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Rome loves her showers

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u/osku1204 avatar

What a polite looking dog.

u/LaylaH19 avatar

Perfect description...she does look polite!

After she’s properly dried off, she’d like to gently remind you of the leash and the tennis ball.

She'd also clean out the hair trap in the drain and wipe the bathroom floor down. Then refill the toilet paper and make the kids breakfast and make all the school lunches. Then walk the kids to the bus stop and head over to the shelter to make some soup

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Every dog acts polite until they find a dirty half-eaten slice of meat lover’s pizza at the park.

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That’s a wonderful otter you have and I love


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That looks like one happy dog!!

u/SG14ever avatar

Rome: "inside rain so warm!"


No flashies and no sky yells too!

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Rome looks like me with a hangover! 🤣🤣🤣

That was definitely me this morning

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My pup is named Rome too (play on the word roam). How did you decide to name your pup Rome?

We’re Italian and my girlfriend said Roman would be a good name and we both decided Rome felt better. She also loves to roam as well so it feels very appropriate lol.


Nico! It's your cousin Roman! Let's go play some darts!?

u/bxxxbydoll avatar

You unlocked a part of my brain that I forgot existed.

u/PM_Me_Your_URL avatar

She’s a real slime puppy

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My pup is a Husky/Pyrenees mix named Roma! We're going on 15 years of being best friends. Love to you and your ladies!

Husky/Pyrenees mix

I can only imagine the amount of fur that comes off this dog

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What kind of dog is she? She’s so cute!

Big capybara energy with that spa love.

my gut is telling me some kind of doodle. could be wrong tho

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Rome roams


Niko, let’s go bowling!!

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I imagined happy Wookie noises....

u/nostpatch avatar


u/magicsoakedinmyspine avatar

no, I heard Wookie noises, like Baby Chewie, because that ain't no dog

Respect the second E please

u/magicsoakedinmyspine avatar

What is Wookiee for mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa?

I don't know, but it's in here somewhere.

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We all did

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I wonder what dogs think why humans keep washing them?

They don't care about smell or dirt.

My pittie LOVES baths.

When we first got her she was teeny, like 12 lbs and we would bathe her in the kitchen sink.

Well, eventually she outgrew it.... but would still walk up to the sink and bark at it.

Or when you were washing dishes come up to you and put her paws up onto the counter and look at you with the saddest puppy eyes begging to be picked up and put in the sink...

u/bxxxbydoll avatar

Well let her up in the sink! Lol

She's too big!

Our house now has a large master shower that she fits comfortably in with me, so I can bathe her there.

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I have a 30 lb pit mix named Gimli. He haaaated baths at first but now grudgingly tolerates them. And when I took him to the beach it was a whole lot of NOPE!

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Gosh darn it now I love Rome

How do you prevent ear infections from this? We have a similar breed dog with long ears and hair on them and when we they get wet she gets an ear infection :(. So we have been doing many baths to avoid water near the head area.

My long eared dog gets ear infections too. I also avoid getting water around her head area as well. I try to clean her face and head with a damp wash cloth. I also use an ear cleaner in her ears after her bath that dries her ears out

u/AKA_A_Gift_For_Now avatar

This! We have a rescued pug mix and cuz pug, and allergies hes prone to ear infections. Our vet told us to use a good ear cleaner cuz they help dry out the ear canal after a bath

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When I had a dog we would put a few cotton balls in her ears to prevent the water from going in. Our vet actually suggested it and it worked like a charm!

I’m a vet tech. Just be sure, immediately after being in water or snow, you clean your pup’s ears with a general ear cleaner that contains a drying agent. That will dry out the ear canals and prevent an overgrowth of yeast (AKA an ear infection).

u/Coppercaptive avatar

Step one is making sure you groom your dog's ears correctly. There's a very strong stance for removing all hair and then another stance for leaving it all in there. Most people with water-heavy dogs, do remove it. Pull what comes out pretty easily and trim the rest.

After water time, make sure you are thoroughly drying the ear canal with cotton balls. There's also groomer powder that helps absorb oils and water.

u/Winnie-thewoo avatar

I have a v hairy dog with long hairy ears. I clean them with apple cider vinegar..he’s never had an ear infection though many of his breed do regularly 🤞🤞🤞

u/MyMateDangerDave avatar

How do you prevent ear infections from this?

Clean shower water isn't the source of an infection. Your dog picked up some pathogens elsewhere.

Not true. Moisture trapped in the ear canals can cause an overgrowth of yeast. Ear infections are caused by either an overgrowth of yeast or an overgrowth of bacteria.

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Just gotta keepem clean and really get rid of the infections once they get in there. My dog had issues for a few years but I guess his immune system finally figured it out.

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u/chiefmagicstallion avatar

Pure vibes

What does that even mean?

No one knows what it means, but it's provocative!

u/Hergryn avatar

It gets the people going!

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Pure. Vibes.

Happy energy? I haven't actually looked. I'm too old for this shit

u/new2bay avatar

I tend to opt out of any conversation that requires a visit to You’re not alone.

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u/addicted2skooma avatar

Enjoying the moment, having fun, care free, being cool af, good energy

u/this_1_was_taken avatar

It means literally nothing

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What a sweet beautiful doggie. Is she a poodle?



I have a 12 week old labradoodle, she also loves those showers. Have you found Rome sleeping in there? I’ve caught the puppy 3 times this week in the tub 🥺

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Took me a second to realize he is a dog not a seal ☺️

That's good. I'd hate to have to fight a wookie just to get them to take a bath.

You'd lose that fight. Wookiees hate baths. Ask big z.

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u/Swysp avatar

my name is Rome

i liek to soak

my fur so soft

and colored oak

dey say I crazy

to get all wets

but it okay

cause hooman pets

u/DT02178 avatar

Best way to shampoo your dogs.

u/M3dal avatar

I can almost smell the video <3

I think your dog might be part capybara.

Me in the shower lol

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What a good girl, Rome. I love you

u/cheekyroseybuds avatar

Same, Rome. Same.

Adorable but that bathroom gonna be drenched if they don't pull the curtain over before he shakes himself dry.


Dogs are angels in disguise

u/ahhhhhhhhyeah avatar

I was really hoping for a cute little howl to make this a Chewbacca sighting

RIP that shower drain

Goldendoodle is a very low shedding breed.

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u/epoof avatar

Spa day!

Hilarious and cute ❤️

He looks like he’ll be content to just sit there until you make him get out :)

Looks like a beaver, a very cute one

u/LunaBearrr avatar

A woman after my own heart <3

Happy cake day!

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the look of bliss at the end


Just look at that smile :D

u/njf85 avatar

Looks like she is about to fall asleep, she is seriously relaxed. So cute

Dry dog tax?

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Giving you the “please get your photo and close the damn curtain so I can enjoy the steam” eyes.

u/LemonBoi2009 avatar

Holy shit otters are legal to adopt

u/business_park avatar

Soooooo Sweet n really very polite dog

Ooo that’s a soggy doggie

As a dog owner, I can smell this :D

u/Somecrazynerd avatar

That's a seal

u/ArchAngel621 avatar

Rome needed these when Nero was Emperor.

No Rome liked its ruler.

Oh that dog is in a trance. So chill.

Me forgetting about thousands of worries and a frikin pandemic while showering ✌🏼🥲

u/aresobeautifultomeee avatar

so cute! also your shower is really nice!


Does she like her water hot or cold?

Rome looks like a very hairy (and wet) Capybara, very calm too.

Whoa you have a pet capybara?! obligatory /s

u/imalittlemonster avatar

Make sure to keep her ear canals dry!! The water and moisture can cause ear infections. Dry them out with cotton balls (not q tips) and/or clean them with ear cleanser.

Looks like a capybara LOL



She looks a little like chewbacca


My dogs could never

This reminds me of meditating under a waterfall

u/jaydog180 avatar

My french bulldog showers with me once a week. Been doing it since he was barely a couple months old. He loves it! He tried to hog up the water though. Tries to.... ;)


Me too, Rome, me too.

u/SimplyStormie avatar

Can you kiss Rome for me please?

u/Starshower90 avatar

Precious baby!

Wow this dog is so sweet❤️❤️❤️ what breed is it?

She does all her best thinking in there.

I see several comments comparing this to capybaras at a spa. The resemblance is there, and it's striking.

u/MTFMuffins avatar

Great name for a Doggo

Does she have one eye or is the other covered by floof

u/Mannabell avatar

It's Chewy's dog. He is soooo adorable...

I’m so dull, my sound was off and bc of the tile I thought the dog had a bad drooling problem 🤣

u/TheLizzardMan avatar

"Can we play now?"

Edit: I really hoped this comment would get downvoted, but it was the first thing that popped into my mind. LOL I am sincerely sorry.

u/Insert_Unique-Name avatar

No :|

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u/EditShootReset avatar

Spa day!

That is the cutest thing...

u/jkwolly avatar

Just pure contentment.

u/TeeDupp avatar

I didn’t know we could bring our seals inside..

u/Keyluver avatar

what a cutie! this made me smile!


so cute

Rome is adorable 🐶❤️

Omg how sweet 🥰

Tell your dog i love her

u/MacBetty avatar

Is she a service dog?

that doggo looks like a painting for some reason.

u/ASIWYFA avatar

This is a mood.

u/banana_runt avatar

Meanwhile, my dog acts like he’s being boiled alive.

u/ContributingCreature avatar


u/wateringtheseed avatar

Didn’t know capybaras were so chill.

u/Jtennan avatar

What a sweet looking pupper

Omg I love her

u/-Nivek avatar

Mini chewbaka

u/Just_an_independent avatar

Lol. So cute.

So lucky. My dog does not do baths

If only it was that easy

Cute dog💛

She looked bigger before hand for scale.

u/LeanaCecelia avatar

such a sweet bb

Yeaahhh... I’m not sure who loves it more.


I believe their are call public baths

u/CollateralSandwich avatar

Rome is my spirit animal. She understands my wants and needs on a deep level

u/MonadoBoy9 avatar

Cute and blessed

u/Bunnnnii avatar

My favorite Walrus!

u/stompsfootandsays avatar

that face when you want to just chill in the shower for a little longer

I wish my dog liked showers

u/pellerito23 avatar

My dog's name is Roman! I am betting you call her Romano Cheese and Romanesco Sauce too?

u/RetMilRob avatar

It must take ages to dry Rome.

Chewbacca noise intensifies


awwwwww 🥺


OP can we see her dry ?

Aww that’s adorable! She loves her tubby’s!!

Can you give her some privacy pls she is just trying to take a shower

What a cute platypus.

One of my dogs LOVES water and loves to play as soon as you pull the hose out. The other one absolutely hates it and refuses to be bathed. If I get the doggy shampoo out or even have a towel in my hand and I open the door to the backyard, he sprints into his cage and cowers in fear lol

Does she never get yeast infections in her ears when she gets fully wet like this??

I wish my pup liked baths lol


I'm gonna need one of these doggos plz

Aqua doggo

Happy chewbacca noises

u/Adrian-X avatar

love this thanks.


Is that Chewbacca?

Trogdor!!!!! Burninating the peasants 😂. Sorry dude I had to. It’s not often I see a strongbad reference.

What a good girl

Silly pupper.

Who found this pic of me?

u/literal-hitler avatar

She is so dang cute. Her face reminds me of my first dog, an Airedale mutt, who lived to age 16.

Then there's my dog who looks like a drowned rat and hides in the corner shivering


I know that Trader Joe’s acai scrub mask anywhere 👀

I think we can ALL relate to Rome right now. Nothin better than a nice relaxing shower. She is thoroughly enjoying her shower and that's awesome.

Omg! And I love Rome!

That's a weird seal


Me too Rome


What if some of the things we think our dogs like are things they actually hate but only do because they love us so much

u/iocan28 avatar

This is probably a dumb question, but what temperature water is that? I’m just wondering if most dogs prefer a lower temperature than people or not. The newfoundlands I have experience with didn’t seem to care about water temperature.

Wow, I can’t even get my dog to go outside when there’s dew on the grass.

u/L1K34PR0 avatar

Oh no

Awww! What a sweet baby!

I wish my dogs felt the same way.

My labradoodle hates showers, she always runs away when she hears the word shower

u/CrazyScienceLady avatar

I can smell this video. Cute (wet) dog though.