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Ex-Detroit Lions DL Roger Brown won't let coronavirus stop him or his businesses: 'I'll kick its butt'

Dave Birkett
Detroit Free Press

Roger Brown spends most of his days at the eponymous sports bar he owns in Portsmouth, Virginia, signing autographs, chatting up customers, adding ambiance to the restaurant he opened nearly 20 years ago.

Even now, as the coronavirus pandemic has relegated that and his two other establishments — the Cove Tavern in Newport News and MoMac Brewing Company in Portsmouth — to takeout and patio service only, the former Detroit Lions All-Pro defensive lineman likes to drop by and say hello.

“That’s really all a part of running Roger Brown’s,” he said Monday. “I miss it all.”

Brown, who turned 83 earlier this month, is like many small-business owners — he’s working “like hell for the few bucks” left to make, with social distancing and state stay-at-home orders dramatically reducing his customer base.

Roger Brown, Detroit Lions defensive lineman.

At Roger Brown’s Restaurant and Sports Bar, Brown said staff and hours have been reduced and the establishment that served several hundred people daily before the shutdown is now “lucky if we get 75.”

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The drop-off has been even more dramatic at the brewery, which doesn’t serve food and for now is offering only patio drinking to those who stay at least six feet apart.

“It’s terrible,” Brown said. “I mean, we’re at a standstill. But you got to go along with the program. If it says you can’t open, you can’t open. If it says you got to close at a certain time, you got to close. But I would like to know where the hell this thing came from.

“Whoever came up with this damn coronavirus and then passed it on to America, I want to put him on the line right across from me. And I guarantee you, you’ll never see him again.”

Brown’s resolve in surviving the pandemic — he said he has no intention of closing his establishments — echoes that of other Lions greats who fall into the “high risk” category of those susceptible to COVID-19 because of age and/or past health problems.

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Brown, who was inducted into Pride of the Lions in 2018, said he abides by all social-distancing guidelines when he ventures out, but still makes a point to visit his customers because “I want to be seen.”

“I want to see them,” he said. “I want to talk to the guests, see what they feel.”

Former Lions linebacker Mike Lucci said he has had long conversations with some of his contemporaries about the coronavirus and how devastating it can be.

"All I know is if I get it, I’m going to make through it,’” he said. “I said, ‘I’ve worked out all my life. I hope my lungs are strong enough.’ ”

Lucci said some of his friends who are doctors described hospitals as war zones early on in the pandemic, and that “the people that are cleaning the rooms and do all that work, they deserve a medal and triple pay.”

He said he has tried his best to be careful when he has been out, and he shared a story last month of waiting his turn to go into a newsstand near his Florida home.

Former Detroit Lions Mike Lucci attends the "Have a Heart Save a Life" celebrity golf outing organized by the Charlie Sanders Foundation at Knollwood Country Club in West Bloomfield, Mich. on Monday, June 6, 2016.

When one customer in front of him spent an excessive amount of time browsing through magazines, Lucci offered to buy the magazine the woman was reading in order to speed up the line.

“She looked at me like I was from Mars or something, and I said, ‘This place is too small.' And she apologized,” Lucci said. “(The next guy in line), I said, ‘Wait till I get out and you go in,’ and he said, ‘OK.’

"I can remember (a few weeks) ago, people sticking their hands out to shake hands. Now, nobody’ll ever shake hands again. But the reality is habits are hard to break, and if you don’t think, they sure as s--- aren’t going to get broke.”

Hall of Fame linebacker Joe Schmidt, a member of the last Lions’ championship team in 1957, said last month that he doesn’t fear the virus but is being smart while going about life as normally as he can in his Florida retirement community.

“If the coronavirus wants to get me, it has to come in the house here because I’m not going anywhere,” he said. “It has to go looking for me.”

Brown, too, said he's taking necessary precautions to avoid the coronavirus, but isn't living in fear.

“I’m too damn bad to have anything (happen to me),” he said. “I’ll kick its butt, man.”

Contact Dave Birkett at dbirkett@freepress.com. Follow him on Twitter @davebirkett. Read more on the Detroit Lions and sign up for our Lions newsletter.