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I'll smash this moo's head... with love

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u/SheriffComey avatar

The cow's like "Uh so how does this game work?"

i am the sheep - you ready, cow ?

am gonna smash! i'll show you how

am backing up . . . need running room...

now here i come..... am gonna zoom! almost head i bend ! gettin scare??

. . . . . . . . I love you, friend!


u/apt2014 avatar

This is the best one ever. Describes it exactly.

I love it.

u/h77wrx avatar

How are you so good at this?

No one knows how they SchnoodleDoodledo it!

u/mgerics avatar

...indeed, schnood is the best

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I have not seen you in ages! I felt lost without you.


Schnoods is always active tho!

I’ve seen them mostly on 2nd level top comments. This is my first time seeing as a first level top comment

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and that is how the schnoodledoodle do.

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u/Chroniclian avatar

That is how a sheep play!

Maybe I think it is trying to teach the cow how to play with it or just a show of affection.

I used to work in a farm where alpha male would headbutt every employee in the farm (except me, I sidestep dodge his charge then proceed to slap his belly once, and he never try to charge at me again)

u/megatron36 avatar

My friend had a pygmy that would do this. The farm vet said it was a sign of affection. He would always try to do it to me constantly. One time I did it back. After a few stitches and a good 20 minute daze for me and the goat we never did it again.

u/Brief_Buffalo avatar

My father would affectionately punch his sheep. Well he more like offered his fist and some resistance. You could see the shockwave in his arm. I thought it was cute. She would follow him around and pretend to headbutt him but she only ever touched him when he had his fist ready.

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u/Dark_Trout avatar

You're the Alpha now!

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u/BOBfrkinSAGET avatar

Aww, lil boop

Happy Cake Day!

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u/Leoninator123 avatar

Oh my gosh I am never leaving this post

u/BigDededeeznutz avatar


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Sometimes relationships require some tough love...

u/LeDandilus avatar

God Damn I’ve seen at least 5 other people with it today


Happy 🎂 day


Thank you!

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I once saw a video where this ended very badly for the cow. It was pretty upsetting 😢. I had to check to make sure I was on r/aww before I watched this.

u/trip6480 avatar

Is a sheep head harder than a cow head? Seems the cowhead is much larger

Think about it: sheep/rams are designed to hit their head as a way to defend themselves. Cows have no reason to have thick skulls.

The aforementioned video does NOT end well for the cow.

Have sheep and had a cow, can confirm -> ded

u/IstDasMeinHamburger avatar

Yeah man, (s)he dead. I'll try to find the video but not sure if it's the right sub to post it to, even in the comments haha

Edit: all I found was this weird horizontally stabilised version, but it will do: Video

u/trip6480 avatar

Wow. That's is sad. Didn't take much for the cow to go down :(

u/IstDasMeinHamburger avatar

Yeah...quite the sound it made

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u/StarVarianth avatar

Them’s fightin herds

Every time I see this I always expect the sheep to absolutely brain that cow.

u/glurz avatar


nice repost

u/Gandalf_The_Junkie avatar

Couldn't even wait 24 hours.

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Hongi! 🇳🇿🖤🇳🇿


Bah-by was trying for the Dirty Dancing lift but got scared

u/TooShiftyForYou avatar

Sheep gave it the big windup just for the sake of the drama.

u/luvgsus avatar

Ohmygosh animals can be so funny and sweet and cute. In few words animals are AWESOME❣🙏


This looks like a game they play often. Sweet.

Don't worry cow friend. I love moo.

u/fertilised_onion avatar


Kinda dying here.

u/robertlikesgorls avatar

This is the definition of r/aww

OMG! I love this!


Stolen from r/interestingasfuck i think. Idc tho, its good anyways.

u/ziburinis avatar

It's not new, I think I've seen it here and I've seen it elsewhere years ago.

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I've Seen it before

Why does this This always get re-posted!


Top 10 saddest anime moments

u/46ghjcf avatar


u/Noja8787 avatar

I regret to inform you all that cow died later at the hospital.