ADHD, Things I have Learned

I am not inherently lazy and procrastinate. I do want to do what needs to be done and acknowledge it should be done but the lack of motivation, interest, or even could be that I find it overwhelming can be preventing me from being able to do it. EXECUTIVE FUNCTION DISORDER.

ADHD isn’t a male only syndrome. It’s effects females differently, usually. Males tend to be more hyperactive and physical as children so ADHD tends to be diagnosed earlier. Females tend to be more inattentive or impulsive and have been shown, generalizing here, able to mask it (hide or compensate) which makes it more challenging to diagnose. EFFECTS EVERYONE.

I was the opposite of the usual female findings. I was a very physical child and was hyperactive. I did kart wheels in the lunch line in Kindergarten, I would climb trees and fences, I would climb doors and draw on the ceiling in crayon, and sat on desks or needed to fidget all the time throughout my schooling. I chewed a lot of pencils. I drew all over the margins of my paper, on me, and on anyone who would let me. My Mom got so fed up, she asked me to draw on my pants instead. My hyperactivity changed into impulsiveness as a teenager where I would stay out late without asking my Mom, I would skip school, I would buy random stuff that I would rarely ever use, and I seriously only wanted to do what I found interesting.

ADHD is rambling or going on tangents of topics you enjoy. See the previous paragraph. 😉 INTEREST-BASED BRAIN. HYPERACTIVITY.

ADHD is being interest in something and able to focus to the point of not being aware of your surroundings , hearing people or other sounds, and ignoring bodily functions or needs to the point of pain. HYPERFOCUS. INTEREST-BASED BRAIN. INATTENTIVENESS. IMPULSIVITY.

ADHD is being so interested in something that you learn all you can about it and usually, surprisingly, really well but then lose interest when you feel you’ve mastered it.

ADHD is where your brain keeps “flipping channels” on a tv (your thoughts) and you can’t stop or control it to the point it interferes with your sleep and ability to focus. HYPERACTIVITY.

ADHD is where you have to work to focus your brain just enough to allow you to fall asleep, some times through music, tv, reading, an activity, etc. Every brain is different which why it is a syndrome—a group of symptoms that (almost) always occur together. HYPERACTIVITY/IMPULSIVITY.

ADHD is where someone teases you about something you’re passionate about or you don’t get chosen and you just feel heartbroken and worthless. HIGH REJECTION SENSITIVITY. EMOTIONAL DYSREGULATION.

ADHD is where you feel a lot of anger or frustration and don’t always know why. You have so much tension in your body. It can be overwhelming. EMOTIONAL DYSREGULATION.

ADHD is “organized chaos.” Your room looks a mess but your piles are actually organized. You know where everything is but it looks like a giant mess/clutter. EXECUTIVE FUNCTION DISORDER.

ADHD is suddenly having a lot of energy or motivation, let’s say, to clean your entire first floor of your house but not cleaning or doing much of anything else for days or weeks after. EXECUTIVE FUNCTION DISORDER. IMPULSIVITY.

ADHD is having no sense of direction. I get lost so easily. LACK OF SPATIAL AWARENESS.

ADHD is inability to sit still, finish reading a big book or even being intimidated by a big book. INATTENTIVENESS. HYPERACTIVITY.

ADHD is losing your keys or phone and finding them in the fridge, pantry, or your hand. INATTENTIVENESS. LACK OF ALERTNESS. WORKING MEMORY DEFICIT.

ADHD is forgetting you have appointments even though you have multiple alarms and reminders. It just takes a distraction to make you forget; otherwise, you’re late a lot. TIME BLINDNESS.

ADHD is having no concept of time. What feels like 5 minutes could be an hour; what feels like an hour could be 15 minutes. TIME BLINDNESS. INATTENTIVENESS.

ADHD is having to stare at flashing lights and unable to look away. DISTRACTIBILITY. INATTENTIVENESS.

ADHD CAN lead to illicit drug use, abuse of alcohol and/or eating disorders. It can also be a way to cope with your brain’s inability to either produce enough or use dopamine and norepinephrine. IMPULSIVITY.

ADHD is having the “memory of a goldfish” or Dory from “Finding Nemo.” You just read a paragraph or page and have no idea what it said. WORKING MEMORY DEFICIT.

ADHD is the inability to give a word to an object that you use regular or know you know but you draw a blank. WORKING MEMORY DEFICIT.

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