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My parents exhausted after weeding at my older brothers house all day..45 years together.

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Oh my god they are so adorable.


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u/bloatedplutocrat avatar

That's what me ol Gaffer says leastwise.


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(married 52 years) I agree! This bothers me! :)

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u/electropop_robot avatar

Gardening is very tiring! Weeding in particular! I'm always starving after lots of gardening

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Funny thing,this was supposed to be their vacation...

Yeah, but taking care of their biggest baby probably brings good memories to both

u/ikeepwipingSTILLPOOP avatar

When I bought a house, after many years of saving, my mom showed up and planted a sizable garden island in my backyard. If i move I'm for sure taking any perennials with me!

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When you get older, vacation takes on very different meanings. All the flashy, far away, sitting on a beach shticht has been done before. Quiet simplicity, doing simple mundane things with someone you've spent your life loving has a special feeling and balance to it that is sublime. And taking a nap, feeling that soul next to yours and hearing their heartbeat is the very best thing on this Earth. I hope you have this joy in your life.

Sitting on our baby's patio (40 something "baby"), sharing a scotch and a cigar when my dear husband of 52 years is sleeping in the guest room; chatting about life, love, memories and current events --- THAT'S a vacation!!!

God I wish I was hanging out with you all. I can just feel the love and the feeling of “we all made it”

Aww - We have "made it" when you mean we love one another and appreciate each other -- and that's what life is all about.

I wish you could hang out with us -- but at least reddit provides a lovely patio - if not the scotch or cigar! LOL

You take care - stay healthy - hydrate - watch your diet - get a check up and most importantly, get involved in your community to make it better :)

Exactly! Thank you, kind stranger

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My "baby" will be 25 in March. This is how I imagine we'll be in 20 years.

It's a wonderful evening to share having a sipper, a cigar and a chat that is funny and serious, then funny again with the child you raised.

It is deeply emotional at times, a learning experience at other times, but always a "feel good" time :)

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Sitting in my computer chair, smoking marijuana, doing whatever I want and eating whatever I want whenever I want is vacation for me.

Well there ya go! That sounds vacation-y too! :)

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This was eloquent AF.

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Having grown sons and married 52 years, I can tell you; helping out your child do chores IS a vacation! :)

Feels good man :)

Love is a vacation.

u/MissMouthy1 avatar

I bet they loved every minute!

Why are they doing gardening on their day off?

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Why isn’t your brother weeding his house?



Your bro needs to get off the weed and weed.

Buy that mofo a goat for his birthday.

(I love this photo so much. It makes my heart happy). Hope you all had a good meal afterward.

You gotta get your momma a reusable water bottle, yo.

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An excuse to invite mom and dad without looking like a mama's boy

Ssshhh - you know our boys? (40's, 50's respectively)

Haha, no, but what boy deep down isn't a mama's boy! They pretend to be annoyed at mom fixing their hair and telling them to behave, but really is an excuse to show mom that they still need them in their childish way. They might love someone else as much as mom, but only mom was the one that caught their puke with her bare hands, then carried them to bed, and then kept one hand on their chest until their fever went away. And boys are shit with showing their feelings but they still want mom to hug them a little too long so it becomes awkward and then demand a kiss to be let go.

Well cripes man --- now I am tearing up --- thanks for the memories (not the puke though lol)

**Grandma hug**

Aww thanks! I love grandma hugs! Mom's side grandma passed away this year and made me realize to be more attentive to the moments in life more. :) And as a fellow Oregonian, I'm glad there's still good people around us, like you and your husband! And please do give the old man a hug too. He's probably a big softie too :D

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u/MissMouthy1 avatar

Work? Kids? My mom was always looking for things to do. She used to love this kind of thing! I still get to enjoy some of the primrose she planted.


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u/MissMouthy1 avatar

Or hopefully they will! I started gardening with my daughters last year. I would love to pass that along!

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My dad loves weeding for some reason. So he’s come over to weed my yard multiple times.

He doesn't "love" it - he may "like" it.

What he loves - is you.

That’s sweet, and yes he does. We have a great relationship. I am still quite convinced he loves weeding too though. His yard is basically immaculate. Even when he’s come over for something else entirely he usually ends up in the yard somehow. My grandparents yard too. I’m glad he enjoys it and I like him coming over. :)

Aww - I bet you do!! Great then that he gets to do what he loves - gardening and visiting his baby :) and his Mom and Dad.

What a great life! :)

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He's busy working to keep social security working!!! :) /jk

Elders way of relaxation or time to themselves..raking leaves is my time

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u/FlowSoSlow avatar

Goddam 45 years... I haven't met anyone I want to spend more than 24 hours with.

They need to be your friend first, everything else second.


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u/letmeusespaces avatar

you can have a wonderful spouse that you still need a break from


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Find someone that makes you laugh.

-Married 37 years


Amen. 20 years here.

Oh my - yes (52 years)

u/cloistered_around avatar

I think humor is subjective and it'd be a shame to pass up on love just because he doesn't tickle your funnybone or you his. Not everyone is a comedian, but everyone definitely loves to laugh!

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Hopefully - you will one day.

It is a gift without measure to every fiber of your being.

u/beleafinyoself avatar

Find someone who needs as much alone time as you. It can work out so great. Like a minimal overlap venn diagram.

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u/AmericanMurderLog avatar

Pro Tip:

If you are smoking pot and you call it "weeding" it sounds like you have been productive!


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**Grandma hug**

Take care - I will be thinking of you and your husband.

Thank you ❤️

So welcome. Take care of yourself too.

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I hope you will get your dream... and then some. <3

Thank you so much 💖

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You know all us internet strangers are rooting for you both.

Thank you ❤️ 😢

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u/MatthewBakke avatar

All the love in the entire world to you and yours.

From the bottom of my heart, I hope you make it there.


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It is Oregon

Hey! I weeded today, too. In Oregon! Are we neighbors?

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It’s tired, hungry, and cotton mouth for me

She is gripping that water bottle pretty hard. I think she is also experiencing cotton mouth.

She knows her husband will need some water when he wakes up - been there, done that (52 years)

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My eyes just hurt

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Weed naps!

u/geisty5150 avatar

Nothing better than a nap with the 1 you love! I hope I still feel that way in 40.

u/Iambigbootyjudy avatar

My husband and I have 22 years in and we can't stand each other. What your parents have is hard to find. They are beautiful together.

I am so sorry - sending good thoughts.

**Grandma hug**

Maybe couples therapy?

Oh no. Why?

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u/Quint27A avatar

He needs a blanket on his feet!!

I know!!!

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May their love be blessed for eternity in this life and the next! Thank you for sharing :) <3

Am I the only one who would feel real weird if someone posted a pic of me like this to random people online?

When 65 you reach, give a fuck you will not.

Possibly their son asked when they woke for their permission.

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I love seeing older couples like this. So nice.


Hashtag GOALS.

or just “hash goals”.

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u/5meterhammer avatar

Thanks for this warning and happy content Upyourbuttitgoes!

Lazy stoners 😏

I read wedding and I didn’t question it one bit. I sympathise on every level and just accepted the fact I’m old now.


I love them. I hope I can meet someone that wants to weed and nap for 45 years.

u/ducknaysh avatar

Great post, upyourbuttitgoes

I thought you meant they had been smoking weed all day with your brother.

Love this--thanks for sharing it with us!

Gardening can be tiring

I’d take a nap if I weeded for 45 years too

What a wholesome post from such a feisty username. OP rules

u/PlentyMail2 avatar

Don’t care who you are, that’s what love looks like

That’s so cute oh my gosh

u/Garconanokin avatar

Are we getting them the vaccination soon I hope?

MI here - can't even get an appointment -- married 52 years.

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I’ll never know this feel.

Look my dude, you probably still have a lot ahead of you. Shit can change, people can change and you can and probably will change. I know this is an empty phrase but stuff will get better. Don’t try to force it, and if possible think of the good stuff that can still happen.

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That's awesome


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If by 'dirty' you mean get a cup of coffee, yawn and remember there was something on TV they wanted to watch, then yes.

Going out to wedding during a pandemic, that's a paddling

u/mayor676 avatar

Reread the title carefully.

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What kind of weed?

u/Frustrated_Dad avatar

My wife and I weed too! We LOVE the pots!

u/rmoss20 avatar

How big is that couch?


This is the dream.

Ok but that couch is actually big enough for two people 👌

I never once have seen my parents doing something like this. It’s sad; this is so cute!

User name does not check out

u/zosteria avatar

Guess they had too much weed

Awwww How sweet 😍God Bless them 🙏

u/HumbleGarb avatar

I like their style.

I love this 💕


Is your older brother incapable of weeding his own house...?

u/Stock-Theory5256 avatar


u/Early_or_Latte avatar

My parents partake in a little "weeding" here and there too. They usually like to snack before they fall asleep on the couch.

u/IAmADerpAMA avatar

I always feel bad putting the old folks to work, but they love to help, so we all survive.

u/CostaBJJ avatar

Life goals galore in this photo.

Oh man! This made me miss my parents so much ❤️❤️


I really love this :)

Healthiest thing I've seen all day

And I thought I was happily married. Well, turns out not this happily.

Relationship goals :)


Weeding takes a fucken toll on you!! My younger yrs my family grew ginseng and when it was time to weed,shit!!, fucking boring ass shit and longest thing ever!!

Couple goals.

my heart hurts

this is not aww

Love them.

I honestly got confused with the word “weeding” I was like uhhh they dont look like couples who smoke weed all day? Then had to do double take. Im so sorry OP and thank you for sharing about their 45years of marriage and getting stronger! :) Awww now I miss my parents

u/RegNurse2015 avatar

This is just so lovely!👏💖

u/the_og_matador avatar

Clips his toenails and do your mom a favor

u/creativemjj avatar

I want this 🥺

There’s a lot of love in your family

thats nice but I've found its easier to pay some idiot kid 20 bucks and save your back.

u/Vhij avatar

Hey they look low, not high! Weren't they weeding??

Looking at this photo all I can think is how uncomfortable it looks.

What kind of pesticide they were using?

Very wholesome post u/Upyourbuttitgoes !

I'm once again single, and I wont live another 45 years. I highly envy this.

I(27f) hope I get to be like this one day. I just started dating my best friend(25m) of about 20 years and I'm stoked. We've always kind of liked each other but we were total dirtbags when we were younger.

It kind of just happened too. We all(whole gang of friends and we've all known each other 19-23 years) had a get together for New Years and it just sparked from there. He is so amazingly sweet to me. I always could see straight through his curt wit and sarcasm, but I never knew he was this nice. I just felt at home with him. I'm currently playing Sonic Battle 2 in his hotel room waiting to surprise with the fact I'm still here after he gets off of work(I was here the two days he was off work and decided I didn't feel like driving home).

Love it. Goals!

Ok really removed this WHY.

Damn. How much did they smoke?

u/hunchxpunch avatar

And more importantly 2hrs together, first 1 and then the other.

(taking creative license here)

now carry them to the bedroom like how they carried u to ur bedroom in the past:D

I’m not even gonna hide it, I’m crying. I wish my parents stayed together...

Love seeing this mainly cuz my parents split up and never saw this kind of love in my house. Thanks for posting.

I thought they went to the house and got stoned with your older brother. I thought, "That's nice."

This is beautiful

Me too! Thank you 💕

Thank you! 💜