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Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.

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Let me just scooch in here…

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Big spoon. Little spoon.

u/SheriffComey avatar

That looks closer to a big spoon, big spoon situation

u/fuzzytradr avatar

New plan, let's play!


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u/DiarrheaDrippingCunt avatar


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My wife trying to get into bed with me at night. All the unoccupied space on the floor around doggos correctly summarizes the unoccupied space in our bed.

u/JoshHero avatar

If I go to bed first there’s a 100% chance I get this when she comes to bed.

u/Neverend3r avatar

Same! every night haha

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Happy Cake Day! May it be the cakeiest!

u/AjiBuster499 avatar

No u

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Happy cake day, brother!

u/AjiBuster499 avatar

No u

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Maybe I’m having a stroke but I don’t understand what this comment is saying?

Instead of laying on the other side of the bed where there’s room, she cuddles right up to u/BlankZF much like the dog in the video is doing, even though there’s plenty of space around to lay down.

Oh, thanks! Hehe

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Happy cake day friend!😁

Happy Cake Day!

Happy cake day!

This is literally what happens any night I go to bed first. Even though entire bed is open. Wouldn't change it for the world tho. Lol.

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u/Mike_Hat1 avatar

Golden Recliner.

Best one today

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Oh my goodness, a Doberman puppy. You never see those, how cute!

Their paws are HUGE when they’re babies! Very cute

I have. My cousin has had two Dobes, and I met their first one when she was still a puppy. She was so sweet, and even cleaned my glasses for free. I never got to meet their second one. I’ve only seen pictures.


This comment is peak old lady.

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"this one looks comfy"

I have a full-sized doberman and can confirm this is exactly how mine is. His favorite place to sleep is on top of someone

You specify full size, are there miniature Dobermans?

There are miniature pinschers that look very similar, but aren’t actually miniature Dobermans. They’re probably referring to the one in the video being a puppy while theirs is fully grown.


Gotcha, I’ve heard of min-pins before, but was wondering if there was an unofficial miniature Doberman. Kind of like the non-standard mini Australian Shepherd vs. standardized Miniature Schnauzer.

Edited to add: I didn’t realize Mini Aussies had been standardized too.

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This one is definitely still a puppy. Probably around 8-10 months. There are two main lines of dobies, American dobies and European dobies.

American dobies tend to be a bit smaller/leaner and have a sharper or narrower head. European dobies tend to be bigger, with wider chests and blockier heads. My guess is that this is probably an American dobie.

If the dog looks like an absolute unit, he’s probably a European dobie.

Edit: Min Pins are not related to dobies, but the German Pinscher was one of the breeds used to create the Doberman initially and they look a bit like a small dobie.

Thanks. I’ve always though they were good looking dogs, but didn’t know a whole lot about them.

They’re great dogs and really smart (if a bit derpy at times), but to have a well trained and well adjusted dobie takes a bit more work than your average dog. Some owners do tend to have some outdated or skewed ideas about training and the breed that does serious damage to their image as a whole. Basically teaching them to be aggressive as a half-assed protection dog, when they want a family pet that would bark/scare off intruders when they’ll pretty much do that by default even if they’re well adjusted pets.

Source: I’m an owner to a well adjusted, friendly dobie that scared off a burglar.

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Wow. I feel so stupid. I did not realize there were different types of dobies. Mine is definitely an American. He's a red one

Yeah, the European ones are fucking massive. Personally I don’t need a 110lb nuclear reactor on a leash. My guy is on the absolute small end of American dobies at 65lbs and he’s plenty of dog for me.

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Sorry, full-grown would have been a better way to phrase it. My doberman is 3 years old and is 75 lbs. The one in the video is baby still

I see, thanks for the clarification.

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u/Apocketfulofwhimsy avatar

There are Miniature Pinschers.

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Awwww. A friend.

u/TheOneChooch avatar

Let me just scooch in right here...

...we’ve been trying to contact you about your car’s extended warranty.

u/mochi_and_friends avatar

The Golden is so patient🥺


Thats the way goldens are

u/SPP_TheChoiceForMe avatar

This is the way.

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My Doberman does that same exact space hog move whenever she wants to be on the bed.

First they do the lean... then they do the hover around you until they find the spot they want to get into... then they forcibly make their way into that spot. Have a 100lb red and this is his method.

Hehe. My bed is level with her face. She does this smacking sound with her tongue at 3 am to wake me up so she can crawl in. My little (not so little) demon in the night. They own us and they know it!

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have dogs ever given each other belly rubs? is this even physically possible?


Ive seen them try but it doesnt work that well. Their fine motor skills arent great and itd be like us trying to give a belly rub with our feet pretty much lol

Maaaaybe if you call belly rub the action of rubbing a head against a belly

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Zeus and Hades in doggo form

u/robertcbaker avatar

Even greek gods gotta protect their little brothers

u/Apocketfulofwhimsy avatar

Goldens are too wholesome to be related to Zeus.

A very good point, maybe Persephone and Hades?

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Sad to see the Doberman all cut up :(

u/thndrstrk avatar

Couldn't get close enough

He/she defs have a crush on the other he/she.

You took my very specific spot

Baby just wants to snuggle!

That dog is built like a furry blanket. What did he think was going to happen??

Golden retrievers are so warm and friendly and cuddly. I big spoon my Golden sometimes. He loves it. I get nose nibbles.

Me getting in bed with my wife every night


A golden lab and black dobermen.

That is a buddy film waiting to be written!

Aww what a cute repost

u/Imaginary_Flamingo46 avatar

Why did the video have to end?

u/AssistantWinter7649 avatar

So cute. Look at them getting cuddles and all and then there's me. Oh well!

u/alsal94 avatar

A rare interaction between Arcanine and Houndoom. Just in time for the new Pokemon Snap!

u/SunStarsSnow avatar

Ended too soon 😢

u/Assasin603 avatar

Why was the golden boi sad tho

Aww poor pupper, what happened to his tail? :(

I hate it! Lets cut off a dogs tail & crop the ears just for looks. As a doobie owner it rly grinds my gears.

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Black dog is all legs

u/Legal_Price_388 avatar


u/gilberator avatar

What a sweet dobie

u/CalGoldenBear55 avatar

My 80 lb Lab does this to me every night…multiple times.

awww.. thats cute!

We don’t deserve dogs 😭

Aww, heart meltingly cute.

Seeing a dog that looks like it's tail has been cropped though makes me so angry!

My girlfriend’s dog has his tail cropped. But that’s because he wouldn’t stop chewing on it and it kept getting infected.

Dog also has 3 legs because he got hit by a car when he was young. He still fights us when we try to get him on the side of the road if a car is coming

Her dog is just very bad at self preservation


PSA: People adopt dogs who have been cropped, don't rush to judge the owners.

Oh for sure, no way to know why this lovely doggo has a stump and no blame necessarily attaches to the owners.

But some fucker cut it off. Maybe it just has a bobbed tail or it was injured but my gut says it was cosmetic because its the right sort of breed and it's in a daycare (so presumably not a working dog). Could be a lucky rescue!

*rages incoherently in the distance*

We had a non working who needed a crop, sadly. Poor guy just couldn't control his tail and wagged into every surface until he hurt himself. Vet stitched him and sent him home, but it got infected. Had to dock him as an adult because the infection just wouldn't heal.

People were real nasty to us about it, but it was either lose the tail or lose the dog.

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oh god here we go w/ the tail and the ears waaaaaa. are you feeding that dog? are you scooping its shit? lol. let people live man. If the owner wants to crop tail or ears and its normal for that breed so be it. Are you barking up every pug or bulldog owners moral tree over the inbreeding, hip problems and breathing restrictions they deal w/ their entire life? Bigger problems in this world.

This has to be the dumbest thing I've read this week

Yea, lets force only certain dogs to bang so so much they ALL develop crippling health issues yet we all cry when a tail gets docked? Maybe you need to read more things in a week?

I am also completely against over breeding. But good job fighting that straw man. You really got him on the ropes!

Thanks! XD haha
To me, with pets, to each his own. I had a friend w/ dobies and they had their ears cropped. We went to the park and some lady would not stop ridiculing my friend and his son was in tears afterwards. I just dont see the point. Like every pet owner is automatically responsible and should not get the pet they want? Like every pet owner is here to save the all the forgotten and sheltered pets? With all the shit in this fukd up world I just think this is a silly thing to get so wrapped up about.

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u/Frebu avatar

Circumcision is still legal in Europe, but cropping isn't. Human being don't have a damn lick of sense as a species.


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u/lady8080 avatar

My Great Dane does this. Wants to cuddle as close as she can, even if that means she’s laying completely on top of you and whoever else is around. I love it, and I love this video😍

This is what I look for in a partner ♥️

u/Rude_Lifeguard avatar

Alexa play Obsessed by Mariah Carey

u/xirnibor avatar
u/Lower-Course-8654 avatar


Soooo many reposts of this today. It was cool before the 13th time on my feed today. I'm so done.

Lol bro

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Reminds me of Nagatoro for some reason


bruh repost from like 2 days ago

u/Concerned-Pillow-Bot avatar

And people say Rottweilers are mean.

u/Shoestring30 avatar

That's a Doberman.

Well yea, but we're talking about rottweilers in this thread.

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I audibly “awwwed” !! This. This is what I’m here for


So pure.

u/Pitiful_Pickle524 avatar

So sweet


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what breed now?

u/Direblu avatar

Gifs cut to short.


u/dohdoh943 avatar

So soft

u/throwaway04101981 avatar

"I'm just gonna slide in here. Its okay, it's okay Just wanted to let tell you that we have been trying to reach you regarding your cars extended warranty sir."

Omgosh puppies!!

Not going to lie I do the exact same thing.



I’d adopt both omg

Excuse me, you’re in my spot

cute :)

que fofo querendo atenção :)

u/kestrel_bestrel avatar

Bony dog needs cushion. Hi, cushion-friend

How cute

Bruh im a dog not a pillow. Ooh this is quite nice actually. Okay i'll be your pillow

love it