May 4th, 2021


Mondays are my buffer days.

It used to be the day between the chaos of the weekend family life and my weekday “I don’t work but I still need to keep busy” life. Now that my weekends are usually more quiet (funny how a teenage boy doesn’t necessarily want to hang out and go on adventures with his mom on the weekends!) I still like this buffer day where I can take it easy and plan last minute on my term things before the rest of the week starts filling up.

Between household chores, I tend to take the time to read on that day… and yes I take notes (& no I don’t read a lot of novels).

PS: I know this is posted on Tuesday but I have Monday Murals post on Mondays so here it is talking about Mondays’ routine on a Tuesday. Hope it didn’t create too much chaos is your life 😉