed at 4 months that she was more crosseyed than my older child had ever been. It got worse when she was tired, and best way I could describe it is her eyes didn't look aligned. Sometimes it seemed like one was open wider than the other. She also didn't respond super well to screens or people's faces when they were close to her.

At her 6 month pediatrician appointment, they did a preliminary vision test which said she was farsighted. I said there was more to it and asked for a referral to an opthalmologist. They can basically do a baby version of your average eye exams and were like "we thought you might have been an overly concerned mom, but no, you're exactly right. farsighted astigmatism and cross eyed."

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Serious question, how do they go about testing a baby’s eyesight? I mean, it’s not like they can tell you that one is clearer than the other.

They use a tool called a retina scope to measure the angles of a light beam reflected onto the retina.

The commenter below sort of had the right idea with analyzing the pupils with a penlight, but that only gives a rough idea that the pupils dilate properly. To get a prescriptive measurement for glasses, the optometrist is going to be looking at the retina which is all the way in the very back of the eye

u/grillednannas avatar

Measuring the response of the pupil (the black center part of the eye) by shining a penlight in the eye is one way to test an infant’s vision. Ability to follow a target. The most common vision acuity test in infants is a test to check their ability to look at and follow an object or toy.

Okay, that answers one of my two questions, how about this…why do they wait until they’re at a damn FlipDaddy’s to try them on???

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My son was a few months old at his first appointment. His ophthalmologist dilated his eyes (with what I assume was a stronger dilation as normal, as I had to put drops in his eyes the night before his appointment, two hours, one hour ... And I think half an hour? before his appointment.) The doctor then used a combination of lenses and his light to get the proper focus on the retina to determine his prescription.

Things got a bit less involved as the boy's gotten older and can tell the doctor what he can see (though even before the kids can read letters they have special charts with shapes for the younger), though he still gets dilated often.

There's a fairly decent description here, and it mentions the problem that had brought me to bring my son in in the first place: trying to focus through his extreme farsightedness causes his eye(s) to turn in severely.

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My heart melted 🥰❤️

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“Oh I’m in a bar!”

This has been reposted for years, I wonder how old this kid is now.

u/penguinontherocks avatar

From the date on this news article I'd say she's probably about 6 years old now.

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I dont normallyncare to watch babies but o have to say that smile warms my heart it is so cute

...I just now noticed this is in a restaurant?

A lot of parents will remove the glasses during car rides. Kids tend to rip them off when bored.

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My daughter got glasses at 9 months and she just couldn’t get enough of everything around her. She just kept looking around in total awe, then would smile at us for a second before continuing to drink everything in. Love these videos of babies in glasses.

Awwww shes loving life, gorgeous girl!!!

I’d love to get a then and now of this little girl since she should be about 20 by now.

"...y'all are a lot uglier than i thought"

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What a sweet reaction

u/reganmcneal avatar

I feel so bad for babies with glasses, but my god if they’re not the cutest damn things.

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Hearing the giddy happiness in the voices of the parents never gets old for me.

I love to see a look of pure joy, that beautiful little face!

u/Branoch avatar

How do they figure out a baby's prescription?

Thais is just super adorable, im so Happy for her

Reminds me of the first time wearing contacts: everything became three-dimensional in such a different way than wearing glasses!

How do they determine if she is near or far sighted?


A serious question though.. how to ophthalmologists figure out the prescriptions for babies since they can’t figure out the Characters on the table or even communicate properly?

"Prescriptions for glasses can be measured in even the youngest and most uncooperative children by using a special instrument called a retinoscope to analyze light reflected through the pupil from the back of the eye."

My son was a few months old at his first appointment. His ophthalmologist dilated his eyes (with what I assume was a stronger dilation as normal, as I had to put drops in his eyes the night before his appointment, two hours, one hour ... And I think half an hour? before his appointment.) The doctor then used a combination of lenses and his light to get the proper focus on the retina to determine his prescription.

There's a fairly decent description here, and it mentions the problem that had brought me to bring my son in in the first place: trying to focus through his extreme farsightedness causes his eye(s) to turn in severely.

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What an absolute treasure!

Omg I’m in tears!🥰

Still gets me everytime too


Literally me when I clean my glasses for the first time in a week and then go look at some trees outside

Keep this video forever and when she feels down show her that beautiful smile and happiness.

u/whiteneedgrow avatar

Can someone ELI5 how babies make appointments with their opthalmologist?

They have these servants called "parents" who do it for them.

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”Look at all the craft beers they have!”

u/spookymantha avatar

Babies with glasses are soooo cute. They look both like a baby and a senior citizen at the same time.


As a Senior Citizen, I have to say that... is pretty accurate, really.

Now, git off my CyberLawn, whippersnapper!

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Awwwww that's fucking amazing is what I just said outloud

I will forever upvote this. I live it so much.

u/jcwitty avatar

That coaster in her mouth though. 🤮


u/jcwitty avatar

She had the coaster from the table in her mouth at the start of the video. Might as well be licking the bathroom floor. Oh well, build the immune system I guess.

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I can watch this all day.

She looks so smart! And so damn cute!

Someone please pinch her cheeks!


Ancient ancient repost

u/worstsunday avatar

That baby’s first clear visual is at Flipdaddy’s 😅 very cute!

It r/aww not r/baby stop putting it here


While it is adorable it's also concerning that more people need glasses and in younger ages than before.

u/Muschka30 avatar

Is there statistical evidence supporting this?

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pretty sure a lot of people need glasses

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How many more times will this be reposted?


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r/ihavesex fuck outta here, weirdo

I see nobody has a sense of humor here.

Nah, you just ain’t funny.

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Also, thank you. I shall keep this comment and read it every time I try to interact with reddit. Reddit is fine if you lurk. But if you try to interact in any way... This is what you get. Get the fuck outta here weirdo. That's just perfect. Thank you kind stranger.

That's what you get when you make a weird comment about sex on a cute baby video, you fucking moron.

You couldn't just scroll. You couldn't just down vote. You had to go and get personal. You WARRIOR!

I am now shaking in my moron boots bro.

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What did the original comment say?

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Fuck you too bro

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Oh my gag, my heart exploded with that gummy smile

u/NashvilleMstrEngnr67 avatar

Well that is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen!

You know given their growth to come and my experience with glasses causing pressure marks, what risk do they pose?

Those particular glasses are incredibly flexible and are a rather soft plastic. (Miraflex is the brand. My son used to wear them, but he's old enough now that he prefers the more grown up styles and doesn't need the incredible durability of those anymore.)

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Aww cute

usually when getting glasses you have to do an eye exam so they can figure out your prescription, how do they do this for little babies?

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Anyone who has glasses knows that when you first put on a new RX everything looks strange and distorted, kind of disorienting for a little bit.

That’s not my experience at all. Everything snapped into place.

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shirt don't lie



u/Tankmin avatar

"Ah ah ah. You didn't say the magic word. Ah ah ah"

I love this.

kid be like yee, got them swag glasses on lol

u/Holyshit247 avatar

That smile 😊 how damn cute 🥰


so sweet...made me smile


u/kr4v3n avatar

That's a cute kid!


It's like she really wants to say her first word at that moment... but she can't yet