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If I'm Adopted, Should I Have DNA Testing?

This article is more than 5 years old.

As a certified genetic counselor, one of the most common questions I’m asked is whether people who are adopted should have DNA testing through a direct-to-consumer (DTC) testing company.  I’ve found that the reasons adoptees, or the parents of adoptees, want DNA testing generally fall into three categories:

  1. To learn more about medical risks;
  2. To find out ancestry information, since they often have little or none;
  3. To find biological relatives.

The answer to whether you should seek this type of DNA testing really depends on which of the above questions you are hoping to answer.  In short, if you are looking for more information about your medical risks, DTC testing is most likely just the beginning of your journey.  It may provide some interesting insights, and a small percentage of people will learn that they carry a genetic variant that places them at high risk of disease.  People who learn they have increased risks can, in some cases, potentially be proactive and alter their medical management to reduce that risk.  However, if you have a personal history of a medical condition, or reason to believe that you have a family history of a specific genetic condition, DNA testing through one of the popular DTC tests on the market is unlikely to give you meaningful, clinically relevant information about your own health and medical risks.   In fact, in many cases, it provides a false sense of reassurance. Instead, the best route in these circumstances would be to speak to a certified genetic counselor to find out which genetic test would be most effective for you to use.  Spoiler Alert: it is unlikely to be one of the $99-199 kits you keep seeing on television ads. 

Interested in your ancestry? Well, the ancestry DNA kits on the market can likely give you a broad overview of your ancestry, but the exact science used behind the curtains at these laboratories is not well known or validated.  In fact, the accuracy of such kits to determine your precise ancestry has been questioned.  So, if you are interested in receiving some broad strokes about your ancestry, mixed with a healthy dose of genutainment, this may be the route for you.

Looking for biological relatives?  Then DTC DNA testing might be the right plan for you.  You can order one of these kits, download your raw DNA, and then upload that information to one of several sites that can match you with other biological relatives in the database. You may be one of the many satisfied customers who have found biological relatives via DNA testing that you likely would never have met otherwise, and for many this is a dream come true.  However, this is not a light-hearted undertaking and requires a great deal of thought.  You should consider the 'what-ifs' of finding a relative who is not aware that his mother placed a child for adoption, or who did not know that her father was a sperm donor or had a relationship with another woman.  You may learn that the parent you are seeking has died, or does not want to be in contact with you, or is not the wonderful person you hoped he would be.  In fact, these problems are now so common that there are entire groups devoted to supporting those who’ve had these issues. 

If you are considering DTC genetic testing as an adoptee, there are many excellent groups and professionals who can educate you before, and guide you during, this process – including a few genetic counselors who specialize in this area.  Take full advantage of those resources before making this major life decision.  And, of course, read up on the risks and benefits of DTC testing before you spit.

Are you thinking of ordering a DNA kit for your adopted child, under the age of 18?  Before you do so, stop and ask yourself if this is a good idea.  The decision you are about to make may have lasting, life-long consequences for your child. It is unlikely to provide relevant medical advice that could help guide that child’s medical management and surveillance before he/she is an adult.  That child may wish to make his or her own decision on this process as an adult, when fully able to understand the risks, benefits, and limitations of the process.  Consider letting your child make this decision for him or herself in a few years, when able to weigh the big consequences that could come with that little DTC genetic testing kit.