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Human! Gimme more belly rubs!

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Self Contained Underwater Bellyrub Apparatus.

"And who invented it?"


(That's an OLD reference... anyone?)


Old? So I guess we've been together for a million years?

And I bet we'll be together for a million more.

u/Techjen76 avatar

As an 80s kid, I laughed. Then I saw your username and I am laughing even more

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It makes me SO happy that you knew this, and that is a BRILLIANT response!

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Don't sharks need to keep moving in order the get oxygen though?

Not all, in this case it’s a nurse shark (iirc) which can forcefully move water over its gills. If you look closely you’ll see it’s mouth moving open and closed. That’s it bringing in water.

Some sharks do have to keep moving, but nurse sharks also tend to sleep in groups, and are bottom dwellers so the ability to remain motionless is beneficial for them.

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u/Walrus-Less avatar


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u/Wwwweeeeeeee avatar

Puppy fish!


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u/Allie_turtle53 avatar

Dude human hands must be so weird for the rest of animals. Like what an interesting scratching mechanism ya got there

u/iforgotwhatiforgot avatar

I wish us humans were as cool as some animals think we are

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This raises so many questions for me. Are sharks social? Do they snuggle? Do they recognize individual humans?


Yes!!! There’s an amazing video on the Dodo of a woman who swims with sharks, and has for years. She takes the hooks out of their mouths. Word spread and after the first shark trusted her, more came. They definitely recognize her, come when she dives down, and I think she even has names for some of them. But her reverence and affection for them is so wonderful. I’ll see if I can find the link for you.

Edit: adding the link now here, too, because it’s honestly one of my all-time favorite videos. I just adore how she speaks about them.

I want to see this too

Here you go... it’s so beautiful

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I like that clip, and I'm a big shark lover.

But people should really not anthropomorphize sharks, specifically the bigger, toothier variants.

Leopard sharks, lemon sharks, nurse sharks are all pretty docile, chill creatures, but tiger sharks are tiger sharks.

They are beautiful, awe-inspiring and fully deserved of our respect and protection but they are not friends. They are apex predators. Not mindless killing machines, but not huggable dudes that just want to be loved.

Sharks have been harmed by sharkphobia and perceptions of them as mindless killers. But some shark species can be dangerous, and need to be treated as such. Tiger, bull, great white and oceanic white tip are the 4 that pop to mind when I think of "sharks you need to keep your wits around".

u/iforgotwhatiforgot avatar

I replied to the clip posted above but your post is supremely valid, you are right in that we shouldn’t value our ocean life according to how much we can make it a petting zoo.

It exists on its own terms and we should accept that

Good post

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Had to double check username, was expecting Hell in a cell ending.

This brought tears to my eyes, it was wonderful.


First time I came across a video of her I was just awestruck. She has a deep live for the sharks and respect for them and it is obvious they can sense that in whatever way they do. And communicate it to each other somehow. When other sharks start coming to her spontaneously for hook removal that is just incredible. And the snuggles they give her. What an amazing gift to have and opportunity to help those in pain.

jsyk, the Dodo has some really big problems with misrepresenting animal behavior and anthropomorphizing animals. I highly recommend you look further into the problems with their "journalism" and do not refer to them for any advice on animal behavior

u/Ringosis avatar

Man that's interesting. Really shows you how wrong we've been about animal intelligence in the past when something as primitive as a shark has such complex behaviour. Maybe it's not OK to eat fish...kinda seems like they do have feelings.

u/ilovekuromii avatar

I recommend watching Seaspiracy, it shows how harmful fishing is for the ocean and according to it fishing is way more harmful for the ocean than trash and other things (which are still harmful). That also made me realize that some of the animals living in the ocean are just as intelligent as some of the animals on earth. so if you would be a vegetarian but ate fish maybe you'd have to reconsider that. (if that's the reason you're vegetarian) and in general you should be more mindful eating fish, the same way you eat other meats.

u/ACuriousCharacter avatar

It’s the big comical fisheries that are ignoring the laws set in place, it’s so frustrating to know that they are out there thinking profit is better than the ocean

u/Ringosis avatar

I have done. I've always found it very odd the way we seem to see marine life as lesser for no apparent scientific reason. Octopus are a particularly weird one. One of the most intelligent creatures on the planet and we treat them like they are shellfish.

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Is this the lady in the Bahamas I think it is? I watched a documentary about her on a plane ride, and it was amazing! She’s awesome

u/iforgotwhatiforgot avatar

That was lovely, thanks for posting

Thanks, great video.

What an amazing video, thanks for sharing!

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Must be one of those dog-fish...

u/Which-Pain-1779 avatar

A dogfish is a type of shark

A dogfish is a type of beer

Dogfish head seaquench ale is my favorite. It is like liquid belly rubs

from the INSIDE!

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My favorite! Not available where I live…😩

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u/Which-Pain-1779 avatar

I got the joke; I didn't think most people know what a dogfish actually is.

We bred them from wolf fish a hundred thousand years ago. Their bark is worse than their bite.

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u/im-your-toaster avatar

Hehe the shark looks like it’s going


I was a little worried watching this since some sharks have to keep moving to breathe, but this particular type of shark (a type of carpet shark) has a spiracle that allows it to breath while still.

From another worried watcher, thank you!

u/Afexodus avatar

Yeah, these are fine. I saw one scuba diving. They lay still on the oven floor for extended periods.

u/Violet0371 avatar

Bake at 400°?


Nice and crispy

I'm more curious how one was scuba diving.

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u/Afexodus avatar

I think I need to leave the typos at this point.

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Zebra shark?

u/wolffm4n avatar

Yeah this is definitely not a carpet shark. Edit: okay I guess there are lower classifications of "carpet" sharks that does include the zebra shark.

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I was also concerned for the same reason.

I was curious what kind of shark it was. The tail is like a thresher, but the head is not, and it’s definitely not a dogfish. Looking it up, it does look to be a carpet shark. Beautiful animal!

it's a zebra shark

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The comment I was hoping to find.

u/Bubster101 avatar

If it was one of those sharks that needed to move to breathe, I was assuming he was stimulating the gills simultaneously

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This is adorable


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Fair. Cats are nature's perfect killing machine. Sharks are the same but in water!

He's a happy boy

u/hobbitdude13 avatar

Tonic immobility- the shark is almost hypnotised and is now in a very calm state. Makes it a safe environment for the Scuba diver as well as a nice time for the shark

I was wondering if the use of tonic immobility was considered cruel or not. Lived most of my life at 10k feet so I don't know much about ocean/marine life. Thanks.

So the sharks like it? It’s not like they get hypnotized out of fear?

u/Ringosis avatar

Might be wrong about this, but I vaguely remember reading that it's a similar response to getting a massage. Floods the brain with dopamine(?) and makes them get very relaxed. A bunch of animals have it, like kittens when they are picked up by the scruff for example. It immobilises them so their parents can move them without them struggling.

Doesn't mean it's a nice thing to do to animals though. Alligators have it, and people use it in alligator wrestling. I doubt using it to disable an animal that thinks it is being attacked is fun for the animal.

Wait, alligators have it like cats or like a shark?

u/Ringosis avatar

Like sharks. If they are rolled over, if I remember. Don't take my word on it.

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From what i reed.... no

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Look at his little smile!!! What a good boi, good shark puppy.

Looks like he she is laughing

He. There are claspers

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u/beetleQueef2 avatar

As an avid fish lover I find this adorably awesome! I want a snuggle shark friend 😄💖💖💖

u/Yabbadabbadingdong2 avatar

Nobody gives me belly rubs wtf


Well next time the nice man comes by to clean your tank you should go up and ask, I bet he would love to rub your belly.

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I envy his job 😂

Big sea puppy

I saw a shark smile 😊

I love how he’s smiling

u/Afexodus avatar

I saw one of these while scuba diving in Thailand. They are zebra sharks.... I never thought to give it a belly rub. (Obviously you don’t touch anything while scuba diving)

u/Weary_Blacksmith5028 avatar


u/630630 avatar

Smiling Shark! So Happy! 🦈


lol, he fucking loves it.

"Franklin! My office..."

"We need to discuss your fraternization on the job. ಠ_ಠ"

u/GALACTICA-Actual avatar

I saw a video of the guy cleaning the shark tank doing this.

There's also a doc on sharks where the diver was actually able to make friends with a Great White, and was able to pet it. So much so, that the shark would come running when the diver would come back.

while it's possible that sharks can connect the presence of a person to a wanted stimulus, I would warn against anthropomorphizing animals to the point of saying they're "friends" with humans - many animals do not even have the brain chemistry for this to be possible (i.e. reptiles)

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u/mjsigg avatar

I read this title like it was in a Shin Megami Tensei game. I hope this interaction gets added to a future entry.

Mr.Clean sponge gets everything!

wow so many different species in that tank and they're not fighting each other

u/IncendiaryIdea avatar

If the humans stop throwing food for a couple of days, nature will take over LOL

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Oh my heart, too adorable!

u/Llama_Potatoes420 avatar

my heart melted💘💘

I can't stop smiling about how friggin happy it looked

u/Mcartny avatar


This video just makes me so happy :D

u/IMayBeLost_ButImHere avatar

I love thos Grey angelfish and those butterfly fish. There a pair of each that hang out by my house everyday along with a ton of parrot fish. The Grey angelfish near my house are super curios. Everytime I see them they get close to the surface of the water to inspect me too.

Why does this music sound familiar?


Terraria vibes?

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u/DEF-CON5 avatar

Imagine having no arms or hands... and a strange creature that helps clean up your underwater house gives you a good belly rub and scratch, which is a feeling unknown by your ancestors. Paradise.

Do fish actually like getting pet?

Ultimate proof that sharks are just water doggos

Leopard shark. Saw one having a snooze in the Maldives. Beautiful things 😍

that is 100% not a leopard shark. those have stripes and a much less exaggerated caudal fin. the shark in the video is a zebra shark, I think, although a cursory google search suggests that they are often (incorrectly) called leopard sharks

I was going to say, I’m not an expert, the dive master called it a leopard shark, it looks a bit leopardy & this site confirmed so I didn’t question it further! - but every day is a school day, thanks for letting me know!🤙🏼

Leopard sharks are smaller and have a caudal fin that is much closer to homocercal. They also have stripes, not spots, and a more triangular face. They’re pretty common in the California bay area

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Reading these comments... am I the only one who thought this was actually unwanted belly rubs?

Like, scuba Steve went to the fishy and grabbed him so he couldn't swim or float away. Fishy could've been still because he thought he was in danger and was trying to be submissive. Then you see when scuba Steve finally lets go it looks like the fishy couldn't swim away fast enough

it's a big fish, and most of it is muscle. if it wanted to wrest itself away, it could

I spent the whole video going back and forth on whether the shark looked like he was enjoying it. I... I really can’t tell

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u/ReedF512 avatar

If sharks can’t stop swimming because they need the forward movement to breathe, could this be considered human-erotic asphyxiation?

That’s amazing fish are my favourite thing in the world the world would be such a better place if we where all fish

cute .

Okay but that would actually be a pretty cool job I feel like

I am invoking the "pet the dam dog" clause of your contract.

Lol this just proves as humans we will pet anything.

u/Muthen avatar

I’m amazed that the diver has a sponge holder in there suite

Sharks the dogs of the fish world.

It was very easy finding the main character of this video.

u/Potatoman44444 avatar

What a life

u/Unkown_cat_incoming avatar

Shark? Or not,all animals love belly rubs

I am also disabled by belly rubs like that, but no one finds it cute when I do it...

u/sparkzsims avatar

Stop it, that’s too cute!!

u/ihwip avatar

Kanye must be so jealous.

u/theeletterj avatar

Get a room, you two!


u/Godsenttt avatar

Here we go again, a teacher having a favourite student.

I swear to god there's nothing more cute and wholesome than this


This is so adorable 🥰


u/UpgradeNotSure avatar

It’s confirmed. Every animal like scritches.

Everything turns into a dog or cat when you pet it dont they right

Does the animal actually like the belly rubs?


i would do that all day 🥺

u/chickenpattymeat avatar

Would it be weird to say that the other 2 sharks sensed in some way when the nurse shark struggled when it turned over. I have a feeling that they came for food.

it's a zebra shark

u/chickenpattymeat avatar

Does that mean it eats grass?

As opposed to a nurse shark, which eats doctors


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Looks like it’s smiling 😩

Humans are friends not food

It’s amazing to me that so many other animals love being petted, and that we as humans just so happen to derive joy from petting other animals. We may be shit for the ecosystem but at least other species get SOMETHING out of being around us.

u/Legitimate_Pool_416 avatar


Do all animals love belly rubs?

“OH GOD YEAH RIGHT THERE” -The shark probably

Does it's spots get darker when he's enjoying the scritches?

That's so cool!

Its belly looks so squishy. I'm surprised.


just immagine being able to baby a shark while at work


i thought we shouldn't flip a shark

It's an aqua puppy!!!

u/PingingForProsperity avatar

What kind of dog is this?

Fingers are humans true advantage over nature. Not for tools, crows can do that. It’s the head scratches and belly rubs. Allows us to mesmerize everything except insects. They are immune to petting.

You can almost see fishy smile!

Wat even is it?

Yeah. I’m pretty sure sharks blackout when you turn the upside down. He was playing off trying to get him to wake back up.

u/DL-1994 avatar

AQWA? Looks like AQWA. I love AQWA.

Oooooooh Yaeh...Oooooooh Yaeh... That's the spot


Holy fish giggles Batman

Anybody know where this is? I'd like to apply. But seriously though.

u/NapalmBank avatar

Do you like fish sticks? Do you like to put fish sticks in your mouth?