Alaska Glacier Melt And Sea Level “Rise” Add Further Embarrassment To Climate Alarmism

Regular NoTricksZone contributor Kenneth Richard tweeted about an inconvenient 2013 Live Science showing that the Medieval Warm Period was as warm or even warmer than today in the area of Juneau, Alaska.

Recall how in 1990 the first IPCC report featured a temperature chart (right) of the last 1000 years, which inconveniently showed the Medieval Warm Period was warmer than today.

Activist scientists than declared they had to get rid of the embarrassing Medieval Warm Period and so had it replaced by Michael Mann’s notoriously flawed “hockey stick chart” in the 2001 third assessment report. They claimed the 1990 chart was indicative of only the North Atlantic region, and not the globe.

Today, though, we know that there are hundreds of papers out there confirming Medieval Warm Period was indeed global, and not just a local phenomenon.

Trees under Alaska glacier 

Kenneth’s tweet features a 2013 Live Science article on how an ancient forest had been exposed “for the first time in more than 1,000 years.”  by the thawing of Alaska’s Mendenhall Glacier near Juneau.

Firstly, Alaska is not located in the North Atlantic, but the North Pacific, so warmer conditions did in fact exist beyond the North Atlantic 1,000 years ago.

Climate propaganda exposed again

If that weren’t embarrassing enough, Live Science also claimed that the locals near Juneau were worrying about rising sea levels because the glaciers have been melting. Yet, as Kenneth demonstrates, “sea level rise” is the last thing that the folks near Juneau need to be concerned about. As the chart shows, relative sea level near Juneau has been dropping rapidly. Crazy what some media report.

Globally, coastal sea level rise as measured by tide gauges is coming in only at 1.7 mm/ year – only about half the the rate of that measured by satellite altimetry and equal to that of the 20th century.

6 responses to “Alaska Glacier Melt And Sea Level “Rise” Add Further Embarrassment To Climate Alarmism”

  1. ArndB

    How quick things can change is indicated by an observation, the English meteorologist A.J. Drummond made in 1943*). The decisive findings are as follows:
    • “The present century has been marked by such a widespread tendency towards mild winters that the ‘old-fashioned winters’, of which one had heard so much, seemed to have gone forever”.
    • The sudden arrival at the end of 1939 of what was to be the beginning of a series of cold winters was therefore all the more surprising. (underline added)
    • “Never since the winters of 1878/79, 1879/80 and 1880/81 have there been in succession three so severe winters as those of 1939/40, 1940/41 and 1941/42.”
    *) Drummond, A. J.; (1943); “Cold winters at Kew Observatory, 1783-1942”; Quarterly Journal of Royal Met. Soc., No. 69, pp. 17-32, and ibid; Discussion: “Cold winters at Kew Observatory, 1783-1942”; Quarterly Journal of Royal Met. Soc., 1943, p. 147ff.
    Discussed at:

  2. Lasse

    CO2 has nothing to do with the sea level rise .
    On the contrary!

  3. Richard Greene

    Lasse 10

    The Juneau, Alaska chart that shows up at the link is very unusual.
    Much more typical, of the many records I have viewed in the past, is the Battery tide gauge in Manhattan, from the same page, at:

  4. Nieuws 11.5.2021 - - nieuws gezondheid, voeding en milieu

    […] Orange – The woman trying to get justice for herself and hundreds of thousands of victims Alaska Glacier Melt And Sea Level “Rise” Add Further Embarrassment To Climate Alarmism Amid Drought, California Contests Nestlé’s Water Rights Another School Board Insurrection […]

  5. Ben Vorlich

    Perhaps the claim that MWP was “North Atlantic region” only might have something to with the fact more research has been done in the Northern Hemisphere. The link below shows that, but also that the MWP was global.

    Even detectable in Antarctica.

    The map pins are linked to a brief summary of the reseearch paper.

  6. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #455 – Watts Up With That?

    […] Alaska Glacier Melt And Sea Level “Rise” Add Further Embarrassment To Climate Alarmism […]

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