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Such a Glow Up in 3 Months ❤️

r/aww - Such a Glow Up in 3 Months ❤️
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u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

If you’re contemplating adopting a special needs cat, it can truly be life-changing for them to get into a safe loving home! I hadn’t realized how much Louie’s health had improved until I compared him now to his photos when we first adopted him at the end of October. Because he is blind, he was being bullied in his foster home and was losing weight and was overall very unhealthy. We got him on a special diet to help with digestive issues and also got him cured of the ringworm he brought with him, and it is like night and day!!! ❤️

Louie knows you saved him. He looks like a sweet baby.

u/TecTazz avatar

Louie looks great! Keep up the good work.

You're one of the good ones OP.

Thank you for rescuing Louie

Thanks for this. I ded now. Serotonin overdose.

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u/mirandasoveralls avatar

This is so sweet. He’s so cute. I wish I could squeeze him!

Great work! He looks so happy and healthy!

Thanks for taking care of cat

He is so handsome! What kind of food for his digestive issues?

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

He’s eating grain-free duck and quail dry food, as the vet said some cats can have allergies to the more common meats (chicken, turkey, fish, shrimp).

I tried feeding him duck and rabbit wet food, but he only liked it for a little while (he prefers sea food). So far we have found success feeding him the Purina Pro Plan wet food.

That’s great! One of our cats is on grain free Duck & Lentil flavor of Pure Vita, to see if it’s a chicken allergy he has. Just made the swap off chicken so waiting to see results. Glad you are having success!

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I wish I could but I have a cat that terrorizes and food bullies my two other cats who have their vision and hearing :( keep on doing the good work though!

Is he happy?

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

Yes, he doesn’t even know he is different. He loves exploring our house and being around his people ❤️

Interesting. How can you tell he doesn't know he's different?

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

Perhaps it’s just a feeling I get, but he shows no fear or hesitation with life, he isn’t scared of our other animals, and he just seems to have this comfort and sense of confidence with himself. If he was blind from a very early age, he may not even really know what sight even is and thus wouldn’t know he’s different.

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You’re a great person, and the pictures prove it. He is very loved. Does blindness hamper cats much? I’ve seen a few post on Reddit about their blind cats and have always been curious.

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

Awww, thank you! Honestly, I was worried about that given I have never had a blind cat before, but he has done FANTASTIC with our house! He mapped the entire house in 2 weeks and feels completely comfortable jumping onto our coffee table and couch. He even climbed up onto the back of our armchair one night! He occasionally bumps into things, but he just keeps on truckin!

That’s so wonderful!! Thanks for adopting and caring for him.

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It really doesn't affect them much, as long as you're not constantly rearranging things.

My 15 year old was at about 10% vision, 90% vision loss before she passed, and here's the thing- I didn't even notice that she was going blind until I asked the vet if she had arthritis. Her only symptoms were moving slowly and sometimes missing or misjudging the height when she jumped on the bed or counter where I had her food. I guess she moved slowly overall so she could more accurately assess any changes in the environment. Once I found out she was essentially blind, I moved her dish to a different spot and put a chair by the bed so she could hop up on that first, then my nightstand, then my bed. I showed her the changes and she adapted in about two days. I never moved furniture more than a few feet in any direction (our recliners slide across the laminate flooring).

u/TecTazz avatar

Amazing how animals hide their disabilities and how well they adapt. Sounds like you’re a great catmom.

Aww thank you, kind internet stranger. :)

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I have two blind cats as well!

Blind cat gang rise up 🤘

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

How sweet of you! I thought it would be tough, but it’s honestly not any different than having a cat that can see. I talk to him a lot more so he can zone in on me and follow my voice, but that’s about it! We have stairs at the end of our bed for our Toy Fox Terrier, and Louie uses them too without any issues!

Yeah they're actually really easy! One of my blind cats is the only one in the house that can catch bugs lmfao. The other one runs into walls sometimes but she's just a little extra special


Don’t worry, my cat runs right into walls sometimes too. But she has two fully-functioning eyes 🤷‍♀️

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u/zondo23 avatar

Absolutely!! I recently adopted my little guy Helios and he is awesome. Just a joy. And it looks like a tripod kitty might be coming our way next Go #teamfuckedupcats

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Thank you for adopting him into a loving caring home.

Does you cat go around the house like a normal kitty? Saw this video of a blind pittie and it’s incredible how aware he is of his surroundings.

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

He does!!! I feed him upstairs, and as soon as I go “Louie, time for foodie!”, he races over from wherever he is to find the stairs, then races up them and beats me up them! He knows all of the lefts and rights to get around the house. It is adorable though, sometimes he will finish racing up the stairs like there is one more at the top, so he does this little hop at the top. He bonks into things lightly if there are things where they aren’t supposed to be, but otherwise, he has crazy good spatial awareness!

That make me so happy! Please give Louie some pets and treats on behalf of us internet folk.

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u/b4d_vibr4tions avatar

That fur is absolutely gorgeous!

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

Yeah, it’s gotten SOOOO much healthier! He’s so soft and fluffy 🥰❤️

u/b4d_vibr4tions avatar

He’s beyond gorgeous! Thanks for giving this babe a home!

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This could be my Foster's long lost sibling. Linx-point siamese with eye issues so bad I thought he was blind. It's amazing what proper care and love can do for a struggling stray.

My little buddy came 8 years old, eye deformity and no tear ducts, nine teeth, fur like straw, arthritis, previously healed broken bones, limping, massive worm infestation, and under five pounds. He's up to a healthy nine pounds, soft like a bunny, and has a proper pain management plan so no more limping. He just needs his face cleaned off in the morning from the accumulated eye boogers and sleep drool.

Keep being awesome with your special baby.

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

Oh that poor baby!!! Yeah, Louie seems to have had a very hard life as well (speculation though). He actually doesn’t have a tail either, just a nub - we suspect he suffered an injury to it. 😔

The vet thinks he is around 12 years old. We can’t tell if he has been blind since birth or had an injury, but given how wonderful he is at navigating, I suspect he’s been sightless most of his life. He also has a hodge podge of teefers left like yours - I am not sure on the exact count, but if you zoom in on his photo on the left, you can see 3 of them.

Thank you SO much for rescuing your baby, it sounds like his health has done a complete 180 since you took him in and loved him!!! 😍

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Beautiful kitty:)

He looks so much happier now!! 😻

u/JOptionPainIII avatar

I think she blinked

YAY FOR TAKING IN THE SPECIALEST ONES!!! That’s what I’ll do when mine go to kitty heaven. You’re an angel and you get one in return. They’re so inspiring!

Beautiful and adorable ❤️ Wishing you both many happy, healthy, and prosperous years together!

u/EJ100000 avatar

He has such great coloring. Thanks for all you are doing for him.

u/Carcarsox avatar

What a cute cat! He always looks like he’s mid-sneeze.

u/ggc4 avatar

My heart just glowed up too


Beautiful ❤️

u/BapplesPerhaps avatar

I absolutely love him, but he also scares the fuck out of me. Give him a good boi kiss of the head.

Of course the kitty found the fireplace :)

u/beyachula avatar


That adorable blep!! He’s such a cutie, thank you so much for taking him in.


Such a good handsome man. I just love this.


His little toothers<3

u/FBI_Web_Pig avatar

You’re kitty looks so happy! I’m so happy for you and him! We adopted a blind and deaf dog last year and he is just the best boy!

Such a beautiful kitty and equally beautiful parents. Good job you guys.

It's still cute even before and after

u/african_or_european avatar

Left: ferret

Right: cat

u/SnooGuavas270 avatar

I am trying to gift you an award! I just adopted 15 year old Charlie. I am picking up what you are putting down!! ❤️💕❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🌈🌈🌈 Oh I got it. I gifted you an angel, just like you are!

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

Thank you so much! And thank you for adopting Charlie - the older ones are just the best! 🥰

I remind myself that this isn’t about me having as many years as possible with them, it’s about giving them the best years left that I can ❤️

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Looks like a ferret in the first photo 🤣

My special needs cat was the friendliest cat I have ever had

Hey looks like me everytime I take a picture with the flash on 😄

u/TrayusV avatar

What are the challenges of raising a blind cat, especially in the beginning? How well does he know the environment around him, and what was the process of him learning it? Do you have to be careful not to move furniture around? Also, this might be stupid, but can he use a litter box?

Also, you talked about him being bullied in his foster home, was this by other cats or by the owners?

He looks like a God. Cute too.

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

Aww, thank you for posting, I will have to follow it, I love Lynx Point Siamese and Snow Tigers specifically! ❤️🥰

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What a sweetheart 😍

What a sweet and beautiful boy

what a beautiful boy!

Absolute cutie

u/Arocket avatar

What was going on with his lip in the first pic?

And that kitty is beautiful!

(Edit: or maybe it's his. Tung?

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

It’s his gums, he has had several teeth removed in dentals and his gums were super swollen when he first came to live with me. If you zoom in, you can see he has 3 scattered teefers. They shouldn’t be that low in his gums, but again, I think it was due to inflammation. His gums looks SO much better now, so whatever was going on seems to have resolved itself.

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You worked a miracle of love.

Ohhh that is soo sweeet! You are so wonderful to give this special needs cat a happy life and love!! 💕💕💕

u/Very_Talentless avatar

"glow up"? when was he ever not shining?

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

True, but his health and fur have improved so much! ❤️ he has always been a beautiful boy though, you’re correct!

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He is beautiful! Thank you for getting him into a loving and safe home

That face... It's golden.


Love and patience

u/YouKnewWhatIWas avatar

What a handsome boy. I’m so glad he has found a safe and loving home!

u/buzz86us avatar

Stanley its been ages!

Whatre the chances you get 2 pictures where your cat is blinking

What a cut ktty

I wouldn't call him special needs. I've never been able to take a picture without blinking either.

Idk why but I'm getting clicker vibes from that kitty

Still Looks Like she has to shit the biggest Shit in History

Eye don't see it.


I have a blindfold cat, life is too hard for him

3 months and you still haven’t taught him how to open his eyes? What kind of a monster are you.

u/degggendorf avatar

Is it ableist to call your cat a derp?

u/UnintentionalCatLady avatar

If that were his tongue, it would be justified, but it’s just his gums were super swollen when he first came to live with me (you can see 3 of his teefers if you zoom in).

u/degggendorf avatar

Awwww okay okay not a derp!

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