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My cat proudly showing me all of the stuff she carried up two stories into our room while we slept last night.

r/aww - My cat proudly showing me all of the stuff she carried up two stories into our room while we slept last night.
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When we brought our cat to my parents’ house for the first time she carried a full size stuffed cat down to the basement where we were sleeping. We would put it back in its place and she would bring it back every single night.

My roommates cat has a stuffed clown fish that is about size. He carries it all around the house with him. Super cute until he tries to hump it.

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

Aww that’s so cute 🥺

Until you realise the cat thinks it's bringing you soft furry prey to eat! Still cute, just a bit creepy as well ;)

u/Bugisman3 avatar

Not creepy, just caring.

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Ummm stuffed as in like plushie? Or stuffed as in taxidermy? "Full sized" is why my brain went there just so im clear lol

u/TotallyLegitAcc avatar

I'm going to assume plushie, as in "life-sized stuffed animal." Though the idea of a cat carrying a taxidermied cat... I dunno, maybe that could be like a horror movie or something.

Totally where my brain went too at first. Then a small part of me went 'buuut it is reddit' lmao

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Omg a stuffed cat as in a cat-sized plush animal lol.

Lmao that was my first thought but my brain was like 'idk, this is reddit'


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They answered lol, is a plush type not a taxidermy type

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She's a provider. Give her a treat.

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

Oh she definitely got some 🥰


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“You like stuff, right??”

this photo reminds me of Kicks the skunk on animal crossing, selling his socks


She works hard for her money...

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u/Sherlock_no_shit avatar

I like to think it's her way of communicating an offer of support, no sweat...

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adventurer, it's cold outside, take these for your protection. And then give me a scritch for my troubles

boop the snoot

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u/hikingfortheviews avatar

She is VERY vocal lol

u/TecTazz avatar

We need vids with sound!

Crosspost to r/catswhoyell.

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Came here for that!

Cat NPC>>>>>>

Look at the lvl 30 black and gray sock.

Yeah, she's saying "Quit leaving your crap all over the place. This does not spark joy!"

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I am little lion, hear me roar


Cat be like :

u/_friendly-local_ avatar

Good girl.

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

She has her moments 🥰

Good job, kitty...

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Thank you for the bountiful harvest

u/snawdy avatar

She worked hard to provide for the family

Our cat proudly serves up house flies she catches and kills... sometimes on my pillow... while I sleep.

u/Garfield-1-23-23 avatar

My cat used to catch mice, eat the front half of them, then leave the back half on my pillow next to my face. It's strange the things you can become accustomed to.

I came home late from work one night to find a headless pigeon in my bedroom doorway. It was more like a threat than a gift.

I read somewhere that the reason they do this is because they think you are a really shitty cat and not nearly capable of hunting on your own, so they are giving you help and encouragement, hoping that you buck your ideas up and can finally get it together. Or at the very least trying to make sure you don't starve. "Do you even mouse, bro?"

NGL I read that on the internet so it's probably not true, but it's gradually become my favourite cat fact so now I don't care.

This was pretty much how I took the headless pigeon message. Cat expects dinner between 3.30-4.30pm, but that night I’d gone out straight from work so didn’t get home until after 9pm.

So cat was communicating: “useless human didn’t bring dinner. Look, I had to get it myself.”

I have also stopped caring if facts are true. I'm pretty sure I started like 15 rumors about random shit I talked about yesterday.

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u/PMmeyouraxewound avatar

That's bad, mine brought a live one into my bed and I felt it scurry down the length of my naked torso

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In your open mouth, I hope not! 😵🪰

u/aliveinwords928 avatar

My pit mix once brought me a dead bird on my lap while I slept. I would be THRILLED for a fly

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I'd be happy that nothing in the stuff was formerly alive and having entrails exposed

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

If she was an outdoor kitty I’m sure she’d be bringing me that instead 😂

u/woodzaur avatar

I read somewhere they do this to teach their young to hunt. "Pay attention, one day I might show you a thing or two, the blue one was a real fighter."

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u/hikingfortheviews avatar

I know, she was so excited to show me all of her catches in the morning 🥰

I had a kitten who had a granny mouse toy. This toy had a little felt purse on it. As she played with it the purse eventually fell off. Whenever her food bowl was empty, she’d often put a toy in there. And eventually it almost always became the purse. So we used to joke she was trying to pay for more food. It was super cute.


u/hikingfortheviews avatar

That is her in a nutshell 😂 always needing attention lol

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u/Redessences avatar

I appreciate that you have a cat tree in your room.

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

It’s actually a cat scratcher, I have two cat trees on the main floor though 😁

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u/kirbyluv_ avatar

Careful. Cats use height to decided who's in charge and cat trees are usually taller than beds. That's why my cat makes all the decisions for the household

That's ridiculous. The cat is always in charge.

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What's a crepuscular being that sleeps 16/24 hours supposed to do with that 4 morning hours and 4 evening/night hours on average?

Looks like it was a very productive night. Reminds me of the sheepdog punching in for his shift in the old WB cartoons.

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u/the_power_of_a_prune avatar

she deserves a treat for this, so busy during the night bringing you gifts. She loves you!

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

She usually needs constant attention at night…the other night I literally got out of bed 10 times between 3:30 and 6:15 to tend to her. This was a welcome change 😂🥰

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Cat: Look at all the things I did last night while you were sleeping, slacker!

Awww. She brought you gifts!

You cat has been more productive than I have today.

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

That’s ok! Everyone deserves an easy day now and then ❤️

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Does she sing a song while bringing you presents?

My older girl does and it gets bad during the winter. She brings us mittens, socks, underpants, leggings, toques, and other woolen items.

I think it is funny. My fiance not so much because it happens every night after the lights are off. I tell her that the kitty is worried we are not warm enough as we are uncivilized and without fur.

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

She actually did meow a little last night until I got up and she was able to show me that she was bringing me things. It was super cute 🥰

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Good job, kitty!


All in a night's work!
Great job kitty, you're the best!

A hunter and a gather

Kitty is yelling at you for not picking up your damn socks.

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u/Dashcamkitty avatar

You should be honoured by these gifts.

My cat stole my car keys while I slept last week. At least yours gives your your stuff back. Yet to find them.

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What a good kitty, bringing you gifts!


Good sock predator!

omg the mental picture of her busily holding each one of those in her mouth as she trots upstairs TOO FUNNY

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

I know, she looks like a little panther carrying her catch around 😆 it’s even funnier when she’s dragging a full size pair of pants around our house

We get mysterious fur mice appearing in our bedroom every morning. Our kitty really likes this pink one for some reason and that appears all over the house haha. He also fell in love with this little eyebrow brush and carries that everywhere, I can no longer find it. It is so funny when you see them trotting purposefully with their prize in their mouth and I can only imagine when it's a full size thing hahaha

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Khajit has wares if you have treat.


I can hear this pic

I love her so much

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My cat used to bring me in empty potato chip packets, and one time a slice of pizza.

I thought it was random until I realised my cat was aware of my love of junk food. And it suddenly terrified me there was an animal in the house that was smarter than me. I’m terrible at giving other people gifts they like.

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

Aww that’s adorable 🥺 i wish she would bring me snacks lol

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My stuff!

She’s helping tidy up a bit.

u/alexizzzz avatar

Cats with powerful auras

u/lazerpenguin avatar

"Hey! Pick this shit up!"

u/AliosSunstrider avatar

I can hear this picture. Meow!

u/GoredonTheDestroyer avatar

Cats do be like that.

That's some cool stuff. Good job.

Khajit brings wares to trade for treats.

u/daniel_57715 avatar

Are those tortoiseshell markings? She looks like she has the tortitude!

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Mighty huntress.

u/wolfmoral avatar

did you say "thank you?"

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loud meowing

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u/jinxykatte avatar

This is cat for "you suck"

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u/rain3ydaze avatar


Ours brings Nerf Darts


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u/GoredonTheDestroyer avatar

How did you describe my cat Batman?


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u/GoredonTheDestroyer avatar

Does a 21lb tub of waddling lard count?

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Hey look, it's Slinky Malinki

My Phillip does the exact same. I’ve resorted to going and throwing all his toys around our downstairs so he has something to “hunt” and bring to us as gifts. He loves it. He meows all crazy while he hunts and I yell down at him “that’s right get to work Phil. Gonna be a long night my friend!” 😏😆

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

That’s a good idea! I might have to steal it😋

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Very helpful girl!!

My older cat leaves things in the bed, like plastic milk rings for me to find with my feet in the mornings. I love how they “take care” of us.

u/Aerys1 avatar

Mighty hunter was undefeated!

Nice she did such a good job.

My cat would put her toys in my shoe.... I guess she likes the smell

My cats likes putting mice on my bed. Bonus points if they are still alive.

My cat drops her toys next to her food dish. Almost every morning there’s at least one little fluffy ball there.

She did a good job

I think she's trying to tell you that you need to start working out

Are those all some sort of wrist bands or support? Are you nursing an injury?

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i hope you praised the hell out of this brilliant huntress. SHE IS SO PROUD!

Khajit had wares

My cat brings me somewhat dead mice.

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My neighbor actually has a line in their front yard that they hang things that their cat steals (mostly shoes) with a sign that says “sorry, my cat steals”. We live in a culdesac so when you can’t find a shoe, you just look out the front window to see if it’s hanging from the line.

u/Cyniex avatar

I'm literally melting, that's so cute, i've heard about cat's bringing "gifts" before, but never seen it presented.

u/hikingfortheviews avatar

Haha I’m very lucky, I hope you get to experience it one day 🥰

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Wow. Great haul!! She is a BEAST!

And yet they're all braces. "Human, I saved your limbs from suffocating. Thank god I was here."

u/texthibitionist avatar

“look human! i have brought stuff!” :-D

I get the feeling she would just destroy at Katamari Damacy.


Choose oooooone!

why she so angry!

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Such a good kitty! ❤️

u/Virginianus_sum avatar

I'd say she's earned her scavenger hunt merit badge!

One day, you're going to have to explain to the cops that your cat dragged up a dead body lol.

u/SenpaiSwanky avatar

she halp

So much kitty-love!

Good kitty!!! Now go get me a beer!

She's working the graveyard shift and feels very unappreciated.

u/kincomer1 avatar

"It's dangerous to go alone! Take this."

u/Beautiful-Musk-Ox avatar

aww, good kitty!

Feast your eyes upon the gifts that I bestow upon you human


“Stahp leaving your shit downstairs”

-cat probably.

u/YouveHadItAdit avatar

Mine does with an orange ball. She wants to exchange it for treats. Often at two in the morning....

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u/Smuggykitten avatar

Ohhh wwaoooww! Very good haul!

u/Soregular avatar

omg what a good kitten!! Mine once went and found some used q-tips out of a bathroom garbage can and thats what I got as my important stuff from her....

HOOMAN! I brang gifts! Now FOOD ME!

Good kitty! So much treasure!

u/Eats_Beef_Steak avatar

All bands or wraps of some kind. Wonder if they smelled like you so she brought them to you.

Look at all her gifts!! She really loves you guys

it's like a puzzle... she brought you those specific things for a reason


We have one cat that had kittens before being taken off the raw streets of Pasadena and getting spayed.

We had to give her medicine by syringe at one point. She would get the syringe afterward, bring it somewhere, and sing to it. This went on long after the medicine was finished. Syringe Baby was a fixture for a year, then lost under the couch and never loved the same way.

She's nearly twelve now. We still imagine her Sophie's Choice events still haunt her. Then she pokes her sister in the face.


Those are her gifts after hunting.. be grateful human, outdoor cats usually give you more organic stuff ;)

It looks like she's trying to tell you something. Do you not play with her enough? It looks like she brought you bandages to make you better and her toy so you can now play with her now that she made you better.

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u/Black_Magic_M-66 avatar

My cat does this too. Best thing was a 4 foot piece of tubular, foam, pipe insulation. My house is not open concept, it must've been difficult.

Thank goodness none of it was a dead/still alive animal.

We have presents around the tree and the tiny cat decided to add his contribution - a dead bird. Thanks cat.

What an industrious girl she is.

u/toxinogen avatar

One of my cats likes to put his little toy mice in people’s shoes, in the water bowl, or in our bed while we’re sleeping. Last night I rolled over onto a soaking wet toy mouse that he must’ve pulled from the water bowl. Weird way to wake up at 3 am.

Is her name Roomba?

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a wallet… and is that a sock? wait mom it’s not what you-

Does she also bring them downstairs in the morning and yell about it?

My cat has done it every day that we have been loving in this double storey.

Must have struggled with the suitcase.

u/iminyourbase avatar

Excellent selections, kitty.

u/davidmcdavidsonson avatar

Such a good helper


u/lonestar34 avatar

I think she's hinting that you need to workout


looks like exercise related stuff haha maybe she's trying to motivate you

u/Valianttheywere avatar

Get her a cannon ball in a sock.

u/Animota avatar

Such a proud yell!

u/solarflare22 avatar

“What’re ya buying” she said calmly

u/lisaayn avatar

She's very loud!! <3

u/mazurzzzz avatar

So cute ♥️

Nice cat

sweet kitty!

u/Josette22 avatar

How cute! Is she also a fetch kitty?

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I have chronic pain issues. When I'm having an extra bad day, Frodo the Cat will bring me one of his toys and put it on my pillow.

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Is that a knee brace? Our cats are obsessed with carrying in wrist and knee braces, it has to be the material

Coukd also post this in r/catswithjobs

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Are you sure this isn't a First World Problem?

u/MyleneClark avatar

I’m dying! 🤣😂🤣😂

She looks so happy

Get dressed and feed mee aghhhhh!!



Well if you did it your cat wouldn't have to do it for you

u/DoodadMcBob avatar

You should quit blaming your cat for all the dirty laundry you throw on the floor

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Precious little pirate queen

Klepto Kitty Kaper

Good job

More like “how many times I got to tell you pick up your stanky ass socks!

My cat brought me a sock a couple weeks ago that I’d been missing for a least a year.

It's so interesting to basically see what their natural instincts substitute for the "normal" gifts of a snack of prey to eat.

Like how conscious are cats? Did a switch flip in her head and think "I need to show my gratitude OR ELSE THE PACK WONT LIKE ME" or is she just playing and then goes "oh! I should bring this toy to my favorite people! They'll love it! And then we don't play with it or even try to eat it lol

Khajit has wares if you have coin

I see your cat is an asshole, too.

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