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How to Play in the Later Stages of a Poker Tournament

  • Published Date July 10, 2018
  • By Admin

Playing in a poker tournament, either in person, or online, is equally as exciting as it is intimidating, especially if it’s your first time. Say, for example, you’re playing in online poker tournaments and are not sure what to do should you get into the latter stages of said tournaments, now is the time to brush up on your online poker skills and techniques. One day you will get into the later stages, and it is here where it really pays to be prepared. You can play all of the free Texas Holdem that you like, but actually getting into the later stages of online poker tournaments is an entirely new playing field. Thankfully we’re here to help you out, so here are some useful bits of advice and strategies to ensure you are well prepared for the later stages of a tournament, whether it is online poker or not.

The short stack – Playing the short stack if you reach the later stages of a poker tournament is very important, and actually, it’s very simple too. People seem to think that, because they have gotten so far, that their techniques need to be complex and sophisticated in order for them to succeed but this isn’t the case. With the short stack you can either go all in or you can fold. A short stack is basically any stack which has 10 or fewer big blinds. Here you are only able to last for one or two rounds before you can make a play. Though there are two plays, if you use them right, you can strategically build up your chip stack, so the more chips you have, the greater your advantage becomes. Look for players folding and use this opportunity to go all in to gradually increase your chips.

The average stack – Up next when it comes to poker tournaments, you need to know how to play the average stack. This is actually the trickiest because of the larger blinds, which means that more pressure is placed upon your stack. Try to avoid going all-in from the small blind, though if your hand is strong, going all-in pre-flop can be favourable. In this instance, it pays to practice so make use of free Texas holdem games online and practice. If players go all-in with a short stack however, it certainly pays to call them with any two large cards, or any two pocket pairs.

The big stack – Now we’re looking at the big stack. During the latter stages of online poker tournaments, you should employ a similar strategy to what you utilized with the average stack. Here you can play strategically based upon how many chips you need. If you require more chips, it’s worth stepping up your aggression. If however, you require a table finish and are not willing to take a risk, you can play a lot more conservatively in order to guarantee yourself an impressive final score. No matter what, at the big stack you shouldn’t ever limp in so either raise or fold. If you are willing to call another all in, just make sure that you are able to comfortably afford to lose that particular hand, unless you have an incredibly strong hand, that is.  
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