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This is so wholesome

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u/Assclown_wrangler avatar

My man has moved to that tune a time or two before. Respect.

Seated or not, that man can move!

So this why the bus is always late..

Good reason, though.

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u/sirwaffleface avatar
u/MaXiMuMgAmInG77 avatar

He puts Michael Jackson to shame

I came here to comment on his crispy fresh moves, too

u/diasporious avatar

Michael Jackson already put Michael Jackson to shame

To be fair, it isn't hard to shame Michael Jackson.

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u/ihattwitch3752 avatar

Man they be vibing hard

Who hasn't for for god sakes. That song goes hard; I dont care who you are.

So this is the song the girls are singing in that MST3K promo!

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Maybe humanity wasn't a failure at all

u/Available_Jackfruit avatar

God looks down

"All right y'all can get another hundred years to sort it out"


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It means he doesn't pop new bubbles and doesn't develop new symptoms anymore

Maybe he'll also revert any natural mutations

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u/CakeTeim avatar

We do honestly keep trying, and like most things that eventually come out perfect...require trial, error, and a lot of luck. I’m sorry if some of us have failed in the past, I can’t speak for their actions, but I can say I’ll try not to make those same mistakes. That’s all we can really do, learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward.


There really is a shit tainted color clouding our 21st century glasses. Good is happening every day all around us. Each of us are capable of both small and big acts of kindness. Everyone seems to be complaining about how terrible everything is but when was the last time any of them truly showed someone else compassion?

I just don't get it. Life is pretty fucking god damn good. Could it be better? Sure. Could it be worse? Absolutely. So why does everyone insist on focusing on the negatives all the fucking god damn time?

It's pretty amazing how when you stop just looking at everyone else like they're a piece of shit you start to just enjoy life a little bit more and more.


I think the media doesn't help with this. You turn on the news and all they show is negative stories.


For sure. This is another thing though. We've convinced ourselves that we NEED to know what's going on at all times and judge people who don't follow the news. But do we? Do we really need to follow this shit this closely?

I don't have cable, haven't for a long time, that means no traditional news. I also just avoid agregators and all that shit nowadays. Honestly Reddit is AMAZING for the news. If it's actually important it'll get pushed up your feed. Every once and a while I'll hear about something and think I should look into it and I do that by just googling the topic. Find a few articles and go from there.

We need to remember that the media no longer serves the #1 goal of informing a population. The #1 goal is $$$. No profit means no broadcast.

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u/Trivvy avatar

The fact that Mr. Rogers existed is what gives me hope.

If he could be the way he was, everyone could be, you simply have to choose to do so.

u/MaXiMuMgAmInG77 avatar

It’s so heart warming to see people who have so little but bring so much to the world

u/Iggypiggy_meow avatar

What an odd thing to say, you assuming he has very little because???

It’s so heart warming to see people only have to give so little to bring so much to the world

There, I fixed it.

u/Bunnythumper8675309 avatar

Right, driving a bus is a good gig where I'm from.

I'm a city bus driver and I'm solidly in the middle of middle class. I have great health benefits, an amazing retirement plan, sick time, vacation time, and I have the option to take summers off. It's easily one of the best jobs in my area. I have a degree in biology and I decided not to go for my masters or PhD because an instructor I had in my senior year has his PhD and I make more than he does. Not exactly motivating.

However, it's mindless and boring so when we can have a little fun like this, we'll totally take it.

I have total respect for bus drivers. I took the bus to and fro to work for five years. I was never late when I caught the bus; they kept on schedule and got me to work on time. When I drive, I have no qualms about letting buses get in front of me, and I will go out of my way to let them get back into the lane I’m in.

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Jesus Christ...

u/Yell0wBeard avatar

Jesus..... he has got a job, he is a little chubby but seems to be in good health. What makes you think the driver or perhaps the kid has such little?

u/niceweaselcannon avatar

I don't think OP was trying to be an ass. Let's face it, the bus driver isn't rolling in the dough, but regardless of financial status, he can bring a lot of joy to a kid's day.

You don’t know he’s “no rolling in dough.”

u/niceweaselcannon avatar

It's called a reasonable assumption. It's likely he's an average middle class laborer who gets by like most bus drivers. But I suppose you're right. It's rude to assume. He could be a billionaire with a passion for bus driving.

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I hope you're talking about the child. Otherwise you're an ass.


Comment removed by moderator

I assumed they meant that because he's a bus driver.

You racist piece of shit.

Lol It’s a joke stupid, bus drivers prolly make a decent living btw

I did wonder if you were joking. Usually isn't a good sign that your joke worked.

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u/MaXiMuMgAmInG77 avatar

I’m black. Nice try tho

Lol sure ..

Ye someone will definitely lie about their race to win some weird internet arugment

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u/MaXiMuMgAmInG77 avatar

Bro just stop your karma can’t take anymore

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Humanity is failing them both.


Yup. This got downvoted because people don’t want to accept the fact that they’re privileged.

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“Meanwhile, the President of the United States Of America was negotiating with the Taliban, and bragging about it on live television...”

why cant you just enjoy that both of them have fun, why do you have to bring politics into this dude...

Orange man bad!

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I have watched this repeatedly. It puts a genuine smile on my face!


"It's beautiful. I've looked at this for hours now."

u/HumbleFlexer428 avatar

Why tho

Because it's so genuine! That bus driver is all about dancing with that little girl, he doesn't care who's watching or what they're thinking. He just wanted to help make her day a bit brighter.

u/mayankkaizen avatar

If this has to be explained to you, this probably isn't for you.

u/HumbleFlexer428 avatar

The video don’t surprise me at all I see sweet stuff like this regularly. I assume y’all live in Virginia or something and think black men don’t listen to pop music, we listen to everything

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People like this make me incredibly happy

u/JommyJamOnYou avatar

I'll say it again. These are the people we need more of in this world


this driver isn't payed enough....

u/MaXiMuMgAmInG77 avatar

I agree

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u/Diffident-Weasel avatar

That man got more into than she did, that is awesome!

u/ItsAlright_ItsOK avatar

Fantastic piece of life

u/Daboyz4life avatar

This man is blessed to have the kindest, gentle and uplifting personality and to have the patience to turn up the music so that little girl and him can dance. This world needs more beautiful people like this gentlemen. Bless You dear man.😇👍

One of the most wholesome things I've ever seen, love it.

u/Michael-Chiropoulos avatar

This mans a g

I like his energy.

Dude has more groove than me standing, whilst confined to a seat.


taylor swift reposted this on her instagram too!


I love that he was dancing with her! So, so sweet.

He didn't just make that adorable little kid happy, he made over 50k people (who upvoted) happy too.


"Yeah hi Kevin, I'm going to be late to work again. A baby likes the song playing on the bus."

Awwwwww when she shakes it off 😍😍😍

Thanks for sharing. Just passed the phone around and a bunch of folks in Baltimore are smiling

u/Rybrator avatar

This is amazing to watch I love it and I love that we got to witness it


Truly made me smile

u/Sloppyjoe7575 avatar

Alll fuckin day

u/Sherunswthscissors avatar

I heart this so much...

u/nerd-dftba avatar

Be the person that little girl needs in the world

Todlers are so pure man.

u/Skyplex avatar

That's a bad ass bus driver, I hope that childs parents tipped him!

Do people actually do that? Should I be tipping municipal bus drivers?

u/xeothought avatar

No and let's not start. I already don't know if i have to tip people delivering my couch or not (Already paid a bunch for delivery)... I realize it's not the same thing... but like.. let's not add more tipping to the list. Let's just have people get paid correctly.

u/JohnnyOnslaught avatar

Do people actually do that?

I'm going to blow your mind. You can literally tip anyone you want, for anything you want! I used to have an old lady tip me with cookies because I wasn't allowed to receive monetary tips at work.

u/Skyplex avatar

They do a service for you dont they. You tip your barber, hair stylist, waiter, and cab (uber/lyft) driver ... why not the bus driver?

u/CosmicGame avatar

Honestly, the best tip you can give to gov't employees is respectful/efficient interactions whenever possible, and then voting in ways that will support them and their unions. /soapbox

u/Skyplex avatar

Most states dont have unions.

u/CosmicGame avatar

Which is honestly another reason to vote in ways that will support the employees anyway. (But yeah, I suppose I should've stipulated "and/or"...)

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Also, cash is cool.

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Every bus I've ever been on has had a sign in giant letters saying, "Do not tip the driver"

u/Skyplex avatar

Meh rules are ment to be broken.

Oh just shut up

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I guess I just never considered tipping government employees. Should I also be tipping mailmen?

u/Skyplex avatar

I give my mailman a cake and a card with a gift card every year for Christmas.

u/grubblingwhaffle avatar

Literally yes but probably just once a year around Christmas.

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u/Bily-Nelson avatar

The bus driver did it out of the goodness of his heart... you can’t pay for that.

u/M0rlana avatar

Don’t tip government workers they can get in trouble for ethics violations. Bribery. I once had a person give me a designer bag. I refused it but she refused to take it back. I knew it couldn’t keep it so I reported up. Ethics called me and said the nature of the job put me in a position of power over her and it would be considered bribery. I mailed it to her certified. So no matter what your function, safer to accept a smile and ask them to pay the good feeling forward.

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u/kbat420 avatar

Taylor Swift’s impact

Cute, but could you imagine being a commuter on your way to work and you're late. Sorry boss, the bus driver and a 4yo had a dance off.

u/hintytyhinthint avatar

Black people are so cool

u/NextstopCali avatar

Amazing guy!!

It’s stuff like this that puts my faith back in humanity

u/kaydannreed118 avatar

She or he is so cute

u/ProfessorJSim avatar

She's really enjoying aww.

Racism is no more


Joy is everywhere if your eyes are open to it


I love this!!

u/Navygirlnuc91 avatar

So cute

u/Kick_It_Kev avatar

When you're waiting for a bus and The Notorious B.I.G. shows up

Such a simple moment yet so heartfilling

This is the cutest thing ever

u/jdcoop78 avatar

Most of the time, I hate people. Then this happens.

u/Kahleismyname avatar

Kudos to the bus driver. He certainly made that little girls day.

This is nice and everything but if I was on this bus trying to get to work and missed a connecting bus or late for work I’d be super annoyed..

u/Marailby avatar

He was just waiting for an excuse, that's definitely not the first time he's danced to that song.


Reddit: where you can watch a wholesome af video that inspires you, then you scroll down and see this shit

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Are black people just born with the ability to groove like a boss?

This is awesome. It looks like they made each others day

So blame the little kid from video if you are late

How adorable!

u/agwufkcn avatar

kanye west never taking that bus.

u/Blankasun76 avatar

That’s cute

This is why bus drives should have a bathroom

u/Seabasschen avatar

coulda gone sideways if song was Color Me Badd

This has restored my hope in humanity

u/bright_sunshine19 avatar

Things like this are what keeps me going

u/alexthepoop1019 avatar


u/nice-scores avatar

𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

Nice Leaderboard

1. u/RepliesNice at 1660 nice's

2. u/lerobinbot at 1439 nice's

3. u/porousasshole at 493 nice's

122770. u/alexthepoop1019 at 1 nice


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u/Julian_Mattos avatar

Omg so cute


The surprise I got when I unmuted it and it was Taylor Swift.

so much cuteness :-)


I wanna live like that bus driver.

u/pastel-_-boi avatar

Dang, they vibin' Thank you, bus driver

u/SerephDoll avatar

That is so cute!

Thank you! I needed to see this today.

Good guy bus driver is a good guy.

Cuteness overload!

u/debzsmallz avatar

Love this :)

Wholesome 🙏🙏🙏

u/CalamityPenguin avatar

Awesome baby dancing

I would be like...let’s go man I’m gonna be late for work

The 4 year olds I teach LOVE this song. So if they clean up quickly before lunch time, I'll play this and they'll bust the best dance moves haha! Such a cute video!

u/One-eyed-snake avatar

Nice! . Both of them got moves.

That's beautiful!

Prime example of how to Not despise someones youth

Heheh this made my day ✨☺️

u/AshTOON_260 avatar

What about the other people on the bus bruh

Respect my G

Shake it off .....


u/zylwig avatar

Made my heart feel good.

Plot twist: the song was It's Raining Blood

u/nato3878 avatar

Quality .

u/singbassplaybass avatar

Best thing I’ve seen on Reddit, warmed my heart

u/itmemesfunny avatar

I love you!

I love this

u/Resioku avatar

Drivers like this are so under appreciated

All the passengers on the bus are like, um, can we fucking go already?

u/the_confused_citizen avatar

He's got some moves!

He got movees damn

u/MCCaroler7 avatar

I usually like Christmas music odd

Looking forward to see good things come this man’s way on Ellen when she gets a hold of this clip.

Seeing regular people at work doing cute things with kids makes life worth living.

u/AlistairH94 avatar

This would just annoy me, get the bus moving.

u/TheManHue avatar

"Stop dancin baby! Some of is gots to get to fuckin WORK!"

u/AlistairH94 avatar

You are trying to mock me but it is true, he is supposed to be doing a job.

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u/dune__ avatar

Man is depressed

if i could pay for the bus with a dance id be riding the bus more often!

u/Murhaf- avatar

Cuteness 100

u/j_pena1 avatar

My eyes tear up while my ears bleed.

u/te3n avatar

Because that's what heroes do

Omg I'm listening to this song rn omfg :)))

u/Spicy_Oxygen avatar

This, does put a smile on my face. :)

u/KWM717 avatar

Faith in humanity: restored.

Finally, a good reason for the bus to be late

Guys what about Michael Jackson

u/KurbanX avatar

Where is the driver?

u/ISlicedI avatar

Some of us need to get to work in time!

Who knew Kenan Thompson moonlighted as a bus driver

My daughter’s TC made an awesome one-take video of this. On the surface, it seems such a silly song, but for her it hit home.


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How tf does this correlate to this vid ya twat

u/---bruh--- avatar

I cried.. that’s why I’ll delete if you want

No one cares

u/---bruh--- avatar


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It’s a bad thing he has to go

u/existentialdreadAMA avatar

Why are you this way?

I'm white and when I was younger I had a black crossing guard I liked him a lot and used to give him birthday presents. Skin colour is just a colour, doesn't define you unless you let it.

We did it boys, racism is no more

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