
There’s one thing that fucks me up about people insisting that Frisk isn’t nonbinary tho

Like for example lets take the protagonist of my favorite game of all time: Chell, from Portal

She is a character whom the player can project upon. Literally nothing about her is known, she doesn’t speak a single line of dialogue, and very little is implied about her backstory. All that’s known about her, for the most part, is that she’s a woman named Chell

And the player ACCEPTS that she’s a woman without question! The only characters she interacts with always refer to her by she/her pronouns, so she’s obviously a woman, right? Even though she’s a projection for the player, no one doubts that she is a woman

Well the same could be said for Frisk. All we really know about them is that their name is Frisk and that they’re referred to by they/them pronouns.

So why is it that when we have a nonbinary character, suddenly it’s ‘up to interpretation’ and ‘whatever gender you imagine them having’?

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