5 Best Men’s Fashion Trends for 2018


When you want to look trendy and stylish, you must have a number of trends that you adorn every once in a while. It is not difficult to be trendy as a man even if you do not have a keen eye for the fashion world. There are a number of timeless styles that are always great for all seasons which you can choose. In 2018, a number of styles have already established themselves. Here is some 5 best men’s fashion trends for 2018 that you should keep an eye on.

Soft Textures

2018 is the year when many people are embracing the softer and comfortable clothes. It is thus not surprising that suede, velvet, corduroy and other softer materials have been embraced fully by many fashion designers. You will definitely not be out of place by wearing softer textures by the end of the year. In order to achieve the right look though, you will need to be mindful of the colors you choose. Brown, white and black hues are the best for soft materials. The colder seasons of the year are also the best time to catch on this trend.


The past few years have been marked by particular silhouette trends. The women fashion trends have specifically been rampant. Last year though, the men trends also caught up. One of the major things about the silhouette trend of recent times is the increase in the size of the garments. Silhouettes are much larger and looser than they were in previous years. In 2018, this trend is yet to wane and you will not be late for the party. Oversized silhouettes look great especially when you have selected the right material and chosen a sophisticated look.

Biker Style

Another major trend that you will not go wrong within 2018 is the biker fashion. The biker style that uses dark colors, leather and biker accessories are always great for all seasons. Since this style is popular among many men, the best thing to do when you want to rock it is to add a little uniqueness and sophistication. You can do this by choosing some great biker accessories to go with the clothing. A gothic skull ring for biker could especially do the trick. There are, of course, other accessories like belts and chains which you can also use.

Turtleneck Suits

Suits are always in fashion no matter the time or season. Turtleneck suits though are a special style that is only worn by those keen enough to try something different. These suits can be paired with a wide range of items including boots, bags and a wide array of shoes. Turtleneck suits are not only great for protecting you in the cold weather but the trend is a smart break from the common shirt-and-tie look.

Camo and Military

The camo and military trend is a timeless fashion that keeps coming back. In 2018, the military look has specifically prevailed over the camo look. Aviator jackets, army green bags, khaki and other items are functional. It is quite simple to go with this style as inspiration is everywhere. The functionality and simplicity of this style make it very attractive for most men.


Author: Ryan