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Sometimes he gets excited and can barely contain himself

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Like..... it's not really r/tippytaps, yet it's the right kinda energy for it, I feel.


This dog tippytaps the fabric of spacetime

"Wanna see me tippytap? Wanna see me do it again?"

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All that energy waiting to explode

I'm afraid he will explode!

I’m be scared he’s have a stroke.

I’m be scared you had a stroke!

I spat 😂

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u/TokyoSexwail avatar

"The Bond's Name. James Name"...

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This dog has a lot of potential.

u/Yoked_daddy avatar


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Underrated comment

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u/ztw9 avatar

My parents’ dog, a yellow lab, does this.

My dad takes him and his three other dogs out to the park nightly... and this guy goes batshit when my dad gets up from the dinner table.

No, batshit isn’t overkill. He quite literally is jumping over his Great Pyrenees and GSD sisters and jumping off of the walls. Again, no hyperbole - he is jumping off of the walls.

He also barks the whole time to the point where he’s damaging his own ears. He barks at 110 db, at a pace of a bark every 2 seconds or so on and off.

...sooooo... 30bpm @ 110db? Impressive Subwoofer

Sounds a lot like he's all bark if you ask me

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Jumping over a great Pyrenees is no small deed, dude must be buzzin for that walk.

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u/Accidentalpannekoek avatar

Poor neighbours


Oh my god, 110db is commonly the rating for car horns

u/BananaOppai avatar

Their neighbours must love him !


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u/RazgrizDoge avatar

He is in silent mode, u forgot to turn on the ringtone

flips on


u/Losartan50mg avatar


u/Elsbieta_von_Espy avatar

🎶 Björk-jörk-jörk! 🎶

*tosses wooden cooking spoons up in the air*

u/flapanther33781 avatar

Und ere we ave de mooos. 'Ere moosey, moosey, moosey, moosey!

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u/shnnrr avatar

Wow for a second I thought this was referencing some strange thing Bjork did.. and then my brain turned on

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u/Hungryhungry-hipp0 avatar

I throw pennies in the oven and it sounds like music!

u/SillySammySaysSo avatar

laughs in Statler and Waldorf

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Meet an Army of me....

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Your dog speaks Swedish?

No but he likes their fish

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I want to upvote this comment but...the law prevents me from doing so...

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u/scuba_monster avatar

Looks like vibrate mode to me.

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What’s he looking at?

u/Lahoura avatar

We were driving through a college campus and he was simply getting excited over all the people. He likes people lol

Edit: Edit: Since a lot of people are asking, I promise it's not a seizure, he's trained to not react to things and it's his first time with the window fully down. He wants to greet all the people and he can't. He usually has glass to stop him but this time it's all his own will power He's just trying really hard to be the best boy he can be.

Edit 3, answering some other things: His name is Ragnar, he's a German Shepherd, Labrador, Pitbull mix. We rescued him as a pup. He's 4 years old.

Edit4: his collar is not too tight, he's got a fat neck with lots of extra skin and a tiny head. I can still slip his collar on and off without any issues. I promise he's ok. I'd never hurt my doggo.


Awww sweet boy !!! I’ve got one who’ll stay with the humans at the dog park and ignore the dogs!

u/Lahoura avatar

He usually greets every human at the dog park before playing. Making sure to get a pet from every single one of them, especially any little ones


The University of Oregon campus has this statue:

Dogs always run up to it thinking he's going to throw the stick...

"Come on... throw the stick... throw it! What's the matter with you? THROW THE STICK!"

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u/friendofelephants avatar

Aw man, your dog sounds awesome

"Oh! There's a human! There's another one! I SOOOO want to go and gets pats! GOT to stay in the car. GOT to stay in the car. ... Another human! And more!"

u/TNC_123 avatar

He’s the official dog park greeter and he takes his job very seriously!!!

So he's actually looking at potential pets.

My dog looks identical and does this too! Before the zoomies he goes around and says hi and gets a free pet.

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u/Elsbieta_von_Espy avatar

This was one of my dogs, Dandy. He was über extroverted and absolutely adored people, while assuming the feeling absolutely had to be mutual. He was a standard American Eskimo Dog/Brittany cross who tended to attract a lot of attention because he was so cute. And everyone who petted him would comment about how soft he was.

I remember a time he went up to these two ladies sitting on the ground who appeared to be deep into some conversation. He proceeded to plant himself sideways directly in front of them, with a big smile on his face and his long, swishy tail wagging furiously. Without even skipping a beat or hardly breaking eye contact with each other, both women reached out and started petting him. He was extremely pleased. He also expected no less.

It's been about 6.5 years since he passed and I still miss that wonderful pup.

u/CosmicTaco93 avatar

They never do truly leave us, huh? The best we can do is just make their time with us the best we can. We've got an old man of a pup who isn't in the best health, and I have to keep telling myself that we've made his life the best that we could.

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This is my dog. At daycare he will spend the entire time glued to whoever is in the pen with the dogs and ignore all the other dogs.

Same!! Greets all the people, ignores all the dogs.

u/StrikeDirect8677 avatar

My dog used to sit next to a man on the bench at a dog park and look over his shoulder while he was reading the newspaper. It was always hilarious.

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He's just trying really hard to be a good boy


Right? 😭 I hope he knows he’s the goodest boy

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u/ChicagoRex avatar

What a sweetheart! Give him a pet from me.

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Yup I have a related dog. Doesn’t get shakes too often these days but holy shit.... loves people. Loves people so much.

also similar skin, color, aspects of build. What type is your doggo?

u/ACaffeinatedWandress avatar

People used to walk their dogs through my campus so all the stressed out students could given ‘em their love.

Imagine loving something so much that it takes all of your will power to stay put.

Me looking through the glass at the Bakery


This is why I'm fat....

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I love him so much.

I have a female pitbull with exactly the same issue. She wants to meet everyone, and I mean, EVERYONE! New guy across the culdesac? She's going. Woman staying at the hotel across the pond? She's going. Four toddlers playing on the big toy outside the car? Cover the windows! Drape a towel over them! Pray for your auto glass! Cuz she's coming through to meet them!


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It looks like zoomies without moving.

He's so well trained. How did you train him to not react to things so well?

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Tell him that i like him and want to pet him.

My shih tzu does this! Definitely not a seizure he just gets nervous and excited all at once. Our last dog that was a jackabee did it too. Both times vet said it's 100% normal.

u/thinkltoez avatar

How does one accomplish this training??

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As an epileptic human I can see why folks would think he could be having one

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How to train dog not to react? We have a beagle that barks at everyone and we are working everyday to train her, she has a big heart and love every dogs and persons she meets but she barks at them to get their attention, and she absolutely can’t hear me when she is in that mode. How do I help her stay calm like your pupper?

u/Lahoura avatar

I've trained him since he was a pup, I would make a noise while turning him around and make him look at me instead of the want and if he kept looking at me he got treats. The treats turned into praise. After a while, the noise made him turn and look at me just for a "good boy"

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u/Revenio avatar

Yeah, folks who think this is a seizure haven't seen a dog have a seizure.

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u/IShitOnYourPost avatar


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I appreciate you.


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Michael J Fox and the Hound

u/Soggyleghair avatar

This is awful and brilliant at the same time. Thanks for the laugh.

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u/jspsfx avatar

Shake, rattle and roll over.

u/Hungryhungry-hipp0 avatar

When my kid was diagnosed with epilepsy and a neurologist suggested pot I said “oo, Shake n’ Bake!” All I got was deadpan.


Comedy is dead apperently

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u/MrDurden32 avatar


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Thank you....I would nickname this good boy Marty for reasons.

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It's the little things that make me laugh the hardest

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This was me as a kid when I had to come inside a freezing cold house to poop after swimming in the pool

u/Lahoura avatar

Oof that hit really close to home lol

I could never make it inside either.


Oh shit

It happens.

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I guess your poop hit close to home too then

That was literally their joke.

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And you never quite dry off enough (because wet swimsuit) and there are not many thing swords than sitting on a wet toilet seat...

u/Haus42 avatar

there are not many thing swords than sitting on a wet toilet seat...

I think one thing sword sitting on a wet toilet seat would be plenty.

😅 we love a funny typo. I'm leaving it.

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And then the toilet paper you just papier mâchéed to your bits because you DEFINITELY didn't dry off that part before you got started.

No wonder people just pee in the pool, getting out is just a mess filled with traumatic memories!


Might as well shit in the pool too while we’re at it!

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Swimsuit poop and the toilet seat is up. I did that and immediately just took a shower. I was at a full on party at a friend's friend's house, didn't matter. I was already wet and had my own towel, raw toilet while wet is horrific. I had no choice

I felt violated just reading this 😦

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Don’t EVEN get me started about wet feet and wet bathroom tile.

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I have a heated toilet seat and a bidet on my toilet in japan. They still use fax machines here but their toilet game is in 2100

Same. We have three toilets: two with heated seats/bidets and one with a regular seat. The other day I used the regular seat and I couldn't believe how cold it was. Your ass really gets used to having a warm seat.

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I have a visceral but somewhat ignorable aversion to sitting on cushioned boat seats while wearing a wet swim suit. Makes me queasy for about 30 seconds.

Nothing quite like a squishy feeling on your wet butt

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u/jlmckelvey91 avatar

Rich kids with their pools and cold houses.

I was thinking the same thing!

We had a 2km walk there and back if we wanted to swim..

in the snow with no shoes

u/tcbkc avatar

Uphill both ways!

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u/jlmckelvey91 avatar

Are you in Florida?

u/kippy3267 avatar

To build a pool in Florida all you have to do is dig a hole

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It's not the cold making you shake. It's your sphincter holding in your massive shit cuz you didn't want to get out of the pool when you needed to go hours ago.

u/beefy_synths avatar

I like how I started reading this post and was like oh here comes a cool science fact and then you just said that

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u/Squirrleyd avatar

A sentence that triggered a flashback of all 5 senses

Might want to leave taste out of this one...


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But the poop warms you right back up

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As a dog groomer of 12 years, I have seen so many dogs vibrate like this just from sheer excitement and being overwhelmed with sensory ecstasy. They can barely contain themselves!!!

u/rudesty avatar

I bought my dog a house sweater and then I learned that he is just excited when my roommate makes a smoothie

u/notjoshobv avatar

:) i Like everything about what you wrote. How you wrote it. What happened in the story. etc

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u/SeniorDiscount avatar

Are you sure it’s not...

puts on glasses

Shear excitement?


u/Binge_Gaming avatar
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It would be the tail going but he's sitting on it and all the vibrations are going through the rest of him.

you could say the tail is wagging the dog


Forbidden vibrator

Fitting username it would seem.

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Possibly a chihuahua on their former life

u/somethingfilthy avatar

If my dog got that excited, that backseat would be drenched in urine.

I knew a lil dog like that. You say "Who's a good dog?!" one too many times and you end up with a puddle.

My dog hasn't done it since she was like a year and a half old, but I still freeze up anytime somebody goes to pet her.

Yeah, my dog used to get too excited when I'd come home and piddle the floor. She doesn't do that anymore. However, the dog I'm referring to was an older dog and he'd still piddle himself if he got too excited.


When I was a kid I was babysat by a neighbor after school until my parents could get home from work, and she had 2 dachshunds who would pee on the floor when I walked in bc they were so excited. The neighbor used to get SO MAD at me, like I was getting them worked up on purpose? I was literally just walking through the front door and they'd do it and somehow it was my fault. I'm not over the injustice 20 years later lol

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You have no idea how glad I am my dog outgrew that.

For like 2 years he would pee everywhere if he saw the right people.

Eh, Michael reeves taught a robot dog to piss beer into a cup.

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Are you sure? It always seems to help when I'm babysitting my neighbors kids..


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My dog would have been screeching!

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Awww, what would happen if you opened the door at that exact moment?

u/Lahoura avatar

Nothing at all, the window is also fully down in the video. He's the goodest boy who knows he's not meant to leave the car unless he's wearing his leash. He's very well behaved

Goodest of all!

u/lolwuuut avatar

Ugh the sweetest goodest boy

You better hide that boy because I will steal him

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That's me, but because anxiety.

u/Lahoura avatar

Same fam

Same-same fam. 🙏🏻

same-same-same fam fam.

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u/Sells___Popcorn avatar

Me when I'm playing competitive online video games lol

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Yep, this is what my dogs look like at the vet. They now get anti anxiety pills before going. Fireworks? No problem! We will sleep through those. Vet for any reason at all? Oh hell no.

I relate to this way too much!

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aight reddit tell me how this dog is gonna die soon

Well, when you leave your dog set to vibrate for too long, it can burn out the motor.

Change the oil regularly and inspect the bearings after every 3000 hours of operation and it should last you 10-13 years.

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Secretly came here for this as well... Where's the freaked out comment of OMG you need to get him to the vet ASAP

u/Kcrick722 avatar

Right? All the vet techs that can diagnose a animal from a 10 second video!!


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u/Mike_Hat1 avatar

Scratches. They all want to give me scratches.

My girl does this when she sees deer. We call it vibrate mode, because, well, yeah.


My dog gets like this every time we get in the car. It's because he's scared shitless. He thinks we will abandon him.

u/lolwuuut avatar

Our foster dog had that issue with car rides at first so we had to take him on a bunch of fun rides to help normalize the car. Lots of pup cups were had

that's what we've started doing. every time we get in the car now we go to the ice cream place he loves and get him a treat. hoping it breaks his fear. It's been 4+ years now and every time he gets in the car he's just absolutely terrified.

4 years?? Oh shit...we’ve had our 5 year old adoptee 2 weeks, and were hoping that she would ease up on it. There must be some trauma at the root of this behavior.

When I got him, he was in a shelter. They told me they know he was in another shelter, adopted and given back at least twice before. That's as far back as they had records. They also said it was possible someone threw him out of a moving vehicle.

In any case he's super happy now and has definitely found his forever home. I am pretty sure there's a pic of him in my posts somewhere. He just hates cars. I've taken him up with me to see my parents (hour away) at least once a month for the entire time I've had him. he shakes every time. Including grooming visits or just going to the dog park. Hoping this treat thing breaks it.

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u/dyancat avatar

Take them for a calm, slow car ride around your neighborhood EVERY DAY. Seriously, it worked for me. Within about 2 weeks my dog with a similar background as ya'lls was completely fine in the car, and even excited to go for car rides.

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u/Kitsune-no-hana avatar

Ohh. 🥺

u/jpgrandsam avatar

Same. My first reaction was to think he’s really scared because this is what my dog does in the car...and she’s not excited. 😬😔

u/Arkhangelzk avatar

Me too! My dog shakes out of nervousness in the car

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Dog go brrrr

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I actually thought this post was from that sub for a sec. That sub was made for this sort of thing, lol

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That’s the biggest chihuahua I’ve ever seen

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Your dog ate a marital aid

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Put your fit bit on him and get all the miles

You ever seen that scene in Scanners where that dude’s head blew up

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Better check the seat for pee

Sometimes I do something similar. It's because I'm a mix of nervous and excited (more excited but still nervous).

Good doggo

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He's like a giant, nice chihuahua. I don't know how he sees things when he's shaking that hard.

This made me lol, very loud. My dog does a version of this but just his legs lol

u/sturglemeister avatar

Same. So cute.

My doggo gets the shakes anytime we pull the leash out. It’s hilarious. Cannot. Contain. Excitement. Must! Go! Now!

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u/Nevadaman78 avatar

Noticed your doggo has a Seresto flea and tick collar, just a heads up but theres a recall on those.

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His excitement level is over 9000

He's stuck on vibrate. You need to change the settings to "bark"


Waiting for the replies to tell me this is bad somehow

Awww bless his little shivering heart!

u/LilCornandbeans avatar

Laughs in Chihuahua

u/DrColdReality avatar

Hey wouldn't it be great if you could set dogs to vibrate instead of barking?

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Why’d you put your dog on vibrate?

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When my dog moves like that it's because she's terrified of something.

edit: I'm not saying that this dog is. I don't know this dog and dogs are all different when it comes to this sort of thing.

u/DJFluffers115 avatar

I have a dog that does this in the car, it only happens when she's really, REALLY excited, or like, has to pee or something.

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you gotta make sure he doesn't vibrate too fast or else he'll phase through the floor

Me taking a final this morning except it was not excitement