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A normal day at the pool... RELAX

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u/Lucymilo1219 avatar

The chill is real!


'The chill is real!'

i am the dog

the wet i feel

am much relax -

the chill is real ;@)

here on my raft -

a noodle boat

i drift around

n do a float

the swimming pool

so much enjoy

am nice n cool -

the Goodest Buoy


Fresh from the press

Gotta updoot before the rest

These rhymes are the best

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fuck asking for nudes; I'm asking for Schnood's!

u/FerretsAreFun avatar

Please send Schnoods.

u/the_dude_upvotes avatar
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I showed u my poem pls respond


show schnoobs and vagena

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u/HenryAlSirat avatar

i am the legend

my name is schnoodle

i bake short poem

cause dog on noodles

my rhymes are deft

clever n cute -

i'd say ol' schoodle's

earned a boop!

this furry floater

so chill with style

inspires me

to make frens smile :)

u/ThatsWhatSheaSaid avatar

“n do a float” I cackled, this is just the best (also A+++ for the buoy/boy pun)

Snoodle I know we don’t know each other but it’s important to me that you know I love you

Fresh Schnoodle on pool noodles

This is my favorite. I love the chill is real -90s emoji- line and buoy was clever af


u/Single_Theme avatar

I love this account so much

You got me at Buoy :D Muy excellente!

u/DannyDeVitosPimp avatar

What happened to that poemforyoursprong dude? Haven’t seen him in years

u/southpaw_koshka avatar

The goodest pun

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u/bplboston17 avatar

the goodest BUUUUUU OYYYYY, such pun is genius


Comment removed by moderator

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Buoy...sheez you're killing me.

I can hear the little ditty and I love it

God I hate this guy

It’s disgusting.

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It looks like an older golden retriever. Bet that floating feels great on creaky joints.

u/BrownShadow avatar

So chill. My dog loves water, excellent swimmer. Rivers, lakes. She is a pro. The swimming pool? “Oh dear god we are all going to die!”. When she has had enough, straight to the coping at the side of the pool. There are stairs dog... not just a ladder, actual stairs. She is really well trained, but can be dumb as a brick sometimes. 13 years old, been swimming in the pool for 10. Still love that brick, and would do anything for her.

I swear they’re all like that, totally brilliant in one or two areas, and the rest of the time you’d swear their head are full of rocks

Thick as a brick, is she? (apologies to Jethro Tull)

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That's an impressive amount of chill

Dude right! I strive to achieve that level of don’t give af 💕💕

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u/cindelle22 avatar

This is my goal in life right now

u/katabatico avatar

We may not deserve dogs, but dogs deserve this.


Underrated comment.

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I know I could never achieve this level of chill.

Why not .....??? just enjoy the same

u/Quaalude_Dude avatar

I only need to buy a house... with a yard... and a pool.... and pay extra for pool insurance.... and a dog.... and a job that pays enough and doesn't require me to work 12hrs a day so I could actually take care of said dog. Damn... Maybe someday...

Just wanna say that I really appreciate your thought process to getting a dog. As much as you want a dog, you understand and accept that at this current time, you can't give them adequate time and love to make that decision. I just want you to know how awesome and responsible you are to have that mindset.

u/ChingyBingyBongyBong avatar

12 hours a day with you is better than 24 in a cell at the rescue.

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u/Lemus89 avatar

I picked up my dog last year first of May, after working at my company for 8 years, just gained a higher paid position and off shift so he didn't spend more than 3 hours during the day in kennel.

In August they announced the factory was closing. Luckily I qualified for government programs to pay for school and give me a paycheck. Been at home with him nearly every day since October.

For sure planning and understanding the effort it requires is worth it, and sometimes shit happens.

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u/CatBedParadise avatar

The doggo would be chill without those things. Let us go and do likewise.

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There is no pool and also, FEAR OF CORONA

u/f_n_a_ avatar

Just find a pool and stay in the deep end

u/allofthemwitches avatar

Where the shark is?!

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He's alone in the pool.

He's also a dog.

But in case you're not a dog, have someone sit on a deck, you go in a pool (you should never swim alone). Then switch, because you should return the favor.

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Just needs a flutter board to rest his chin on

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LMFAO he actually doesn’t even acknowledge you it’s hilarious

He is just into himself.... lol


Is that your dog? Whats his name? Super handsome

u/Reallawngnomer avatar


That's a horrible name.

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Love when he bops the red ball and pays it no mind and just keeps floating along

He is so calm and so relax... I hope I can get to that climax of relaxation.

u/autoeroticassfxation avatar

I see your problem, you're going the wrong way. What you want is to lull into relaxation, you can't climax into it.

u/the_dude_upvotes avatar

Not with that attitude you can’t

All I need is a Corona with a lime floating right next to me in that pool and I'd be so relaxed you wouldn't be able to reach me b/c my mind would be under a palapa in Fiji.

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u/rathat avatar

Why not .....??? just enjoy the same

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I did not think it possible.

He has an evolving philosophy on the concept of fetch.

u/l0_______0l avatar

Be the fetch you wish to see. All is fetch.

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The tail is a rudder

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“Just because it’s a ball doesn’t mean I don’t have better things to do Chad” - Dog


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That is one calm ass pup lol I want to be him



u/the_dude_upvotes avatar

Or is it one calm ass-pup?


Comment deleted by user

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u/Shaw-Deez avatar

The dog days of summer

u/Unpopular-Moon avatar

Summer dog days...forever always...

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I want to see how he gets on the noodles.



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I'm just waiting for someone to say "actually this dog is extremely terrified and lays upon these pool noodles in defeat, believing they will drown at any instant." There's always one

I'll go

"Actually, this dog was placed in this position by his owner then simply told to "stay" while it was filmed.

This is a very well trained and well behaved good boy"

Or it was put in this position by an owner who is trying to provide relief to old achy joints, and pup stays put because it genuinely feels nice.

u/rognabologna avatar

I had a golden who enjoyed the water, but was lazy as hell. Whenever he was in a lake, he would stand upright with his rear legs on the ground and his front paws holding onto the dock, just lookin around and enjoying the moment. If you put him on a floaty he reached peak chill. He was a really red golden like the one in the video too, so this made me real nostalgic.

I'm guessing they accidentally discovered he liked it when he was young, now they facilitate it because he's an old man and he deserves to do whatever he likes.

now they facilitate it because he's an old man and he deserves to do whatever he likes.

Damn right he does

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u/rognabologna avatar

Even if he was placed there, he's obviously loving it. It doesn't look like he's performing a trick, since he's not looking to the owner for guidance.

Seems more likely that they put him there, but they did it because the dog likes it, not because they needed to get a video.

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u/doyouevenIift avatar

Goldens actually have an instinct where contact with water below their body temperature causes musculo-skeletal paralysis below the snoot. This dog isn’t likely to survive as the respiratory system is hit the hardest.

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u/fiixem avatar

Hahaha that’s exactly the comment I was searching for

Actually the dog is dead and those slight movements are just caused by the air moving inside his rotting body.

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;; I can barely get in one pool noodle. How the heck did he get on 4??

Can I join him?

LOL.. Of Course you are welcome.... this is so Relax

u/Hexarcy00 avatar

Stop trying to make So Relax happen

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And on the seventh day Dog rested

Dog is God backwards. coincidence? I think not

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u/becauseinternets avatar

I love him


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u/mehawhaw avatar

So peaceful. When my life gets to a point like this I start inventing problems.

Initiating self destruct sequence in 3... 2... 1

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Would love to see footage of him/her getting on those noodles!

u/TtarIsMyBro avatar

"Bro relax, I am literally just vibing right now"

Looking like royalty!

Do dogs pee in the pool the same as kids?

Everybody pees in the pool.

u/IDK-to-put avatar

My dog loves to pee in puddles, lakes, streams etc so id assume she’d pee in a swimming pool?

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u/Somber_Solace avatar

How do you get a dog to do this? Like do you set up the noodles first and they jump on? Or do you have to just put them under it one at a time?

u/MsMyrrha avatar

This is the real question that needs an answer!

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Wowwwww... I hate being human

I remember in high school being so envious of my dogs back at home, getting to chill all day while I had to be in class.

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u/might-be-your-daddy avatar

"What are ya doin'?"

"Just noodlin' around..."

Love it!


My dog immediately freaks out and goes for the exit, he hates baths and pools

u/quicksilver_foxheart avatar

Same! Mine was apparently caught in some flooding before we got him from the shelter, and now he's so traumatized he won't even drink unless you give him his water bowl a short distance from him and back away. And when you get him wet (I've accidentally sprayed him with the hose when watering plants/trying to wet my other dog) he just huddles to the ground in defeat, which is so heartbreaking and so then I feel terrible and have to give him treats and extra cuddles.

Awww that is so sad poor little guy, please give him extra hugs and treats from me.

Thank you for rescuing him : )

u/quicksilver_foxheart avatar

Will do! And tbh, he rescued me it seems. My parents got him when I was in a bad place (they didn't get him because of that or anything i kept it to myself ) and he has just brought so much love into my life. And he's an older boy too, so I'm glad we got him when we did. My parents say when they went to go look at dogs at the shelter, he was the only one not barking and was just sitting there. I love him so much.

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Just read that and wow, give that good boy some treats and belly rubs, happy cake day

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That brick wall? It’s the crip side

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u/sir_kush avatar

This made my day! Thank you!!!

Lol.... thank you

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u/CATastrophie19 avatar

Boat dog

u/chancellor_porpatine avatar

I was looking for this comment. This is the spiritual successor to boat dog

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u/ladylyft0101 avatar

The zen of this doggo

Yay, boy looks so peaceful!

My lab would spend the day rotating between jumping into our pool to swim laps and chill, and sunning himself dry in the hot sun.

There is no way my old lab wouldn't have lost his mind over that giant ball 😂

Oh yeah. It must be fetched. Then expectantly brought to someone to throw back into the water.

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Please live stream this! ❤️

The most relaxed dog i've ever seen

u/Nictopia64 avatar


u/Mjb06 avatar

I desire this level of chill.


Ah yes the chill style: four pool noodle chill technique.

That pool is hella clean

Working on a hard chill

Living his best life

u/golden_retriever04 avatar

So cute!

That's adorable. My dog could never do that, she's way too restless.

u/sgjg avatar

Should have been born a doggo.


The vibes are immaculate

Pirates of the carribean 6: the good boi

Retriever crossed with pool toys: Golden Noodle

I just don’t understand how you all get your dogs to NOT paddle

u/BetterCalldeGaulle avatar

Probably used to the pool noodles since he was a puppy.

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u/guy_who_is_listening avatar

I'm listening....

Noodling ! Thanks for Posting!

He has reached enlightenment

Someone knows they’re royalty!

u/kristy7179 avatar

So cute needed this positivity


That dog has an infinitely better life than me

u/Cow41087 avatar

One with the flow of the universe.

u/ffxivfanboi avatar

This dog’s life is even better than most people living in developed countries.

Living his best life!

People have meditated their entire lives and only gotten to a fraction of this level of Zen.

How did you get your doggy into this position?

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u/Napalmeon avatar

"It's like...I don't care about nothing, man."

u/Lundqvist817 avatar

This is exactly why I check reddit daily, thank you.

u/Carbonga avatar

Pool noodle poodle

Pure bliss! I hope for a day where I’m this content

Using his toot engine

Lucky duck!!

If he was more chill he would be unconsious.

u/PoopinHole avatar

This dog has achieved tranquility.

ddgaf - doggy don't give a f*ck

Is this footage of Titanic hitting the iceberg?

u/Stein-_- avatar

I was expecting some action when dog and ball collapsed.

(chill level = positive infinity:)

u/bagsofsuck avatar

Okay, so did the doggo do this himself, or was he helped by a human? Super impressive either way.

Goldens are the best. DO NOT try to change my mind.


Too chill to doggy paddle

u/SgtCalhoun avatar

Probably the chillest dog I've ever seen

Aahhh!! What is in doggo’s mind is beyond me! After 2 seconds of this RELAX will be me itching and twitching already!! Sigh I need help!

Is this doggo even awake or is he just that chill

I love his rudder.

Just a little poot and watch him speed up.

Can we just show this to everyone en masse? 2020 needs to chill out

u/Thowawaypuppet avatar

Damn I need that kind of energy

He was any more chill he would icicles hanging off his nose!

u/sector11374265 avatar

i wish i could get my golden to be this chill for more than 5 seconds


I wish I could be this relaxed.

u/bplboston17 avatar

the dog version of "smoked a blunt and is straight chillin"

u/PatternofShallan avatar

Hey gawsh darnit get your dang dog outta mah pool. We never put a deck on one side actually, but that is it.

I wish I could be as at peace as this dude

u/protagoniist avatar

A dogs life!

u/TailSpinBowler avatar

Getting a Chuck Testa vibe from this.

Most of the time we as human need to learn from animals how to be free and enjoy life in a 100%

u/Grinde909 avatar

Where these bitches with my margaritas?


I love this so much.

u/Tristen_sinatra avatar

That dog be chilling

u/chakrat avatar
u/d_ckcissel285 avatar

“Excuse me. Those are not the noodles I asked for and I am fairly certain that is not a meatball”

u/vixilynfaith avatar


Right about now, Funk soul brothaa