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Making cute little doggo cookies

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u/TOMMYNATER1 avatar

My dumbass was wondering how the stencil kept popping up to the top until I realized it was a projection.

u/relatablerobot avatar

Same, kept thinking “is the icing translucent while wet?”

u/DoYerThang avatar

I am glad it is not just me.

That's fucking brilliant. That would be so helpful!

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u/turtleassKicker avatar

Hi fellow dumbass, it is I, another fellow dumbass

I laughed out loud at your comment. Thought you’d like to know!

u/turtleassKicker avatar

Glad I could make you laugh!

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u/kajnbagoat7 avatar

Hi mate . Nice to see many of us in the comment section .

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u/tbirdpug avatar

It's still really fascinating that they're able to do the curved lines, even with a stencil (like from the top of the head to around the chin).

u/Beruthiel9 avatar

Royal icing almost wants to follow a line, if you have the right consistency. I suck and I was able to make full words in better cursive than I can write on paper.

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u/BridgeNess07 avatar

You’re clearly not alone. I kept thinking the frosting must be translucent 😂😂😂🤦🏼‍♀️

Thank you for spelling this out. I came to the comments to find out what type of cookie magic was happening here. I should take a nap or something!

Right? It's so clever!


God I feel like like a complete idiot. But at least I’m not the only one.


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Hahahaha oh my that's precious

Oooh lol I was hoping there would be a comment about how that works

My brain at 7am: what kinda sorcery is this? 😯🤯

Ooooooooooh... right.

It took me too long too lol

I was so confused as well I thought it ‘‘twas some special bakers magic.

I didn't realise it was a projection until I saw your comment.... Wow.....

You're not alone... It wasn't until they adjusted the cookie that I got it.

I, too, am an idiot.

Saaaaaaame lol!

I’m glad I wasn’t alone.

Ahhh thank you for this. I never would have figured it out.


Mind blown. Seriously.

I though it was magic

I still haven’t figured out what they used for projecting?

u/Methebarbarian avatar

It’s called a kopycake. It’s expensive af but it’s how the pros get consistency

u/TOMMYNATER1 avatar

As a kid I had a toy projector that would take these orange discs and project outlines for me to sketch. Imagine something similar.

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We are all dumbasses on this blessed day.
[edit] typo

Omg me too!!


I didn’t realize until they started filling the brown/orange.

u/vfernandez157 avatar

Me too! I couldn’t figure out what it was. 😂😂

Now our brains can be dumb times 2. Unlimited dumb! I didn't realize until they accidentally bumped the projector a little

Our* dumbass

Me too!!!!

Well i didn’t realize until you mentioned it

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I shouldn't be surprised if it cost $5 per cookie

u/Belgand avatar

And they taste exactly like undecorated cookies.

While the designs are impressive, I honestly prefer a cookie without an inch of icing on top.

u/Belgand avatar

And I prefer an inch of icing without a cookie under it.

Well I don't agree with it but God damn it I respect it.


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Sounds like a marriage proposal to me.

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With your power combined! You will... split the bill.

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Oh boy a nice snickerdoodle is divine. Sugar and spice.

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And that's on the cheap side.

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u/Kittishk avatar

That's really clever! Is the image projector an actual thing, or something you came up with and put together on your own?

u/Sterling_Thunder avatar

It's a thing, still neat though

u/DoYerThang avatar

It's an EXPENSIVE thing!

I have no idea why they’re so expensive! I like doing this kind of decorating and I could also use one for putting templates on fabric for embroidery, but I can never justify the cost!

u/innit2c avatar

My wife uses a pico projector for cookies...cheaper and when I asked her, she doesn't think a kopycake would make much difference.

u/Binsky89 avatar

Economics of scale.

You could easily get a cheaper pocket projector and a small tripod.

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I own one! They're called Kopykake projectors. They are an investment but they are awesome. My only frustration is making sure my arm doesn't block the damn projection when pipping!

Waaaa! Now I want one!!! 😭😭😭

u/Binsky89 avatar

Just get a Pico projector and a small tripod.

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u/Methebarbarian avatar

I know, right? It’s the dream.

Surely these cookies sell for enough to get your money back after selling 1 batch. I can't imagine them being cheap.

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u/Kittishk avatar

It is indeed a very neat thing.

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Yeah I require this for embroidery, stat.

Looks like they plugged the projector into a PC and threw that image into Microsoft Word.

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If you sold these in a bakery they'd have to be like, $5 a piece to be worth the time and effort. Idk, maybe a pastry chef could make them fast enough that you wouldn't have to charge an arm and a leg, but then you're paying a pastry chef so probably not.

Source: am regular chef.

u/Bustable avatar

Yeah, my wife makes them and even at that price it's more from love than making much money

u/ChicagoGuy53 avatar

Yeah, maybe if you had a plastic mold so you could just pour in the blue, brown and white in then just do the little details by hand it'd be realistic. Could probably cut of 50% of the time per cookie

A lady I know charges me 1.25 per cookie, and they are more complicated than these. Last party were Super Mario characters

That means she's giving them away for free and trying to make enough for the ingredients. Deff not worth the time investment.

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u/Methebarbarian avatar

The big names price them based on size, intricacy, and colors used. This cookie is honestly simple and small (though adorable). You should see the insane stuff people do though. So I doubt this one would be $5.

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I could watch this all day, it's so fascinating

u/silencioyou avatar

Ditto. There should be a subreddit for this.

u/acciophilautia avatar
u/silencioyou avatar


I was completely expect that to be a non-existent link.

Amazing. Thanks!

Oh my goodness, thank you for posting this!

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Not when the face is off-centered

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I couldn't even do the outside border without dripping down the side. Damn impressive skill.

This kind of hurts my hands watching this. That's a lot of icing bag squeezing.

u/Frickety_Frock avatar

Question, when making a lot of these, can you do one color or pattern on every cookie before swapping colors, or does it all have to be somewhat wet for texture?

You could probably do all the blue first because that had to be dry before you do the face. It looks like the orange and white of the face need to be done around the same time so they blend decently well. But you could probably do four or so in one color and then go back and do the other one.

u/Frickety_Frock avatar

I don't know much about baking but if you can't do it systematically then I can really appreciate the time that many would take. Cause as soon as I thought "yeh but let me see you make like a hundred of those". The video immediately showed like a tonne of them lol

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You have to flood the base layer first on all cookies. If you don't you'll blend the flooded layers together, though that is sometimes a desired effect.

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And that is how you make a $22 cookie :)

Hahaha, I wish!! My customers balk at my price tag of $3 a cookie!

Oh hell no I would definitely pay $3 for that level of detail.

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u/ValkyrieDraco avatar

The moment I realized they were using a light projection my mind was blown.

I honestly never considered this kind of application for it.

Edit: why are you downvoting me? I'm legitimately surprised it could be used for cookie decorating. I don't bake so I don't know the techniques people use for stuff like this. I always assumed they just eyeballed it.

I want to eat those cookies

u/right---left avatar

How does that icing stay so perfect and doesn't mix or move?

u/Ec76215 avatar

People who have steady hands amaze me.

Credit goes to Lisa He of Borderlands Bakery (@borderlandsbakery on Instagram). Her feed is full of amazing cookies and macarons. I have bought many of her recipes and merch.


only takes 85 years to make a dozen

These are cool and well done, but I wouldn't want to eat that much icing. Too much sweetness for me.

u/JasonMomoasScrunchie avatar

Nice! I love the projector idea

Is there a sub for food decorating videos?

If I had the right tools

Are there special cookie projectors?

u/Radioactive-Bunny avatar

Yo know how painful it would be to make all of those.

Stunning! I am soooooo bad at icing anything.

u/pandabunnybird avatar

That is really cool. (Could you make a cat version of that too? If not or if you don’t want to, that’s ok).


Is this a particular kind of frosting that is so liquid? Does it have a special name?

u/Methebarbarian avatar

Royal icing



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This should go on r/oddlysatisfying as well

That light is really cool. Keep up the good work.

u/Sethmeisterg avatar

That's the steadiest hand I've ever seen.

u/blueflamestudio avatar

What is projecting the image onto the cookie?


Damn... lol I can't barely make rice and grilled chicken. This kind of video actually humiliates me, not gonna deny it. Some people really have talent for making food in a crazy variety of ways. But hey, at least my rice is not sticky, it looks ok

....So you're a tracer?

u/Elike09 avatar

Using common everyday items like a plastic bag and the overhead projector every household has you too can make pretty cookies.

u/VikingBattle avatar

What type of protector is this? I've never seen cookies done this way. Such a good idea

So much sugar

Goddamn imagine having that much patience

u/Hdhe23 avatar

I’m making this a religion...all hail the Shiba cookie


Will probably grow mold before I grow strong enough a heart to eat it

u/n0oo7 avatar

There has to be a bot that does this

I can’t believe you managed to keep your hand that steady for that long if I tried my hand would keep shaking.

This is like machine precision...

u/TheNoobThatWas avatar

The projector is a really cool idea, I might have to try that

I've always wanted to decorate cookies.... Do they let the icing dry before adding a new layer on the top or do they just carefully do each layer while the one below is still wet and just let it all dry together?

u/coolmathgameslegend avatar


u/stowaway36 avatar

Maybe I'm uncultured but I'll never understand making something I'm about to chew up and swallow all cutsie


The amount of patience it mustve taken to make all of those that perfectly

I've watched this at least 10 times in a row, and it is equal parts impressive, mesmerising, adorable, mouth watering, and relaxing.
Where can I see more of this type of activities?

These are so cute.

That is adorable.

Oohh!! I need me one of those projectors!

The amount of detail and patience and skill is amazing and deserves so much respect

Oddly satisfying

3D cookie icing machine?

u/drakner1 avatar

Wow you make that look easy!

What’s the stencil or is it projected

So how do I get into this profession?

u/TypicalCraft7 avatar


Damn, never thought of that option... thank you man :)

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u/londyhans avatar

Who needs 3D printing when you can do this

u/yeetyeettown avatar

I need more of this

These would add a nice accent to my bathroom wall

Looks great especially after dinner

Ummm thats a foxo


I hate shortbread.

That's a dog. Fucking 12 year old speak.

I dare to eat it

u/Marrow620 avatar


Are you a printer, posting as a human?


u/kerby007 avatar

Doggo biscuits anyone?

All I kept thinking was who the hell has time for this?


Little did we know the cookie is made of dog it’s a true doggo cookie

What is this, draw the rest of the fucking owl?

All of you just restored faith in myself! My god I felt dumb!

u/AngryMegaMind avatar

Isn’t that a cat...?

Edit: I’m getting downvoted for thinking a biscuit that looks like a cat.....which looks like a f’king cat. Jesus, have you people run out of things to complain about.

u/KnowDunnyBlowsEther avatar

It's a shiba inu.

It's most likely a shiba inu

I'm afraid that was my thought. No snout.

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I waited for something aww the whole time. It's cool, its oddly satisfying, it's even a cute cookie, but it's now awwwwww. I know you will all downvote.


Damn that’s tedious

u/RedBeardBruce avatar

All that work and it would take me about 2 seconds to eat one!


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No it isn’t r/aww is for cute things about anything

What the "F" do you know. Many people would not think this is posted in the correct sub. It's people like you who harbor the behavior and encourage it.

Yes we encourage it because we think it is aloud to be on this sub

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Cute biscuits


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Like... wow someone copied a stencil!

Should I be impressed at a child coloring a coloring book?

Wow you filled in all the shapes!

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I disagree with your disagreeance

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That is so much work for one damn cookie. Did you charge $5 each just to break even?

That'll be $14.75 for one, please.
