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r/aww - Dogzilla!
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u/BrianZ9 avatar

History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of men... DOGZILLA!

u/SpoopyTurtle44 avatar

With the cutest smile and a stomach that growls, Dogzilla gobbles the hoomans treats down!

He picks up the toy and shakes it real hard, he wades through the mud in the middle of the yard Do Do Do Dogzilla

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u/agent-99 avatar
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There goes Tokyo

Go, go Dogzilla!! Awoooooh!

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u/blusilvrpaladin avatar

Nah Cat Kong then they gotta fight

u/korgullovmorgoth avatar
u/blusilvrpaladin avatar

Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all

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I have the fever for more COWBELL (and treats!)

You might have heard of Godzilla, but you weren't expecting Dogzilla!

Raise your can of beer on high And seal your fate forever Our best years have passed us by The Golden Age of Leather

u/EverWillow avatar

reference to Blue Oyster Cult song food can come from an Alpo can...DOGZILLA

Let them bark.

Tokyo better watch out!

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Where’s Catra 🦋?


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u/aquatic_aqua avatar


u/TheFlamingDraco avatar


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Not Catra.

Only pupper’s mother.


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Where monke


Monke still in the bath

Monke taking the photo

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I've always wanted a lemon meringue dog.


My first thought too!

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🎶Ohhhhhh no, this dog has got the fro, go go dogzilla 🎶


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Will Kong be the rival or the reward??

u/Laughingbulbasaur avatar

Okay, that's clever.

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This is why I’m on Reddit actually.

u/SheriffComey avatar

Let him bite!

Now all we need is dog Kong


These were the books I thought of when I read the title!

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"mojafarawayseries" is my only reason for continued life


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I thought it was a baked alaska.

u/nola78 avatar

I thought this was a meringue...

Oh no, there goes Toyko, oh no Dogzilla!

Dogzilla vs. Cat Kong

u/Omeggos avatar

The long awaited crossover from Dav Pilkey

From 2022 in all cinemas of the world xD

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I thought he was a giant seashell with a snout.

Rar. Rar. Rar.

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That’s adorable!

Doggo takin a shower?

The Godzilla theme by Japanese Film Music Composer Akira Ifukube: Starts blasting

charges nuclear bork to destroy King Meowdora

u/Old-Championship7438 avatar

Exactly,,,,got those back scales just right!

Vs. Cat kong


Up from the depths

30 inches high


I was searching the comments for a Dogzuki reference.

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More like a chongasaur...that dog needs a fucking diet...

Dog: "This action does not have my consent. But I love you so I'll let it slide. When's snack time?"

u/Themasterofcomedy209 avatar

so people know, this is Moja and she is 12 years old, and has been on a diet for 9 but has an endocrine disorder


Anyone else think this was a giant seashell at first glance?

It's a toasted marshmallow not dog zilla

I thought this was a polar bear that played in mud...

That is one Chonky ass puppy

Thought this was a polar bear getting a bath.

Thats a chonky dogzilla

u/Velalla avatar

And quite a chonky one at that!

My god.

just make my day!



Aww you guys didn't like my godzilla impression? :(

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I thought that was Bear in the big blue house

Dogzilla vs. King Kong

u/Aegon-VII avatar

Akita inu?

Excuse me that is a hedgehog

u/turquoise_amethyst avatar

Awww... if past experience is anything to go by, he’s not going to forgive you for at least an hour.

I legit thought this was a polar bear


These dorsal plates look powerful

hehe, my dog loves taking showers with me. he gets into the shower anytime he gets into the bathroom.

u/jayzeebee1972 avatar


King of the donsters

Charging up for a Super Bork!!!!

u/dogzilla3000 avatar

Back from a long day destroying Tokyo

u/ilovehiddenfigures avatar


I didnt realize how happy it would make me to see so many BÖC references on a r/aww post.


Jurassic Bark 6- Heck awaits.

Sorry for the bad language.

I definitely thought this was merengue for a second there...

salad mixer noise

u/JustThisWeirdThing avatar

I wanted to say, so this is how a dog with a mohawk looks like, but yours is funnier.

u/friedmason avatar

The way he’s sitting makes it even greater

u/deejahy avatar

"he picks up a bus and throws it back down"

Perfect! ROAR!


Godzilla looking different today, wait nvm it's not really him. And he's also a good boi.


its opponent, Meowra enters stage left!


RIP your shower

u/clearlogic avatar

Atomic bark

u/Nulono avatar

From the thumbnail, I thought it was a calzone.

He/she looks just like my husky+aussie mix.

I used to do this to our Jimmy!!! 😭

u/howdyjefe avatar

Looks like angel food cake

u/shane252 avatar

Looks like a baked Alaska

So, it was real, you been hiding this monster from the world....

I thought the picture was a calzone!

I would gladly give this a zillion up votes.


At first glance I thought this was one of those fuzzy caterpillars that are poisonous!!



I could swallow a

Bottle of

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watching godzilla vs. kong.. would rather watch dogzilla & kong (a non-violent remake)


Drool, dogzilla, drool, amigo
Drool on the dance floor and on the Louis V carpet

Edit: My brain went blank after the second “drool”.

Hedgehog dog



u/Penis_Bees avatar

I thought this was a decapitated cows head

Haha I always did the same thing whenever I do bathing for my dogs.

I thought it was a polar bear until I read the caption

u/AmGhostDude avatar

clean boi dogzilla

He picks up a bone and he throws it back down, DOGZILLA!

Pet him or he will release an atomic bark

u/ThrowawayForEmilyPro avatar

The way he's sitting really tickles my muffin.

omg this dog looks like a cornish pasty

u/wolfreaks avatar

his radiation breath isn't as good, but it's 3.6 roentgen

Vicar Amelia strikes again

u/AKluthe avatar

"We need a Kong."

Borkzilla has arrived!


an adorable version dogzilla

I could swallow a, Bottle a, alcohol and I'll,

He's a spiky boi

u/geemoly avatar

based on the thumbnail, I thought it was some sort of calzone or something similar.

No no no. This is flufzilla


With a purposeful smirk and a terrible bark
He pulls the spitting high tension wires down

Helpless people on a iron bench
Scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them

He picks up a ball and he brings it back down
As he wades through the gardens toward the center of town

Oh no, they say, he's got to go
Go go Dogzilla, yeah
Oh no, there goes the puddle
Go go Dogzilla, yeah


I thought this was that mango that dude washed and brushed :(

Is this a spoiler for the new movie? lol

This dog is huge and beautiful))))

How we just need a Cat Kong

u/LimpRepresentative69 avatar

Now he will destroy the world! Starting with he couch >:)

u/drmakster avatar

He’s just sitting there waiting lol cuuuute


Here's what the wrong shampoo can do with your hair :)

Women will understand))

u/murphynitnop avatar

a mohecca dog

u/lithu_boi avatar

Aaaaaaaa it's Godzilla! No it's not say god backwards Oh ok,aaaaaaaaa it's dogzilla!

u/raxorboy avatar


u/2433-Scp-682 avatar

his atomic breath is probably made of love and barks