The District Weekly — August 11th, 2018

News and updates from the district0x Network

Peter Reiseman
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2018


This past week district0x launched our long awaited Education Portal. This comprehensive resource breaks down general and district0x specific topics into easily digestible modules that are great for crypto veterans as well as crypto beginners alike. We hope this library serves as a useful tool to the community at large and we look forward to continually growing the knowledge we can impart as time moves on.

Also this week we announced the first Meme Factory survey, which will generate DANK tokens, will be held on Monday August 13th. Currently the survey dApp is showing as live, however the voting contract will be relaunched on Monday. When the contract is relaunched, a snapshot will be taken of every Ethereum address. In order to vote in the first round you must have a DNT balance from the wallet you wish to vote from. More information on the Meme Factory survey process can be found in our latest post.

district0x Network News

District Digest Livestreams

The District Digest will be on next week! Check out our latest episode from last week below. Stay tuned for our regular community livestreams every other Tuesday at 3PM PDT (10PM UTC) as a forum for discussing recent updates to the district0x Network.

Additionally, we bring on guests from related projects in the space, hosting those as separate livestreams throughout the week. You can join us on Mixer, Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube.

We choose the topics and guests for the District Digest based on community demand. If there’s someone you’d like to have on or a topic you’d like to see covered, be sure to drop us a line! This week we are streaming District Digest on August 14th at its regularly scheduled time.

This upcoming stream will be focused on engagement with the district proposals, updates to how we will be using the in stream polling feature to curate the district spotlight publication, and other changes to the overall community structure.

Stay tuned for this upcoming episode, you may be finding a few more easter eggs along the way!

District Proposals

No new proposals this week!

If you’d like to learn more about submitting your own idea as a proposal, check out the district proposal github repo for instructions and more information.

Learn More

For more information about the district0x Network:

