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When you just hanging out and being weird together

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Parrots start out as a blank slate. Happy and peaceful.

Then you spend your life teaching it as many bad habits as you can.

So then when you die, your relatives are obligated to take care of it and it annoys the hell out of them. And that's why they exist.

Exhibit B:

u/zbeezle avatar

I can't remember who exactly, but I remember reading about a President who kept some kind of parrot type bird (Andrew Jackson, maybe). Anyway, he died before the bird, and the bird had to be removed from his funeral service because it would not. Stop. Cursing. Like that fuckin bird had the mouth of a sailor mixed with a drunk teenager.

Came here to say this, but you beat me to it.

It was Jackson, and the parrot was an African grey named Poll

When O.P dies, her parrot gonna scream Wwhhgghhhggee...infinitely.

Yes, but a very cute moose, make all the boy moose go “WWHHGGAAAAHHHH!!”

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u/xSTSxZerglingOne avatar

Okay...that has to be the best name for a presidential pet.

"What does the Poll say about me?"


"You damn right."

u/rhymeswithmonet avatar


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'People were “horrified and awed at the bird’s lack of reverence.”'

u/iforgotwhatiforgot avatar


I long to have such extreme emotions about a fucking parrot.

I love that image. I can imagine Jackson's ghost, sitting off in a corner, just laughing his damned ass off. Love him or hate him, I am sure Mr. Jackson had no patience for pomp, circumstance, or otherwise reverential attitudes.

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i feel like that bird was probably expressing itself and knew its friend had passed.

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u/scarletnightingale avatar

Do they like to start at 4:30 like the one at my boyfriend's house? Stupid bird... I love birds, they are hilarious, I've had birds, I even like mockingbirds because they are such characters. I do not love constant yelling outside the window at 4:30 in the morning.

I don't know where the bird gets the energy and how it doesn't go hoarse. I swear he will sing for 6-8 almost non-stop.


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u/scarletnightingale avatar

Again, I like them, but man... with that one I had to insist we sleep with the window closed. Summer's going to be interesting. Don't sleep because of the heat or don't sleep because of bird.

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I used to have Vivaldi's Spring as my alarm in high school and one of the mockingbirds in my neighborhood learned it. Even after I went off to college that mockingbird was still singing it when I came back home.

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u/BobRoberts01 avatar

There were mockingbirds at the college where I did my master’s work that would stay up all night imitating the beep-beep noise from locking car doors. Made the inevitable all-nighters that come with grad school pretty unbearable.

All the mockingbirds in my area imitate foxes. You know what the fox says?



I would love nothing more than to take care of an annoying parrot from a recently deceased relative

Edit: ITT parrot gatekeepers and morbid stories


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I've told this story

Worked at a pet store in highschool and the owner had two macaws she'd gotten after their elderly owner had passed. One day I was opening and walked in while it was dark and the male macaw was moaning "help me, please it hurts. Please someone help me."

So...if you do get a parrot from a recently deceased relative make sure they didn't die around said bird cuz you may relive their last moments forever....

Dear god that would be traumatizing

Or maybe that wasn't their last moments but just the last thing the spiteful old bastard taught their swearing chicken.

Lol that's a hopeful thought

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u/Mudkip_paddle avatar

Jeez that's so haunting and sad

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Some of those fucks (love em) can live for decades. So it might be cute to hear "fuck me papi" for a day, but for 30 years.... well ok you sonovabich I'm in.

u/mces97 avatar

Believe me, they're fun to visit, but taking care of them is really like having a 4 year old. For decades. My friend has a 30 year Senegal parrot. Over the years my family has watched him when they went on vacation. Birds are extremely needy and need attention, interaction. You can't just like give it some toys and leave it alone. And if they are talkative, you got over that real fast when you're around one 24/7. It's a very rewarding pet, but it requires huge effort.

You can adopt me and when I die you can take care of my cockatoo

u/ManicWarpaint avatar

Oh sweet summer child, have you spent more than 5 minutes with a parrot?

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I would love nothing more than to take care of an annoying parrot from a recently deceased relative

Make your own luck, visit r/dexter.

If you're serious, go to a bird rescue and see if they have any older birds! That's how I got my parrot - adopting an adult rescue parrot is the way to go. The rescue got lots of older parrots from recently deceased folks whose families didn't want the bird. If your elderly relatives don't have a parrot for you to inherit, someone else's elderly relatives do!

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Dang I wish my cockatiel would be this playful.

He's older and I've been working with him for a year, but he's still distrustful and doesn't allow any handling at all. That and he only really screams or sits quietly :/

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u/HanselSoHotRightNow avatar

I'm not sorry about what this guy has done at all.

u/zheil9152 avatar

Cockatiels are awesome. I couldn’t ever own one though. They sing far too much.

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u/cdc194 avatar

I had the pleasure of meeting a 60+ year old quasi senile Amazon named Jake. Jake was calm and collected, he lived in a book store back in the day so he'd occasionally say "buy a book." He also would say "good bird." But oh boy, if you showed him a treat he'd instanly go nuts. Pupils dialiting and contracting "BUY A BIRD, GOOD BOOK, BOOK A BUY, GOOD BUY, BIRD A BIRD, GOOD A GOOD!"

As someone who inherited a parrot, I can attest my mum was hilariously potty-mouthed, and she had a fine choice in companions.

So like a really petty horcrux?

u/Snaz5 avatar

I love birds... theyre the smartest dumbest animals.

u/Shaibelle avatar

Goddamit. My conure does this too.

Notice the post you linked is the same u/ as OP?

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I thought my grandparents were the only ones with that cup. That’s wild

I think everyone’s grandparents have that cup

Those are the kind of cups you see full of 7&7's at the Canasta table while meemaw's getting a little loose.

u/lynivvinyl avatar

Woah, those are some old words.

Canasta is the safe word.

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This is my favorite sentence in a very long time.

This is my husband’s favorite sentence now. Because it’s TRUTH. Thank you for reminding us of his Meemaw!

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u/Barnhard avatar

Not a super crazy phenomenon actually, if you think about it. Back in the day, there were far fewer versions of mass produced goods. I bet there are a ton of examples of things like this among current grandparents. I know everyone had that same digital alarm clock a few decades ago.

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My parents have that! To be fair, they are grandparents too.

u/broadened_news avatar

I drink everyone’s grandparents from that cup

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my parents had a set of them, tall and short. they were my favorite for dunking cookies. clicked the comments and upvoted cause cup.

u/nikcaol avatar

My parents had them too! I remember they had kind of an odd feel to them, but I always liked the way they looked. Think they got rid of them before their last move.

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They were given away free in grocery stores. The only way we got new glassware around 1970.

That’s what my mom was telling me. She said they didn’t have a Walmart or normal store back then just go and get glassware

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World market sold some like this a few years ago

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u/905woody avatar

Have not seen those cups since the 80's

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"mom the neighbor is doing that stuff again"

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u/lynivvinyl avatar





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Warhammer 40k Orks go Waaagh! lol

Honestly fantastic phonetic spelling there m8


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u/DrainYourDamnPool avatar

If there was ever a video that shows that goes on in my head...this is it.


u/DrainYourDamnPool avatar


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My dad adopted an African Grey parrot that was the companion of a biker club guy who passed. That bird had a mouth on him, I swear. His name was Harley, naturally. It took a long time to get him to stop greeting us as "Motherfuker."

ahaha straight out of a joke! I am glad he came around :)

It was pretty annoying but in retrospect it's really funny. They're such smart little dinosaurs lol

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Cherry headed conure or mitred

u/woopepos avatar

I never owned a bird and always wondered, do they poop randomly or if they're cages like chickens do?

they just poop randomly, small and frequently, poop balls usually come out with thumb-size tissue paper very easily as they don't stick.

When you figure out their favourite spots to hang out, you can lay cheap newspaper to those spots to throw away to your garden, plants

u/TehGuard avatar

Mine doesn't ever shit when laying in bed, once out she will lay the biggest bird shits you've seen

yes if you tell them off and they choose to listen they won't poop in certain spots.

But listening is completely optional on their part!

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The rest of the time, the poop comes out half pee, so it's a green-staining ooze on whatever. Mine are mostly potty trained but still. My life is full of bird poop.


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oh the good old carpet bomb tactic!

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Mine are potty trained and usually don't go in their cages (even though I've tried to get them to, but my training isn't as strong as the eldest bird's training of them was). They need to go like every 20 minutes so if they're not trained and flighted, they go wherever they are. Mine almost always fly to a poopy place to go.

They can be potty trained! Mine will only poop on her specific perches.

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u/Gil_Demoono avatar

I think I saw this guy fight Greymon a while back.

u/Rheukala avatar

Cotton headed ninnymuggins

Looks like a mitred to me! I've got a cherry head, he's smaller than this bird with a different facial structure and different red markings.

u/smellytongues avatar

That's Tally and he is a mitred conure...and loud at times.

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Most people: taught their parrot to say hello

This girl: weeaaaggghhhh

ahah they say whatever they please to say my friend

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u/bubbabrotha avatar

I like this much more with sound on.

u/lynivvinyl avatar

Well yeah. Otherwise it's just "Cup" "Cup?" "Cuuup"

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u/theflashsawyer23 avatar

I love how it hesitates for a few seconds and then gives in to the weirdness like WURRRR

no hesitation, just camera shy

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Cherry-headed or mitred? I used to have a mitred conure, he would've done shit like this with me.

u/smellytongues avatar

He's a mitred and is almost 4 years old.

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Pavlov’s screaming cup


Finally some good fucking content

I used to have a Mitrid Conure. Very smart and fun birds. But he would call me a stupid asshole all the time ☹️

was he wrong?

I just wasn’t living up to his expectations apparently.

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Didn’t expect her voice to be there like that

I was at a grocery store last year, and I heard what sounded like a baby or a kid throwing a bad tantrum at the back-end of the store. I remember thinking how hard is was for the poor mother to be shopping. And then I started hearing wolf-whistling noises.

When I reached the other end of store, I saw a girl with a large black bag in the shopping trolley, and she was apologising to everyone passing her. When I walked past her, that's when I saw the large parrot in the black bag. It was a really nice shopping experience, which I am sure made a lot of shoppers happy on that day.


Is no one going to talk about how freaking beautiful she is??

That red eyeliner contrasted with her green feathers is amazing!

I love the momentary bird side eye.

"Wait. Ok... What are we doin?"

u/SayKronkAgain avatar

Honestly this is what it’s like being the mom of a 2 year old. I get to be silly all day 🥰

ahaha I bet it is more fun :D

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If anyone tells you animals have no sentience, and are just clever robots, show them this.

who even says that? Clearly, they haven't met a parrot, goose, bear, cat or octopus.

Magnificent assholes of the animal kingdom

It seems that most animal behavior science of the 19th and 20th century has had something like that as an underlying premise.

Basically something like: "Humans are the only intelligent/sentient beings--we have something special--and if you think you see that thing in an animal, you are projecting."

I was flabbergasted when I saw actual scientific studies with the (OMG!!) amazing conclusion that dogs experience jealousy. This was in 2014 and treated as some kind of scientific news!

Pretty much every dog owner/lover everywhere already knew this, obviously.

Also there's the whole trend (I don't actually know what I'm talking about---but 19th century?) of naming bird species after their tiny brains...

More recently, it looks like the science world is a bit less human-ego-centric in its evaluation of the sophistication inherent to other species.

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u/RobinHood21 avatar

People don't say animals lack sentience, they say animals lack sapience. Which is true with a couple possible exceptions.

u/ask-me-about-my-cats avatar

*We assume is true. The tests used to study animal sapience are heavily biased.

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I am LOVING all the birb content lately

u/_BKom_ avatar

That’s y’all’s “getting along cup”

That fucking woke up my sleeping girlfriend. Thanks for that 😑

your gf

You’re welcome!

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u/Haggisboy avatar

Two birds one cup.

When you’re the best of friends do dooo do

Fcuking golden. Time well spent.

You two would drive a drunk person sober.

Teaching the ways of REEEEEE I see.

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It could only be better if she drew those eyebrows on the bird, too.


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u/Escipionsk1 avatar

That can be said to have a great time, enjoy it ...

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Animal people: "Parrots are incredible animals, they can learn a multitude of words and phrases!"

This bitch: "WEEHHHHH LOL"

u/YnrohKeeg avatar

Completely off topic comment, but HOLY CRAP, we had those exact same glasses when I was a kid in the 70’s. I’ve never thought of them in 40 years (because… why would someone ruminate on their childhood glassware… that’s just weird), and seeing that just gave me a massive nostalgia dump. It’s entirely possible I drank my first non-baby-bottle drink from one of those.

u/rbm11111111 avatar

Is that a red crowned amazon?

u/thinkroymaldo avatar

I wish my double yellow head had a little more character like that but I’ll just be happy he’s happy.

maybe he is shy and yet to open up :)

u/thinkroymaldo avatar

Nope he’s a little 💩and wants what he wants and if I’m busy and he doesn’t get enough attention from me he lets me know by biting me. But he loves to travel all we have to do is move the carrier and he’s ready to go.

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I really like this 😊

Not only can they learn/imitate the sounds humans, but they can also copy different environmental sounds. This proves it

u/PocketNicks avatar

That looks like fun, if only birds were real.

u/MarianoKaztillo avatar

That looks just like my grandparents parrot that dissapeared many years ago, he was very loud but I liked him, I still have one of his feathers as a memory.

u/trashytamboriney avatar

The video froze on my phone around the three second mark, where the bird is just staring blankly after the first human "whhheee!". I didn't realize it was frozen for at first and I thought it was just 5 seconds or so of the parrot staring at her like she was absolutely batshit crazy. For some reason it make me giggle.

That’s awesome!

I love how your friend puts their entire head into the cup. Like, almost to the bottom!

This girl and bird are my type of weird I love it. If you change the sound will the bird change too?

u/flazedaddyissues avatar

I love this bird/owner duo. (Although I think it may be her parents' bird and she plays with him.) His name is Tally and she taught him to say "I'm a banana!" in reference to the banana boat song :) Her instagram is @/birb_borb

"Come, missa Tally, man, tally me banana..."

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What type of bird is it ?

u/just_a_friENT avatar

Red masked conure

why is this controversial?

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It's always a trip seeing someone that has the same cups

Those eyebrows are.. interesting.

That is adorable

u/Phartidandshidded avatar

I just thought about how getting baked and playing with a bird would be the best time

Dream girl/dream birb

u/Unique-Reddit avatar

Haha i love this video keep up the weirdness (also give that bird scritches he/she deserves it.)

u/Nickel1117 avatar

Lol we don’t deserve parrots xD they’re too good for us.

u/zeergood2bwU avatar

nonverbal communication - passed.

who'll be first to pass the next level?

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u/woopepos avatar



Kindly cross post to r/parrots

Red-masked conures are one of the most sophisticated talking conure species.

Dude I’d love to do this when I’m sitting alone and my friends are all 2k miles away.


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u/TaterButter avatar

This needs to be cross posted to r/parrots!


This is amazing

u/ThyiaMountsParnassus avatar

Can you believe, I have the exact same cup set!!! Also this is freaking adorable

So cute

u/_knightwhosaysnee avatar

This is my favorite

u/dagui12 avatar


Lol! The look in the birdys eye, I have a blue/gold macaw I love my parrot.

This is awesome!

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u/TheKokomoHo avatar

Yeah but weeeeaghhh

Relationship goals.

I love birds! It is so cute hahahaha

You kinda look like Emma Langevin


When your pets understand

This made me laugh so hard my cheeks hurt.


u/szpider avatar


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Thats what pets are for, so you arent weird alone