
Recommended Reading: A year later, the CRISPR babies are still a mystery

The best long-form writing on technology and more on the web.

Why the paper on the CRISPR babies stayed secret for so long
Antonio Regalado,
MIT Technology Review

A year has passed since Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui presented work on editing the DNA of two girls while they were still embryos. Ethical issues with his actions abound, and even after all this time, there's still missing details on exactly what did/didn't happen. MIT Technology Review has several pieces on the story this week. Those include unpublished portions of the research manuscript and an explanation of why it hasn't been published by either of the two influential scientific journals He sent it to.

The Mueller Report Illustrated
The Washington Post

By now, you're likely tired of hearing the words "Mueller Report" -- and I don't blame you. The Washington Post transformed the findings, along with its own reporting and other Congressional testimony, into a six-part illustrated series that highlights events detailed in the report.

The 25 greatest Christmas albums of all time
Jon Dolan,
Rolling Stone

The inclusion of this list isn't an endorsement per se, but it's always fun to read rankings. Plus, you'll likely find some new holiday tunes you might not have listened to before.

How Ring went from 'Shark Tank' reject to America's scariest surveillance company
Jon Dolan,

No matter your stance on Ring's cooperation with local police departments, this profile from Vice is an interesting look at the company's history.