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This is Nacho. He likes to snuggle his teddybear when he’s sleepy. ❤️

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Omg his little paws giving the teddy cuddles!!

The tiny pats pat, pat, pat! Ah man, I was having such a bad day and this video really cheered me up.

I hope today was better for you :)

Wow, thanks for the message. Yes, today is exceptionally better. Stepped outside today for the first time in a week. Been 4 months with severe depression and today is so... I dunno... bright!

Thank you.

I’m so happy to hear that! Cheers to each day being better than the last xoxo

Hey! Just saw your post and was having a similar experience the past couple months, and this video brought out a rare smile. I hope today is another day better for you and that you remember the small victories and just take things one day at a time :) that’s my plan at least !

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He's making bearscuits

It is unbearlievable

Unbearably cute, even ;)

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Puppy haiku: “Sleepy boi routine
Moonch and cuddle teddy bear
Dream of pets and treats.”

I like it!

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Get dry mouth....

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He is kneading it! Was he raised with cats? This is adorable

u/TilTheLastPetalFalls avatar

My pup did this too! The vet explained that she was trying to stimulate milk flow, it's what they do when feeding from mum. They sometimes continue to do it as a comfort behaviour, or affection. Mine never stopped doing it, first to her teddy bear, then she paid attention solely to my breasts... cuddling her, and suddenly her paws are using me like a bloody stress ball. Adorable, if a little weird.

All my cats do it while sleepy and purring, for the same reason but I've never seen a dog do it! So cool.

u/TilTheLastPetalFalls avatar

Unfortunately it's often triggered by being taken away from their mother too early. They don't naturally stop feeding from her and therefore can't naturally grow out of the behaviour. Mine was brought to visit me at 5 weeks, they decided to just leave without her. She essentially imprinted on me according to the vet, I don't know how accurate that is but I do know I could simply say "Luna go around the other side please" and around the other side she'd go, or "No not on my knee!" and she'd put the muddy-ass toy by my feet instead etc. Maybe she was just a giant nerd and studied really hard hahaha

It is sad but happy ending, Luna sounds like a very smart pup... I miss my sweet girl, give a big hug to Luna!

u/TilTheLastPetalFalls avatar

Unfortunately I miss my smart-ass sweetheart too, long story so I won't bore you. Imaginary hugs to both of our pups ♥️

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That’s why we think my muppy does it.

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It’s a calming technique. Usually means they were separated too early.

u/TilTheLastPetalFalls avatar

I mentioned that one comment further down the thread yeah :)

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u/marbanasin avatar

My childhood dog would do it as well. Till the ripe old age of 16. Adorable video!


I had no idea dogs did that, I thought only cats did.

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u/iBeFloe avatar

Someone’s already explained this but dogs definitely do it too! Although most dogs will do it laying down & not upright like this good pup is doing, so it may not be as noticeable as kneading. My dog does it to his blankie... or mine. He doesn’t discriminate lol

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I love that he's kneading his teddy bear!

Sleepy Taps?

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u/recway avatar

My boyfriend’s dog does the same thing but with a blanket. We refer to it as “suckling” ha

u/Fauxfarmer avatar

My dog does this too, def taken from mom too soon but it turned out to be a good thing for us. He started on a big oversized moose toy and now 7 years later I dedicate a new scrap of fabric to him every so often and I say “where’s moose” he grabs it and calms himself down and usually takes a nap. For his anxiety it has been a godsend. Helps that it’s super cute too

My dog is currently suckling an oversized moose!

u/M-94 avatar


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u/laurens2491 avatar

Same with my pup! I've only seen him do it on blankets. He doesn't chew them or anything, just holds the blanket and moves his paws. According to the rescue we adopted him from, his mom was hit by a car and was bottle fed, which is why we think he does that behavior.

u/iBeFloe avatar

We call it that too. He either does it with his special baby blanket or... our blanket :/ lol

I read this as just "my boyfriend" at first and I was really concerned...

u/MediatedTea avatar

Hate to tell you but it could be a sign the dog was taken too early from it’s mother. The kneading and sucking is the dog trying to replicate the comfort of feeding from its mother because it was taken away too soon to naturally grow out of it.

u/Thrinw80 avatar

it could be a sign the dog was taken too early

Well it could be, but there’s actually no consensus, so if your dog does this just enjoy it and don’t stress about something that happened before they came to you.

Second this. I have a beagle that does this, and he was actually with his mom an extra month while I moved from my apartment and into a house.

My Labrador also does this. She was with her mother until 12 weeks old - her mother is my parents' dig so I insisted she stay until then. Then back with her when she turned 1 until 3 years old when I moved back in with my parents.

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u/recway avatar

I’m aware of that, hence why we call it suckling. Unfortunately we can’t change what happened to her before he owned her (adopted around 3 years old, she’s now 6), just trying to give her the best life she can have now.

They grow out of it, eventually. Our lab did it for about three years, and then gave it up on his own. He used to leave a sopping wet spot on the bed where he sucked on the comforter. We gave him his own and he did that too, but in his crate. Over time, he eventually gave it up but still greets us at the door with a stuffie.

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This is an excellent submission

u/stretchad avatar

This made me legit tear up. In February had an english cream golden that passed away unexpectedly due to a massive infection we couldn't treat at just a year and a half old. Millie Jean had a moose she'd just sit and doze of with in her mouth, as if it were a pacifier. This dog reminds me of Millie SO MUCH. So sweet.

I’m so sorry 💗

I’m so sorry but I’m glad she had a loving home while she was alive.

I’m so sorry! ❤️

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I watched this for ages before I realised it was looping. He's lovely!

Well that’s just goddamn adorable

u/gwynie21 avatar

He’s making biscuits too:)

And now you sleep too Teddy... forever...

Night night time



u/excitotox avatar

Aw, my old lab did this from when she was a puppy until she was an old dog at 13. The same toy her whole life. It's just so sweet.


This is the first time I’ve seen another dog other than mine do exactly this! My girl has been gone now for a few years but she lived to be almost 15 and loved her stuffed Dalmatian puppy her whole life. She was in a litter of 6 mini dachshund puppies born by c section and their mother didn’t make it they the surgery so I brought home the puppies and bottlefed them. I raised 6 healthy puppies but it was hard. That is and will be the only litter of puppies I will ever have! I always thought she got comfort from her toy because she didn’t have a mother. Brings back sweet memories for sure!

u/anonymiss75 avatar

My chi mix does the same thing with her favorite blanket! Gets cozy and gets it between her paws, then goes to town drooling on it

He Monch! zzzzzzzz

He gives tippy taps! I want to boop his nose.

Thinks he’s back with his momma. ❤️

It’s like a pacifier

Had a yellow lab did the exact same thing. Would fall asleep with it in his mouth

My pitbull does this with blankets she used to also knead them, now she just suckles them. The vet said she must have been separated from mom too early 😢

r/KneadyCats might welcome this cute fella. I think they make exceptions of the non-feline variety.

He's making biscuits like a kitty!

Awe his paws

Too cute. What a sleepy guy with his teddy

I have an orange tabby named Nacho! 👍

u/davidestroy avatar

This dog needs a saxophone plushie right now!

u/paperairplanerace avatar

My ex's dog does this tooooo! It's the most precious damn thing. He has various blankies that he does it with, and especially when he's stressed out it helps calm him. Wonderful dog. I'd never seen a dog with a nursing habit until him. How is there not a sub for this? We need an r/nurseywursies or r/kneadysqueezies or something

Whys it look like hes playing the saxophone

u/urmyheartBeatStopR avatar


I need a video of this play on repeat during work.

u/Fox_- avatar

This is adorable! My little miniature poodle can’t have soft toys at all. He’d destroy that in about 3 mins!

u/SpaceBoy27 avatar

Snuggle with his mouth


My pup does the same thing but with his blanket

u/ongoldenpaws avatar

Awe. My Cooper did the same thing. He loved his big stuffed puppy

u/casualcharles avatar

What kind of dog is Nacho? So cute!

Cutest thing I have seen!! How precious, his law is patting the teddy bear, just adorable❤️

Awwwwww I almost cannot handle this amount of cuteness!!!

When he's been bad do you call him Ignacio?

u/Jeepgirl20 avatar

He's nursing. See his feet. We had a dog do this for years every time he was sleepy. He would suck on his toy bone. A stuffed toy



Nacho is such a good name for a dog. I once had a dog who smelled a bit like nachos when she went too long without a bath. Sweet bb.

u/Lenny_The_God avatar


u/moosecity4 avatar

That's the first time I've ever seen a dog do "happy feet" like cats do!! .... ADORABLE!!

u/kairosik avatar

I just had a rough day with my ED and this made me feel so much better

u/TNC_123 avatar

Nacho must be protected at all costs!!

My chihuahua/shih tzu mix does this to a mini frog pillow pet. I know for sure he was taken away too early because when I got him he didn’t even have any teeth yet. 7 years later he’s my constant shadow and my bestest boy

u/PeridotWriter avatar

The little paws moving melts my heart

He is beautiful. Reminds me of my River dog, an English cream. Miss him so much. Give Nacho a nice boop for me.

O my gosh, my retriever does this same thing!

This might be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen

u/SnooSnapper avatar


Awww! Growing up my dog Mickey used to do this with blankets. So sweet!

u/Eolson24 avatar

I love Nacho.


For a sec I thought it said strangle . -.


my dog used to do this!

He is adorable ❤❤❤

Snuggle with his TEEFERS

I have a poodle that does this with blankets. All of the blankets!

u/Funktapus avatar

My brothers golden is named Nacho lol

Awwww one of my dogs does the same exact thing

That's Nacho teddy bear!

I would die for Nacho. What a good boy

I love him!!!💜💜💜💜

Is.. nacho part cat?

My doggo does this too! 😇


He looks like he’s trying to play the saxophone

I approve, brother.

u/campernurse avatar

One of ours does this too. She will call asleep while nursing on her bear’s nose like it is a breast. (She’s approximately 10 and was a shelter dog we got when she was about 8)

So cute ❤️

u/BrambleTheBoar avatar

Hello! Scout does the same thing with her bear.

u/EVANDANINJA2007 avatar

"This is beautiful, I've been staring at it for 5 hours"

where is OP? I have question about doggo’s shave mark on arm from blood draw or iv

It was from doing a blood test.

Oh okay. So cute! 🥰

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u/HDealey avatar

My dog does the same thing!

My dog does this with pillows and blankets

u/babefrog44 avatar

Nacho 😍😍😍

u/Birdsong2020 avatar

My Pomeranian used to do that💗

My mom's dog does this. She'll wrap her legs around it, clamp down on it with her mouth, then give it occasional harder clamp downs.

u/Lord_of_Furries avatar

Where’s the teddy bear?

My yellow lab used to do the same thing she would suck on her dolly (it was a starfish shaped fluffy toy) that we brought with us and rubbed on her mother for scent when we picked her up as a puppy... she would hold it exactly the same too. Ahh memories.

He's doing the thing that cats do

u/Shaza_bot avatar

My aunty's dog pip does this, honestly the most adorable thing ever. Or sometimes she'll grab mine or mt aunts hand in her mouth and take you to bed just to cuddle. She can't go anywhere without her teddy

u/dramallamayogacat avatar

English Cream? I have a 1-year old, they are the best.

Awwww he’s precious!

He is perfect

He is adorable!!!!

Snuggle or suffocate? 😆

u/TheMostBacon avatar

I would die for nacho

u/Maloso702 avatar

Love it! My little doggy does the same thing.


When I get a new dog I'll call him Snuggles :D


RemindMe! Two Years

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Little bit of a heavy snuggler


Awwww I’m exploding in cuteness here

Uh, a bit too bite....

u/deeLightFantastic avatar

Awesome doggo , looks so chilled out

Is that really snuggling when he has half of the face inside his mouth?

Snuggle...WITH HIS JAWS!!! XD

Beautiful, our Bernese Mountain Dog does this too 🧡

I want someone to hold me the way nacho holds his teddy

u/KVJ_68 avatar

Our boy does the same thing! Just sleeps after playing with his toy in his mouth.

u/Lulubelle1 avatar

So precious!!!!

u/clerevandin avatar

If what you mean of snuggling is chomping than you are right!

He kneed's that lil bear

My bulldog dies this

My dog does the exact same thing except not when she’s tired

u/likeabridge avatar

My dog does the same thing with her stuffed puppy that she’s had since we brought her home

u/jacksonruckus avatar

Somebody replace the teddy bear with a sax and this would look like the hippest pup on the planet

Awwwww dog biscuits!!

He's nacho average pup

u/AryayrA avatar
u/Poots_in_boots avatar

This is so precious

What a cutie!

u/konoumin avatar

So precious omg

u/deconvertedcalvinist avatar

My foxhound does this with his blanket, which he calls his “nunnie”

That's an illegal chokehold! 😡 That dog should be fired from the police force. BLM!

u/panneh avatar

Love it <3 My dog does this too!!

u/DIJ317 avatar

Aww what a good lil boy

Dang my dog just guts the toys

My bailey does this. Ive never seen another dog do it before

I love you Nacho!!!

u/MediatedTea avatar

This could be a sign he was taken from his mother too soon and he’s trying to replicate the kneading/suckling motion of feeding to comfort himself. If dogs do this it’s because of early trauma/bad breeders (unless they were orphaned or bottle fed or something similar).

u/doughnutmonster2488 avatar

This theory has been disproven many times. My dog does it, and she wasn’t taken from her mother until 10 weeks.

u/Funktapus avatar

Its true it's an example of neoteny (retentions of juvenile features), but modern dogs have a huge degree of neoteny. Humans do to! It's not a bad thing.

u/Pubelication avatar

This sub is like basically adults that believe in Santa Claus. They dismiss any logical explanation of animals acting like cartoon characters.

u/Hellbent_sucksdick69 avatar

I'm 13 and I come here to be cheered up, go away hater

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u/fractalspace avatar

Tell him it is someone else's teddybear

u/RAWIIG avatar

This is kinda cute but to be forthright, the only way this develops is if the animal was not weed properly. It’s a coping mechanism (self soothing).

If this was an adult human, they’d need a therapist.

u/Syllabub1981 avatar

While it looks very cute and probably gives him a good feeling, the real reason for this behaviour is actally a sad thing. He is using his feets not to cuddle, he didnt't learn it from cats.. This is a puppys behavior when drinking from mothers teats. Using the feet to stimulate milk flow. Animals taken from their mothers too early continue that kind of behaviour throughout their lives. Reason some of you know kicking and snuggling mostly from cats is that they are commonly taken away from their mothers even sooner than dogs.

Dogs and cats should stay with their mothers at least 12-15 weeks, cats preferably even longer (most stay only 8 weeks)

My sister’s dog has just recently started doing this. He’s 3 years old and they adopted him when he was 5 months old. Why has he stared doing it now? Well my sister and her husband have just had their first baby. Dogs do this to self-soothe.

It also happens with puppies that had to be bottle fed. Could be the bitch got sick or died during whelping, thee pup couldn't physically nurse (cleft palate), or any other number of reasons.

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