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Swan hugging vet who saved his life

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u/Flair_Helper avatar

Hey u/shineboxpower, thanks for contributing to r/aww. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules:

Rule 1 - No "sad" content, such as pics of animals that have passed away (try r/petloss), animals that have been injured/abused, or sob stories (e.g. found him in a dumpster). more

  • Your title must be "100% happy". No mentioning death, injury, RIP posts, finding abandoned animals, sick/survived cancer, pets being put to sleep, "I miss...", etc.

  • You may tell the complete story, unhappy parts and all, in the comments section.

  • Silver lining stories still fall under Rule 1. For example, "Jakey was hit by a car and had cancer, but he is a happy little fella today!" is not allowed.

Please read the sidebar and rules before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please message the moderators through modmail. Thank you!

u/in-a-sense-lost avatar

How did I not realize that swans are HUGE?

Swans are huge and aggressive with nasty attitudes. I saw a video where some teeny ducks got into their territory and they drowned one and the other fled to another part of the pond after being chased, only to be pounced on and drowned when it thought it was safe. It was much too tired to fight back.

I hate it when Awww turns into wtf.


So... any time anyone posts an otter on here?

or a fox...

Or a seagull eating a pigeon.

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u/dlloft avatar

Otters are evil

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Please tell me about these otters.

They rape baby seals.

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Stay away from r/awwtf


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Yeah....sub is hit it or miss.


I am now smart enough to know better

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Have... Are.... Do you know what website you are on? Wait. You do know you're on the internet right? Like one weird click you're on porn, another is a Rick roll, you get some music and funny clips mixed in, maybe a beheading. Who knows? It's a wild ride on here. But I think you're maybe wanting to refer to sub that is now banned.


r/awwwtf ? Cause that's not banned. It's also garbage. 90% awww. 10% tf.

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Usually when animals on Reddit do something cute it means they are sick and will likely die.

u/Gnarwhalz avatar

Eh, it's a double sided coin. Good to remember that they aren't inherently cute, we impose cuteness on them cuz of how our brains have evolved.

Finding anything other than a human being cute is kind of a quirk of our biology. Similarly, finding anything an animal does "fucked up" is really just seen as such through the lens of being human.

The world is weird and scary and shit, but it is what it is.

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Yep. I was sitting next to our hospitals pond and one of the swans kept attacking baby ducks that would get into the water. They’re real jerks, who can be mean to a cute little baby duck! :’(

A swan who thought it was an ugly duckling as a cygnet, was treated badly by ducklings when it tried to fit in with them, and is now thirsty for vengeance? At least I assume that's how that story turned out.

u/Plarocks avatar


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u/grandlizardo avatar

And pretty nasty to students walking by their lake. Hated them...

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u/Negative-Marketing48 avatar

That's nothing. I saw once a swan come up to a guy sitting at a lake beach, a big guy, extend neck and wings and scream and hiss at the guy until the guy dropped a loaf of bread he was making sandwiches from, and then the swan just reached in, picked up the loaf and ran away with it. The guy looked absolutely terrified.

They are similar to cobra chickens (canada geese) total assholes

u/proto5014 avatar

If you have a problem with the majestic Canadian Goose, then you have a problem with me. And I suggest you let that one marinate

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Yah, as a duck hunter, you don’t want swans coming around your decoys. Makes for a slow day. Pretty birds, but please leave for a couple hours.

One of the funniest things I've ever read is a P.G. Wodehouse story about a killer swan.

Many of the funniest things I’ve read have been PG Wodehouse!

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Can confirm. Swans are bastards. I grew up in a college town with a mated pair of swans in one of their lakes. Those devil turkeys were responsible for a couple ER trips a year from unsuspecting students and townsfolk.

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So what you're saying is they have a fowl attitude?

u/cranberry94 avatar

Some swans aren’t so bad. I hand fed a couple some dog treats one time. The let me pet their necks and stuff. It was weird. Think they were happy that they were getting some attention instead of the hordes of ducks that usually got the snacks. (Would have given them something more bird friendly, but all I had was dog treats, as I was walking my dog)

Thanks for the sad story.

Why would someone film this

I once saw a swan chasing a full family around a picnic table- mom, dad, small child, and dog. I’ve treated them with excessive caution ever since.

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90% of a swan is underwater, like an iceberg, so you don’t see them until they emerge.

Are we sure the Titanic didn’t hit a swan?

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u/LuciferandSonsPLLC avatar

You were never attacked by one. (I was 3 years old D:)

It's like being chased by a bundle of flying hissing flapping murderous snakes.

u/WritPositWrit avatar


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My son was about 3-4 years old when he had a bad encounter with geese. We would go to a local waterway and feed the geese until one day one turned aggressive and ran after us. Needless to say, my boy didn't want to return after that visit.

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u/Rexbex avatar

Wait til you see one flying. That bugged me out.

Wait... So bjork's dress was actual size?

u/onkachonk avatar

I was surprised at how long it took to find to the first Björk reference. Thank you!

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Just the one swan actually

u/LeakyLycanthrope avatar

My buddy is doing his PhD at Oxford, and told me how there was a big to-do when an international student hunted down a swan, killed it, and cooked it.

Mostly I was just impressed that he killed the damn thing, because I don't remember a gun being involved.

Go check out the harpy Eagle. You'll be in for a surprise!


u/crispynchuy avatar


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This may be the first swan I’ve ever seen be nice to a human. If you’re lucky, they’ll ignore you... if your unlucky, they’ll chase you in your kayak for a while.

u/insadragon avatar

Damn! That is a talented swan stealing your kayak like that!

u/SanduskyShowers avatar

You’re not kidding. I’ve seen a swan attack kids in a canoe. They couldn’t outrun it so they flip it over and hid underneath. Stay away from their nests. No joke.

Updoot just because username made me laugh.

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I'm guessing it's drugged up from whatever vet services it got.

u/Statman12 avatar

Kayak? A buddy of mine decided to aggravate swans one time. They chased him while he was on a jet ski.

A tale as old as time.

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Nah it’s not being nice. It’s just trying the anaconda method of strangulation

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Looks like that dress from Björk

I was going to say I wonder if that is where she got her inspiration lol 😂

Ha ha ha ha that’s hilarious! Young people look it up.

Lmao came here to say that, you beat me to it

I came here looking for this. Pretty surprised it took me several scrolls to get to it.

I didn't understand that dress until the moment I saw this picture.

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Swan is just waiting to grab her glasses and run away and then throw a shovel in a lake or some shit.


and then throw a shovel in a lake or some shit.

That was a goose, and it was a rake.

I really need to play that ridiculous game.


I seriously almost bought it just because of that guy's vid! 😹

u/strp avatar

It’s really fun! There’s a coop mode now too.

It's a great game to be wonderfully, harmlessly, but absolutely bastardous

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Rake in the lake




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is that a huge swan or a small lady? both? look at the feet on that guy/girl, you don't want them to show you their pimp hand. I can see why people are intimidated by swans now

u/wozattacks avatar

Swans are all huge!

I saw a large bird tucked into her neck and something else in the other side. Surreal

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I spy a tool t shirt

u/Covered_in_bees_ avatar

Lol, that's the first thing I noticed too. Still sad that I've never actually bumped into anyone else wearing a Tool t-shirt.

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Today I learned a swan could probably eat my dog.

u/Delamoor avatar

Knowing swans, they would probably enjoy eating your dog, purely out of furious spite.

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Then the X-Files being, Looking like some kind of blue-green Jackie Chan with Isabella Rossellini lips and Breath that reeked of vanilla Chig Champa Did a slow-mo Matrix descent out of the butt end of the banana vessel And hovered above my bug-eyes, my gaping jaw, And my sweaty L. Ron Hubbard upper lip and all I could think was: "I hope Uncle Martin here doesn't Notice that I pissed my fuckin' pants."

Shit yea it is!

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u/Shreddorino avatar

Looks like it's strangling her

u/brucebrowde avatar

Python swan.


u/Esc_ape_artist avatar

Pythwan. Go wth the lithp.

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u/gambronus avatar


u/Armand28 avatar

Photo taken minutes before the duck-snake went ham on the vet.

Swans are gracious jerks but I respect them so much for their jerkiness, they do everything for family.

Ah swans. Genuinely terrifying creatures, but they look superb

u/I_might_be_weasel avatar

You have melted the cold heart of the angry bird.

Shes got a living Bjork dress!!

u/lechartmann avatar

I was scrolling down to see if anyone had already posted the Bork dress!!! Congratulations for beating me to it!!!🐾😻🐾

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u/Delamoor avatar

Having met many a swan, I don't feel the headline's quite right...

That Swan isn't hugging her... It's just not yet found a way to successfully attack her face for no reason, and it's too far from the ground to chase her around screaming at her, as it's TRUE wish.

Maybe it's trying a choke hold...?

(Swans are even bigger assholes than Geese. Cute little guys though, so long as you stay out of biting distance!)

What’s the back story on this? Can’t have a giant swan with giant feet and no story

Plot twist that swan is dead and that lady is wearing it like a fur coat. Er... feather coat.

She is wearing a Tool shirt n the swan is giving me Faith no More Angel Dust vibes. This post is metal!

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Bjork looks different than I remember.

Is this a normal size for a swan because that’s much bigger than I would have expected


Yes! They are big and usually super mean. 😬

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I forgot how massive swans were

u/Curious_Centaur avatar

I didn’t realise how big these birds are until I saw this post.


No, Zeus. No.

Is that Bjork's dress?


feather boa

What a giant beauty!

Beautiful moment! 🖤

u/rbrewer11 avatar

Walking by a canal in Scotland and suddenly heard his high pitched reed noise as a swan flew by about two feet over the canal. Huge wingspan and the noise from its flight was something I’ll never forget.

Damn thing is huge

Is this pic from the North Carolina Waterfowl Rescue?

I've "met" a whole bunch of great birds from there.

I understand that the position taken by this swan shows affection or even love. There are photos of a dancer, Pavlova?, sitting with her pet swan in this position.

^ Bjork’s dress from the 90’s

“ Björks costume muse “ TIFIFY


OMG that is the sweetest picture.

That woman is drinking that hug in!

I really didn’t know swans were so big

u/Krlowen avatar


I call all swans “concentrated evil”...this pic is just part of a con, a scheme...don’t be fooled, run nice vet RUN!

u/Pyro-Millie avatar

Am I the only one who didn’t realize swans were massive? I always imagined them like the size of geese!

He might be tryjng to strangle her so no one remembers his single moment of weakness

He protec.

He def attac.

But most, he give back.

u/ThatsSoKrunk avatar

Due to my experience running in a park overridden with swans I’d say it’s much more likely the swans trying to strangle him


swan isn’t hugging the human; it’s strangling her with its neck


Major BIRB

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Knowing swans it's likely trying to choke her out. I've only met really mean swans :'(

Thank you to the vet who save this swans life . It’s amazing how animals just know when they are safe and who they can trust . Thank you for sharing this photo ♥️❤️💚💖


This is so precious 🥺

This doesn't look right to me. It's like the swan's stomach is facing out and the woman has draped it's neck around her neck. Something is super off here!

That swan must be anesthesised af lol, I know wild swans and they don't like humans


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u/JoeyBroadhands avatar

No mention of any backstory? Who diagnosed the swan?


u/red5_lithium avatar

Too make this even more wholesome, I think the vet is wearing a TOOL shirt! r/toolband

It's lovely to see a swan affectionate.

But I'm really puzzled by the variety of pets people seem to have. Raccoons, Otters, Platypus and now a Swan... I'm not sure if those would even be legal to own as a pet in my country.

might just be a wildlife rescue..injured animals, taken off the street/pond, need medical care..could be a pet though

u/fromzootomedschoo avatar

I don’t think that anyone has a actual pet platypus. There’s only like a handful of zoos that keep them because they are difficult to care for in captivity.

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Ok, if I didn't have context for this picture, I would assume the swan was thinking, "You may have my back, but I'mma still try ta choke ya!" Just from the asshole swans I've come across.

Thats a big bird

I scrolled this whole damn comment section and not one Billy Madison joke? I am getting old.

u/primroseinc avatar


I didn’t realize they got that big!It’s feet are massive!

No luck saving them swans then?


Damn, that’s a big ass chicken

Thats adorable, but that swan might be trying to choke out that vet

Bjork, Bjork, is that you? I can't believe it, this is so cool! Remember me from Cincinnati? I was in the front row, smokin' a fatty!

Am jealous! That hug looks amazing!

u/omasgs4 avatar

Really awesome!

See, geese? You can be better birds. Just be like the swan.

u/NotretiredinFL avatar

Ok, so now I understand why many of the lakes in my FL town have fake swans.

The evening swan strikes again

u/quilteri avatar

I feed three dozen wild ducks and a family of swans (mom, dad, and full-grown fledging) that live in the canal behind my house. The young swan lets me stroke his neck and would eat from my hand if I let him, but his teeth are sharp! As long as they’re being fed, they don’t mind the ducks, who live and nest in the same small marsh across the canal. I’ve seen ducks clamber over a swan to get the food.

Sorry, stupid question, could the swan be just anesthetized and just sleeping in the neck?


Zeus what are you doing? What if your wife sees you?


Aren't swans giant assholes?


u/JPolishSasquatch avatar

Clearly a dead swan

All the comments I'm reading say stay away from swans because they act too much like humans.

u/zimpulsive-206 avatar

Swans are SO big and why is my vision blurry

So much love it became a Björk dress

u/whimsicalfinch avatar

What is that!

u/Cordeceps avatar

Hug or choke hold? Lol All jokes aside that is absolutely adorable



u/LaunchesKayaks avatar

My muscovy drake adores being hugged and hugs me back with his neck. He's a good boy who just wants love from his mama lol

Swans can break your femur with their wings. Abort.

Uh are we sure it’s neck isn’t broken?

Are we sure that isn't Bjorks dress? XD

Which one is which?

Anyone got a source to back up OP's title? because that sure sounds like something people make up for Karma on reddit, especially when we all know this is a repost


There's a guy in the UK that gets called to rescue swans in distress. He's on YT. But he's very gentle with them and when they get a little rowdy, he talks to them in this lovely british accent. Edited- His name is Simon and he's with Wildlife Aid

I see you are doing a Bjork

This too belongs in r/nextfuckinglevel

I thought it was a big cockatoo

This reminds me of a book I had when I was young. It was in Spanish and translated to The Silk Handkerchief (El Pañuelo de Seda) where the girl who loves watching cranes at one point has to use a prized silk handkerchief (given to her earlier in the story by a Lady when she turned a jeweler that feel from her coach) to save one that is injured and bleeding. It heals and eventually flys off. I remember the girl deciding that saving the life of the crane was more important than her loved handkerchief. The courage she had to gather to even approach the bird. I loved that book as a child.

u/zwilliz86 avatar

Thats awesome! I've never cuddled a turkey before

u/aliquilts71 avatar

The only time I saw a swan out of water was when one came out to chase me. It was bloody terrifying!! Seeing a swan cuddly like this makes me happy.


Wow. Swans are MEAN. Apparently they’re not stupid.