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Weighing a snow leopard cub

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u/milesthe3rd avatar

It's all fun and games until he breaks out and tries to steal the dragon scroll.

u/Bondtrix avatar

Just Wushi finger him we all good

u/MJWood avatar

Oh, you know that move?

The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards

watches in distance with popcorn

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u/Cry5233 avatar

You're bluffing! Shifu didn't teach you that!

u/Horny_Prophet avatar

No, he figured it out himself

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I first read this as a kahjit slur lol

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Well everyone sees how pandas are doing so there's no need to worry. Skadoosh*

Their battle shall be legendary

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u/PurpleKrazy14 avatar

Those chunky paws!!

u/Cloaked42m avatar

And the giant beans!!!

they're so big omg i want to kiss them

That is an extremely bad idea


Shhhh just let it happen, it's natural selection lol

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He has some good toe beans

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I like how the baby lounges in the bucket.

I like how the baby is placed in the pail.

u/StrongOnHisMountain avatar

Cute yes but nobody puts baby in a bucket.


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Whoa that must be a large bucket.

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At first I thought bunch was punch

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u/Bondtrix avatar

He seems cute now just wait when he learns Kung Fu

"Finally, a worthy opponent!"

“Our battle will be legendary!”

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"Oh, you're putting me here. Good."

u/MKerrsive avatar

"Annnnndddddddd I'm in a bucket."

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It puts the leopard in the bucket or it gets the hose again.

Underrated comment right here

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He fits so he sits

Yeah that’s my favorite part

“Don’t hurt me” “Don’t hurt me” “No more!”

Fuck it... I’ll mail you all in 6 months... Pail me.

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Where do I apply for this position, I'd even take a unpaid internship.

The unpaid position is probably just kennel cleaning but you’d be surprised with the amount of animal sanctuaries there are.

u/Doomenate avatar

I hear Carol baskin Is hiring

Well accepting new unpaid interns


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I'd actually pay them to get this position

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Little dude(tte) looks like it got lifted out of bed at 04:00 in the morning, only to have a "WTF?" moment when it gets dumped into a container with a camera pointed at it.

u/twoleftpaws avatar

Was thinking the same thing. Seems probable that they deliberately chose nap time to perform the weigh-in. So freaking cute, though. :)

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It’s derpy little face is just too cute.

u/tgw1986 avatar

the look on its face makes this so hilarious to me

It's just laying there like ” hhheeyyy”

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I’d love to be as unbothered as this lil dude

Try marijuana, I feel just like him right now.

Wow what is this you say? Mary wanna? Holy sparks what is that?! Say, is it like a soda pop or more like a beer?

Don't get any wise ideas about licking your own butthole.

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It would be so hard to hold him like that without giving him any cuddlies.

I would hold him like an actual baby and rock him and cradle him in a rocking chair

To quote Baymax “Hairy Baby.”

Same.... And I never had a maternal bone in my body but I want to swaddle the little snow leopard like a human baby

Yeah and give him pets on his face until he falls asleep!

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The bebby bucket

u/the_dude_upvotes avatar
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u/Trekberry avatar

Yeah, but how much does he weigh?

u/thnksqrd avatar

Why did it take so long to find this comment???

Show us how much the fucking thing weighs!

8lbs! Post is originally from Milwaukee County Zoo!

u/Trekberry avatar

The hero we needed!

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Wow Tai Lung was hella cute back in the day

u/CaptFluffBallz avatar

So stinkin cute! I just wanna cuddle the baby!.


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Nighty nite

Those paws... Wow.


I like how he’s just like r/thisismylifenow 😋

u/Cheesybutters3 avatar

Cats are always like that if you give them enough love. You can hold them in what seems like the most uncomfortable position, and they would not only stay there, but purr so loud a jet engine would be jealous

My cat is like that when he is sleepy which being a cat is most of the time, but during high energy times, he is a squirming little demon who will give you the MOST pissed off put out look if you try to pick him up!

u/prefix_postfix avatar

Yeah if my guy is trying to do something and I'm like, "nope, I'm gonna make you do a ridiculous thing right now cause I'm stronger than you and control your food sources" he fights back. Like, I get it. I interrupted you and that was rude. But if we're just chillin he lets me do whatever. Sometimes in video calls he comes up and I try to make him look at the camera, do a wave, and he's like, "no bitch I came up here to hug you" and gets all mad until I let him HUG ME. How can I not love this thing.

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u/Cheesybutters3 avatar

My little void baby is the complete opposite no matter what he's doing, you pick him up? He will just accept his fate

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What's with carrying him out in front like that? I'd be snuggling that sweet floofy thing all the way into the scale room.

Harder to be clawed at if he gets fussy? It's how I grab my cats to cut their nails

u/FlyingTaquitoBrother avatar

Do not snuggle the apex predator

But... but... he's so smol and soft.

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That was my exact thought!! How is he not getting big snuggles and kisses?!?

I don’t think it’s allowed :(


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u/MustWarn0thers avatar

Snow leopards are hands down the the most beautiful creatures on the planet.

I'll fight anyone who disagrees, except an actual snow leopard, because if a snow leopard thinks another creature is more beautiful than itself than I can admit I'm wrong.

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u/I_might_be_weasel avatar

That was a tad less complicated than I was expecting.

u/godofbadweather avatar


Awwww!!! It's a little killing machine!

u/garrettj100 avatar

"In my country, I was surgeon. I will not suffer this indig -- hey this is comfy."

gasps BEANS!

How much did cub weigh

I will take 3 buckets please.

My foster kittens do not hold this still

u/nadjanovakovsky avatar

That's what I said! They just jump out of the plastic bin immediately and think it's playtime.

I know the trick is to grab them when they’re sleepy and weigh them but they just wake up like a spark and want to run around!

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“We talked about this Karen”

Why you put me in here??

He’s all rolled up like a pill bug awww


He looks like he wants to go back to mom where it's warm

Snow leopard is my favorite big cat.

Those little tubs are good for everything!

u/TigerKirby215 avatar

The matching face mask makes it too perfect.


Now try weighing its mom the same way

From what I've heard, this is one cat species that is not very mean at all to humans, however parents might be more active and squirmy and heavy at least.

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u/luvgsus avatar

Ohmygosh he's precious❣


This is a bucket

u/Jay_Reddit64 avatar


AUGH. My heart...

u/JustYuca avatar

He has no fucking clue what's going on. Big mood

u/satijade avatar

That cat is not amused

Those paws are clawing at my heart

I didn't even have to sits but I fits



TIL I need a snow leopard cub in my life.

One Ounce.


I want 12 of them


Rather I’d pet one.

I want to hold him! So adorable!

Even big cats are liquid


Where can I apply for adoption application ?

u/freedfig avatar

Can we get a subreddit for all the ways animals are weighed?

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How is it that this seems to be a recent video (indicated by the mask) and yet it looks like it was taken 15 years ago and then filtered through my granny's underwear?

Why are you so acquainted with the opacity of your granny's underpants?

u/prefix_postfix avatar

They help her with her laundry, obviously.

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Dumb sh*t me: I watched this for 5 mins and kept thinking this cubs getting bigger, how much longer is this video? Clicked on it and realized it was a loop🤦

Did you mean a snowball leopard?

Those are some huge paws for a baby!

Look at the size of dem paws man! Killers


I wish reddit didn't make this 144p

u/rudranil avatar

Damn! You didn’t show the weight!

u/triforce777 avatar

It's just slightly confused but not really wanting to oppose this, like "Alright, I guess this is my life now."

u/Whyzocker avatar

But how much does it weigh??? Wanna compare to my pup

I read it as club and imagined a group who got together on Sundays to do this and then the gif looped and I read it again




God look at the size of those mittens!

I think he looks nice

He has a “wtf is going on, Linda?” face lol

u/DayzCanibal avatar

5 more lbs and it's off to Joe exotic!

Baby tai lung

u/madhouse15 avatar

It’s gonna grow into them paws.

u/missganjalot avatar

Exactly how I look when someone decides to weigh me

I’m not saying I want one... I’m just asking how much to buy one

Nice paws.

People always commented on my Great Dane's paws when he was a puppy, but this guy has him beat!

The size of those paws 🐾 Gonna be a big kitty

u/uglyHo5711 avatar

Big baby beans !!!

u/CataclysmDM avatar

Yep seems pretty straightforward.


Dammit, Becky, I was sleeping!


Anyone know where this was at ?

“Scuse me, mam, but wtf.”

u/elguapomexitaco42 avatar

That little son of a biscuit!

Oh those paws...

u/NightOwlsUnite avatar

He gives her a look like he hates her😂

u/tippysweet avatar

Dollar Tree bucket! Very cute little guy!

I maybe small and cuddly now but I am going to be eating my Wheaties and grow up big and strong and kick all your asses.

That was easier than I expected


"Paint me like one of your French girls"

u/Swarthykins avatar


u/JunglePygmy avatar

Well....? How much did it weigh?!?

I wanna play that little guy!!!

u/GeneralG5x5 avatar

Bring him to me!

Now he's just a Bucket Leopard.

u/dantefierogwa avatar

those paws tho

Ahhhhhh the “if I fits, I sits” tactic.

u/SteinFanXL9 avatar

I thought she had cats in her mouth.

"Wtf, Karen?"

u/blondepeoplesuck avatar

I need this job 😍

u/LulahP avatar

Hey all you cool cats and kittens

u/rainbowsanddicks avatar

The cub's face says "what are you doing to me? Well if it fits, I sits." Lol

u/levitationbound avatar


Just plop into the bucket, good kitty.

u/bboycire avatar

Where are you taking me? I'm scared... Where are you ta.. OK this is fine

Kitty in a bucket! I want the Bucket Kitty!! This is so cute!!

<(owo)> _)S

The visible confusion

u/derpPhysics avatar

Oh my GOD how can it be SO CUTE

u/dingwyf avatar

I just got a kitten and we had to weigh her today...seeing 2.5lbs was something crazy lol. Baby kitties (of any kind) are always so cute to weigh.

⚠️ Warning⚠️ Cuteness overload

He's about to say, "Oi hooman, don't leev me!"


The print of her face mask is the icing on the cake.

I love how the caretaker is wearing a leopard mask

u/lady_baphomet avatar

I want to boop that snoot!!!!! <3

Doesn’t weighting a cub involve seeing the weight?

He's like "bitch u just gonna leave me here" lmao