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Picked up a rescue in Alabama, he’s been sleeping on my arm all the way to Florida. He’s so content.

r/aww - Picked up a rescue in Alabama, he’s been sleeping on my arm all the way to Florida. He’s so content.
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u/alphaboo avatar

What a sweet, beautiful boy!

Thank you! I love him already!


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u/ponderwander avatar

My puppy projectile vomited all the way home— Ohio to NC. We stopped to get pedialyte about an hour into the ride it was so bad. He still gets car sick at a little over a year of age.

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Tell him I said he has very nice and velvety fur!

They’re making very distasteful Alabama jokes. Im all for funny jokes, but they’re not doing a good job. Their jokes are bad, and they should feel bad.

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u/OneOfTheOlympians avatar

What the actual fuck

What did it say

u/OneOfTheOlympians avatar

“Did you fuck it yet”

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what did it say?

What did it say??

u/OneOfTheOlympians avatar

“Did you fuck it yet”

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He is beautiful, Love black cats.

Thank you! So do I!! My last one was named Casper, I’m thinking Ghastly for this one (:

Awesome name idea

Because Ghastly is purplish, I'mma just go ahead and suggest



That’s super cute! Ghastly is completely black though. He’s surrounded by some purple fire looking stuff.

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He found his human. Seems like a sweet kitty.


Mine is named Lovecraft! Enjoy your tiny house panther!

What about Ghastón? (Ours are named Hazel and Agnes. Beautiful Bombay girls like your pretty little fella there.)

Ooh I like those. I consulted my roommates. We’ve all been replaying the old Pokémon games, and I think that’s what I’m landing on

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We lost our baby black kitty, Ben, last night. This picture did my heart so much good. He looks exactly like Ben. Love him hard!

I’m so sorry to hear that! Rest In Peace Ben. I’m glad this could bring up some good memories. He will always love on in your heart <3

Send this kitty snuggles from the West Coast.

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I am so sorry for your loss!

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"Yes. This human will do very nicely" 🖤

Alabama u say hmmmm

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Wow his hair is so long and straight beautiful

He’s needs to be cleaned up a bit, which I’m going to do when I get home he is beautiful though! Thank you!

Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t really. When I brought my black longhair home from the shelter, she hid under the bed for three days. Then she came out from under and blew coat for a week. And she had a lot of fur!

We’d come home to what looked like another whole cat on the rug. But the new coat came in beautifully, and as several have said, most affectionate ever.

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Handsome boy! We have twin black cats and I love my house panthers more than I could’ve ever imagined.

I’m sure they’re precious! This one is SO docile and gentle. So sweet.

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In my personal experience every black cat I've met has been the most affectionate. Enjoy.

u/juvation avatar

Upvote - voids are the best.

Can confirm. I have four black cats who are all sooo sweet :)

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u/Davefishkeeper avatar

We found this with a couple of rescue dogs we fostered they just sleep for hours on end after we took them home, you forget how stressful kennels and rescues must be for there guys.

So I know you guys are gonna say ima bit loca ( crazy ) but there is an old tale that if you get a visit/encounter from a black cat 🐈‍⬛ They choose you as they could sense your need. ❤️ congratulations on your now lifetime friend

That’s cute, I like that. I was certainly in need of a friend.

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u/Tompy1991 avatar

Pardon my curiosity/stupidity but why get a rescue from Alabama if you live in Florida? Sounds like an unreasonably long drive when there are surely places locally.

I was visiting my parents in the middle of nowhere Alabama, and we went to the shelter, and I couldn’t leave without him.

u/Tompy1991 avatar

Thank you for appeasing this bored Englishman.

No problem, from a likewise bored (but with new kitten) American!

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Was just about to ask if you went there all the way for him, but this is even better. Thanks for being a great soul, I wish the best health for your new friend and yourself, happy holidays!

u/andybaran avatar

Dont visit anyone. I hear there's a pandemic.

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u/CertifiedDactyl avatar

Not OP, but maybe an impulsive decision? Like thinking about adopting a cat already, ran into one in need, fell in love, and now cat is making the trip back with the fam.

I have a vet tech friend and she's posted and messaged around a lot for cats that have feline leukemia or other special needs that shelters won't take/ would have to be put down if they can't find a home asap. So that's another possibility if the trip was especially for cat.

u/310410celleng avatar

Also not the OP, but depending on where the OP lives, they might live nearer the Alabama line and farther from the nearest animal adoption place in Florida, which would probably be Pensacola.

u/Tompy1991 avatar

That would make sense. As a non-American, my USA geography is horrendous and the little knowledge I have comes from the NBA. I didn't realise that the two states shared a border.

NBA does be teaching geography haha

Alabama doesn’t have a pro basketball team so your explanation is sound!

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That was my thought too. I live in Pensacola and live ~10 minutes from the Alabama state line.

u/Bartdog avatar

I used to live in a small corner of Florida that was about five miles from both the Alabama and Georgia state lines... My first thought when seeing this was, well what part of Florida? What part of Alabama? They have a long border.

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I don’t know how to post a picture because, I just don’t, but we have the same cat and they’re the loviest babies ever. You made a good call saving him. Thank you.

He’s the absolute sweetest so far! He seems so happy to be here. We just made it home to Florida, he is getting accommodated to his new room and brother

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I’m thinking Ghastly tbh

u/skippyscruffy avatar

He’s gorgeous! And looks like he loves you already ❤️

u/JustineDelarge avatar

I love him. I'd like to buy him some catnip and a snuggly toy.

I have some waiting at home for him, with his new brother! I’ll make sure to toast the nip to u/justinedelarge

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Beautiful and adorable ❤️ Wishing you both many happy, healthy, and prosperous years together!

awww he looks so sweet!

u/Few_Worldliness6216 avatar

You are a saint for taking him in! Enjoy that beautiful boy!

Looks like a good match

u/dogrescuersometimes avatar

Awwwwwww. Shhhh sleeping.

Cute Kitty, nice veins (I’m a nurse)

Haha, thanks!

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That's a keeper

Thank you so much for your kindness. You are the people I want in my world.

u/Jwoot avatar

Please consider obtaining a vehicle safe pet container to keep your cat in during drives.

Very cute!

EDIT: My god, I hope the negative votes on this post are not representative of the general attitudes towards car safety in this sub.

u/Yellow_MM avatar

I'm with you. Animal and driver safety are important.

u/qdatk avatar

This sub will sometimes upvote well-intentioned safety comments. Other times the attitude is "How dare you interrupt my awwing with common sense!" Depends on who gets to the thread first. The OP's attitude here does not help. (Seriously, "stay in your lane"? Dude has issues.)

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I had scroll way too long to find this. While its cute to have your pet on your arm or in the copilot while driving, it is also a great way to get them killed if you get in an accident. I just can't wrap my head around how people can be this selfish and endanger their pets lives.

I considered it.l, but I just got a new kitten who is from a bad home. He was very comfortable in my arms and making biscuits for the first time. I was not driving. Stay in your lane. PS. I have two.

Are you for real with "stay in your lane"? Don't get all snippy, especially since you're the one putting everyone else on the road in danger.

u/Azryhael avatar

“Stay in your lane?” No. In an accident, that kitty would go flying into the windshield and likely die. No matter how long or short the trip, cats need a safe container that isn’t your arms or good intentions. If you truly want the best for your new kitty, you’ll keep him safely contained in an approved type of carrier in the car.

u/JustineDelarge avatar

Best decision for the little guy, coming from those circumstances.

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u/NerdyGhoul avatar

Yea no. Not for 13-18 hour car ride. Cats and dogs are okay to be cageless as long as they are in a controlled area. Like a harness or your lap. I’m more worried about those who think it’s okay to drive with dogs lose in their pickup beds.

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u/JadeGreenleaves avatar

Looks exactly like my rescue baby!! Black cats are the best!

u/Willie-Alb avatar

“Insert random unfunny incest joke here”

Hahah yes the same unfunny incest jokes.Yes my favorite

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u/NerdyGhoul avatar

Thank you for rescuing a black cat from Alabama. They are still stigmatized against there :’( He seems so happy🖤👍🏻

Well this one is safe for good (:

lmfao I’m sorry but not really? I’ve grown up and lived in different parts of Alabama and plenty of people have black cats, they’re no more stigmatized here than they are just in general. It’s not like some puritanical superstitious witch hating culture down here or anything.

I hate when one random person on Reddit says shit and tons of people who don’t know any better just take them at their word

Huh? Is that supposed to be a racism joke or something?

I doubt they meant it as a racist joke. Statistically more black cats are abandoned, wrongfully killed or hard to adopt period. It is probably owed to sayings like bad luck if a black cat crosses your path, etc. Stupid, huh.

u/herladyshipcrochets avatar

Probably not. They're probably talking about the myth that black cats are considered unlucky in America or not as pretty so people don't adopt them

Gotcha. I wasn’t sure why Alabama was specifically called out. And living here my whole life, you just come to expect the “everyone is racist” comments from people 🙄

u/NerdyGhoul avatar

My comment was mainly targeting the old and still carried out religious beliefs that black cats are associated with the devil and devil worship. Which leads to them not being adopted (sometimes killed) in Alabama. Alabama was pointed out because that’s where the OG rescued the cat.

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How hard is it for that 4Ocean bracelet to be tightened/loosened? My friend's is so hard to adjust and I'm wondering if that's the case for all of them!

It’s super easy for me. I use my teeth to grab one side and pull the other. Also, I worked at Ron Jon and sold them, they shouldn’t be difficult to adjust at all.

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Happy lap kitty finally has a forever lap

So pretty!

u/TommyT2RT avatar

Great job! Too cute!

Speaking from experience, you’re going to be very happy with this kitty. Black cats have the best personalities.

He’s great so far! My other is a Russian blue/tabby I think, and he has an amazing personality as well! I hope they get along lol.

Thanks for the update, and good to hear he’s doing well! You might want to keep them apart for a few days and gradually introduce them.

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I have a house panther myself - they all have this look!


Thank you! I’m very happy and excited to give this little man a healthy happy life.

Getting my cat was the best thing that ever happened. I hope you and your new baby have a wonderful life!

Thank you! I’m very happy to hear that yours had a great impact on you (: this is my second one now. I saved my first (the one on my profile) a year and a half ago. I am now a cat person.

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Congrats on the new friend! Have a name yet?

My last ones name was Casper. I’m thinking Ghastly for this one (:

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u/gladpadius avatar

"Whew! I'm finally leaving Alabama... Wait! Where are we going?"

Time for the sandy beaches!

u/gladpadius avatar

And Florida stuff

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He feels the same way I did....never have to go back to Alabama is good

Thank you for rescuing! <3

Serious question: how do you prepare for kitty bathroom breaks on a car trip like that? I am not planning on taking my cats far anytime soon, but one of my cats absolutely hates the carrier even for the short trip to and from the vet. I think he'd like being free in the car but I know one day the car bathroom could be a thing, so I'd like to know how to prepare for it so I can make him more comfortable.

I use a cut off cardboard box lined with a trash bag, and put litter in it. It’s disposable when I’m done, and if you get a tall box it won’t make much mess. They will track litter into the car from their hair though. (At least mine did).

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Roll tide! Yeaaaah haw!


Roooollll tide roooooolllll

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u/m_feijo avatar

Pls don’t start saying he is from your family

Don’t say he’s your brother.


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Yo, I get it, but it’s wasn’t a good joke. Just bad execution.

Shut the fuck up

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I would post a cursed comment

BUT I got banned from r/wholesomememes for that soooo...

Not this time

r/blackcats would love to meet your new void

u/chimchillary avatar

He found his human. Seems like a sweet kitty.

Look at his sweet smile!

u/retromanRslash avatar

Alabama u say hmmmm

He looks like he knows he safe now 😊 take care

u/GrimWickett avatar

I'd be content too if I moved from Alabama to Florida

South Alabama and North Florida are basically indistinguishable from each other

u/GrimWickett avatar

True, but as I've lived in both, I'd say people think higher of you when you say you live in Florida

I’m originally from NW Florida but have been on the west coast for 20yrs. After all that time I’m finally moving back...and I have to say no one out here (San Fran area) thinks highly of AL or FL. But what I think is that there is beauty and happiness everywhere. You just have to be open enough to find the OP did with Ghastly!

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u/carissalynp avatar

He looks SO MUCH like my black cat we lost 2 years ago I teared up a bit. I hope you enjoy each other!

u/gautyy avatar

When I had a long drive with a newly adopted kitten all it did was scream the entire 12 hours, I fucki wish it slept like that

Black cats best cats.

u/SeaWeakness5 avatar

You’re my mommy now.

u/CodyDon2 avatar

I'm almost convinced this is my cat Harry.

He’s beautiful

He looks so content and like he already trusts you...I hope you guys have many many many wonderful years together!

You are a good hooman, no doubt about it!

u/DingDong_Dongguan avatar

Thank you for being a rescue parent. Don't forget to spay and neuter.

u/DILF_LUVR42069 avatar

I got my sweet black chunk of a boy in Alabama, too! Must be something in the water around there

The two cursed states

Mississippi is way worse lol

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That's how you know you got yourself a keeper

u/angelalj8607 avatar

He knows he’s going to a good and safe home.

Hope the covid-19 was worth it, stay home.

u/Poniesnllamas avatar

Jasper or Onyx would also suit him! He’s so handsome.

Made me cry. He looks so much like my Jack I lost August 31.

Hope you have a long wonderful life together.

u/Rico_Suave87 avatar

You are very lucky to have a cat be that chill in the car. My cats are amazing and super chill and you can touch and pet them anywhere with zero fear of repercussion. Get them in the car though and they developed hyper anxiety. Trips to the vet may be very pleasant for you. Don't take that for granted

Beautiful boy!!!

So you are confessing to the Aide and Abetting - as well as the InterState Transportation - of an admitted fugitive?

Looks like my LuciFur!! Black cats are wonderful!!!



"Dude, we live on the road? This is awesome! "


Such a good day for the precious boy!

You are his hero!


Heyyyy 4Ocean, nice.

There are probably people who would also like to be rescued from Alabama. Are they in the back seat?

u/sundrop1969 avatar

Florida ran out of cats!

u/jondodson avatar

He knows.

Nice 4Ocean bracelet :) I have one too

u/sugarbear1107 avatar


He is such a little baby. Awwwww I love him

u/desertdeb avatar

He’s your love child ❤️❤️❤️

He looks just like one of my fur babies! I love him very much

u/LeahAndClark avatar

He's home. <3

u/LoquaciousLonk avatar

Trust ^