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Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.

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I get the sense this is not it's first rodeo

u/ChimpyChompies avatar

Repetitive games like this that you develop with a dog are the best fun ever

Haha this would be a bad game to do though. Otherwise there will be a time you accidentally drop the leash and really don't want your dog's programmed response to be running away.

u/Me-as-I avatar

Hence the pause before launch

import time


dog_run_away = True

u/B4NND1T avatar

Initializing a pull request

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
x = dog(goodboy) #or goodgirl

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Also, as the owner of a dog that's been attacked while on a leash, please don't do this shit in an apartment hallway. My dog is very sweet & likes playing with others, but he's terrified of other dogs when he's on a leash. An off-leash dog came around the corner at my old apartment & latched onto my dog's face, he couldn't get away because he was on a leash. I now have a dog that's hyper-reactive on a leash because a shithead liked letting his dog off-leash because he's "mostly trained on recall, he's never aggressive, etc"

Even if your dog is totally friendly off-leash all the time, not all dogs are. And even if your dog is usually friendly, lots of stuff can set them off (like an unexpected dog around the corner). So don't do this shit.

I'm so sorry. My Yorkie (leashed) had her belly opened by an escaped dog. That was almost a decade ago; she's totally fine now. But it was traumatic. And I do not begrudge her the suspicion she has of other dogs.

u/cutelyaware avatar

Even when a dog is 100% under voice control (which they neve are), other people don't know that. I wear a mask even though I've been vaccinated because you can't know whether to trust me, so please don't ask me to believe that you pooch won't jump on me. Reign in your pooch when I pass too. Otherwise you're acting like all the chin-maskers.

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u/Caelrock avatar

Oh hello there Buzzkillington McFactnoonegivesafuckabout van Becauseitsnotthatbigofafuckingdeal

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We had an amazing Old English sheepdog as a family pet when I was a kid. We lived in a semi-rural area at the time, so me and my brothers would just take her out on adventures and let her run around off-leash for as long as she pleased. Whenever she’d had enough she’d come back to us and basically let us know “ok I’m done, put my leash back on and let’s go home”.....until we got to the corner of our street. Me and the brothers would always drop her leash and race like heck to see who was first home. We’d always use a particular utility pole on that corner as the starting point, our sheepy girl picked up on it, and eventually began trying to sneak up on that pole because she figured it’d give her an advantage in the race home I guess? It clearly worked though, she passed at the ripe old age of 13 and never lost a single goddamn one of those races

More fun than Twister?!

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He stared at the leash for a long while considering his options.

I'm wondering if he was trying to determine if his owner realized he'd dropped it.

It's possible he was waiting for the owner to bend down, as that would be the ideal time to sprint.

u/PlasmaLink avatar

this guy dogs

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The noise at the end made me laugh too.



I win.


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How about now?

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u/aeseeke avatar

That seems like a normal brachio sound, such a cute dog though. Initially I thought they were running away but NOPE just having some fun

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'That dog has masterful comedic timing...'

my timing always perfect, see -

the human 'friend' bAmBoOzLe me...

(she do it every time the same,

Ok, all right - i'll play the game...)

so first i stand n do a stare,

(pretend that I am 'unaware')

but in a flash am soon be GONE!

the human knows

the Chase is ON!

then down the hall n 'round the bends,

alas, the game

it always ends

She had her fun (amused, i know)


for WALK

We GO!'


u/DocB630 avatar

The freshest Schnoodle I’ve ever seen! This made my day


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u/Ej12345678910 avatar

Thank you!

Like to keep them nice and toasty

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Finding a Schnoodle poem is like finding treasure! Thrilling every time! ❤️

Shnoodle is the best that ever lived

You made a 26 year old guy tear up. Have a silver lol

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u/konydanza avatar

Well now I need a sub of dogs with perfect comedic timing

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I fell down some stairs and broke my foot while taking my dog out once... instead of bolting for freedom as she usually does, she took a few steps and came running back up to me to see if I was ok 🥲

I love the moment of reflection.

"I can do this. Should I do this? I'm doing this."

Then at the end, "Thanks for that."

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There is a 6 second delay with my dog from when I do something like this and she reacts. It's almost as if she is waiting to have all the information first.

This isn't the first time I've learned something from my dog.

Have done this with a whippet... The chase was.... Something.

My dog growing up would do this, and I learned the best way to catch her was to run the opposite direction. She'd always chase me instead and then I could get the leash.


Did not know there was a kind of dog called a whippet. Was wondering how this works with whipped cream.

u/Themlethem avatar

They're race dogs. Fastest breed there is I think. No way a person could ever catch if they're at full speed.

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If I owned a whippet, I would have to call it Devo.

Into shape!

My dad called our first whippet Devo when I was a kid and I didn't get it til I was older but he thought he was very funny. With the benefit of age it is a great name.

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Dog: "Does he realized he dropped it? This may be my chance! Wait! He can't be that dumb can he?....or can he? OMG ZOOOM!!!"

u/Mike_Hat1 avatar

Both fast and a perfect camo against the carpet

u/Pitiful_Mixture7099 avatar

I like that the owner is out of breath at the start because this was not the first take.

I’ve seen this 100 times, but it doesn’t matter. I laugh like it’s the first time I’ve seen it. every single time!

My dog used to get out and wait until you’re about 2 feet from her and then book it again! God do I miss that lil booger lol

u/LongSkateboardingDog avatar

Love it! Frenchies have the best personalities lol

u/Jhenry071611 avatar

He turns around at the end like he’s just been standing there calmly the whole time. “You must have imagined that chase”

u/Betseybutwhy avatar

Bahahahaha! Excellent and thanks for the giggle.

u/PootieTang_ avatar

Reminds me of when my daughter knows she isnt suppose to do something but does it anyways. Gives me a " you see what I'm doing" look

u/Pink_Monkey avatar


Frenchies are such turds. 🥰

He had to calculate how fast he had to go to out run the owner 🤣😂🤣

u/FlatCold avatar

What a delightful neighbor to have.

u/Sufficient_Tooth_189 avatar

That gave me a good laugh. Thanks

u/bubbabrotha avatar

He had to make a run for it.


u/Rakonat avatar

Dog understands the 5 second rule, just not what it's actually for.

I wonder if the door the dog stops at is their own door. When I unload my dog from my car, if I let go of the leash and say "Let's go home," she will walk herself to the door. (Granted it's not as far as this video goes - the door is visible from the car) Sometimes she runs! If it's raining or close to dinner time she reaaaaally wants to get in the door so she bolts.

u/Blackouto avatar

This is annoying as shit and also cute as hell at the same time

As a Frenchie owner myself, this is accurate.

u/ChaseTheGreat96 avatar

Hahahahaha. And then he's like "fuck! You got me again man. Damn"


Running all over the hotel...

That frenchie looks identical to mine.

Wait. Why does that floor look like old Minecraft gravel

u/NewJerseyInquisition avatar


Me, when allowed to work from home.

u/miawillexercise avatar

gotta go fast!!


Bruh it’s a frenchie, ours runs the second it gets the chance

Don’t do this bullshit, this isn’t your house so keep your fucking dog on leash.

u/Annihilator4life avatar

That’s about as far as frenchies can run.

u/VaultMedic avatar

This is peak French bulldog


u/degeneration avatar

I have a real lack of fully enclosed grassy fields near me. My greyhound likes to run, like really run. So we’ve taken to doing what this guy does. I stand at one end of the hallway in my building and let him go. Boom! He sprints down the hall at 45 mph.

I'm sure your neighbors love you

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This makes me laugh every time I see it 😂 The thud and then watching the pups silent thoughts ...... “I’m out, booty drop” 💨💨💨💨💨

Every time!

........... ....and I’m outta here!!!

Oh man ha ha ha! This is brilliant. My dog used to do the same as a pup.


I have that same leash for my guy!

I call dibs on posting this next.


The look on his fave when he was caught was priceless He was like : I ....umm... was just.... Stretching my legs...

u/The_Vat avatar


hahahahahahaha the bolt was perfect!

u/Lateralus06 avatar




My dog has that same leash


He saw the chance and took it!


“Finally I can be The Flash”

The second it clicks for him.😂

u/Y34rZer0 avatar

I have laughed this hard at a puppy online in forever 😂

The people trying to sleep: 😐

Ah yes, the reason I always have to pack earplugs at hotels. People making videos for Reddit.

u/How_bout_this69 avatar

This is something my ferret Max does. I'll put him down, he will look around for a couple seconds, and then, out of the blue, he just start zoomin. Ferrets are small so it hard to catch him lmao.

u/ultralorde4 avatar


u/Niner8824 avatar

This needs to be put to that song that has the part that goes Run and the bass hits. I don't remember the song.

Run like somebody left the gate open! ....or dropped the leash!

u/fuuckimlate avatar

Call me a curmudgeon, but if you do this in my apartment building you're an asshole


I could drop my leash anywhere and my dog would just stand there waiting for me to grab it and pet her. I love her so much.

u/MalanaoWalanao avatar

I thought your floor was gravel