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In an uber

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u/Dickduck21 avatar

Wow that is brilliant. If I was frustrated in the back of an uber that would diffuse me immediately. Good luck uber guy!

u/Esc_ape_artist avatar

Defuse would be the right word.

Better yet, try “mollify”.

u/Dickduck21 avatar

Go mollify yourself.

u/Esc_ape_artist avatar

Beats being diffused.

u/PeteZatiem avatar


starts running to B

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u/LAWZARD avatar




to be in the state of one on MDMA.

"After taking ecstasy, John went from being angry to completely mollified; all his troubles were gone."

u/hotniX_ avatar


u/nouille07 avatar


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u/rexic0n avatar

diffuse is also correct.

Defuse and diffuse are different. Both in meaning and pronunciation.

u/weedlayer avatar

It's not. Diffuse means "To spread out", it's the opposite of "Concentrate".

u/rexic0n avatar

or, ‘to break up and distribute’. i’m out.

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I love the little drawings the kid did.

u/MaroonRocket avatar

I too love the burning city in the background.

u/Flux_raidzYT avatar

Oh shit its 911 all over again😬

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u/ICallThisBullshit avatar

Don't reminds me an episode from the Office

u/Hikesturbater avatar

There's cross hatching in some of these, that's kind of advanced for a two year old.

Let’s have her draw it again

(Rips it in half)

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The American version? Don’t remember anything like this from UK version

u/incognitoreads avatar

Yeah its from the american version


Ah, I keep meaning to watch it. I totally love the UK one and I have heard good things about the American one

u/_Slamz_ avatar

I don't say this often, but I actually preferred the US office to the UK office so binge watch time!

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u/Catterix avatar

Then yes, most likely the American version. But the UK one does also exist, too and you have clearly watched it.

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I took an Uber once where the driver didn’t speak English. She spoke 3 languages, I spoke 3 languages, none overlapped. Still one of my best rides even if we had to communicate using google translate.

I’d imagine two people who have gone out of their way to become trilingual have more in common than most people.


Most trilingual people I know didn't go out of their way to become so; they just grew up speaking three languages.

u/SpasticFeedback avatar

I have a few friends that speak 5+ languages. They all basically grew up speaking at least 3 and then just ended up picking up more as they went. It's fascinating.

u/Gimme_The_Loot avatar

I think a lot of it is geographical. Ex my buddy is an Uzbek but his family is historically Arab. So they speak Farsi in the house, they speak Uzbek as many of their neighbors do and they speak Russian as it was required in school etc under the USSR. And now that he's moved to the US he speaks English as well.

u/teh_fizz avatar

Which is funny because Farsi isn’t Arabic.

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Arabic is very different from Farsi

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How many trilingual people do you know?

In India it’s pretty common, as people have their regional language, Hindi as the national language, and English.

u/artistveer avatar

I'm an indian and i see what you did there but hindi is not the national language.

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Same thing in Spain. People from Galicia, Euskal Herria, Catalonia, Valencia and Mallorca are mostly trilingual for the same reason

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A lot actually


I speak English Spanish portugués and Italian but I feel like the last three is cheating since they overlap

Well, I'm a native portuguese speaker and can't speak spanish (can understand bits, though) nor italian (not a single word), so it's definitely not cheating.

u/1234fakestreets avatar

I get it.

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I know quite a few as well. Many are my MS students!


As another commenter mentioned, many of the Indian immigrants I know, but also, for instance, the Chaldeans I know all speak Arabic, Aramaic, and English.

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I speak German, English and French. I was forced to learn English and French at school (although English is obviously extremely useful so I probably would have chosen to learn it either way).

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u/TailSpinBowler avatar

Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English.

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Aw man I hate to think about how people treated him in order for him to make this sign. He's just trying his best man.

u/bobasauras-rex avatar

Nobody asking why the OP is wearing pink and black pants?

u/minahmyu avatar

Harley Quinn sometimes needs an uber. Puddin can't always give her a ride

u/igottagotheotherway avatar

They look like leggings, which come in a myriad of styles and colors. Maybe these are color block and they wore them to work out.

my brain just assumed it was two different people (because of the difference in size / perspective ) - And I think the foot near the black pants is a right foot.

u/FancyNacnyPants avatar

Was just thinking the same thing

It’s my observation from when this was posted like an hour before this one, if that counts.

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u/meatywood avatar

Daddy is handsome!



u/Bigbootyhoe6969 avatar

Yeah he is!

Fuck me, daddy

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It's cute but at the same time a bit sad because you know they probably had to make this cos he got so much shit off people

u/LuckOfTheSeaIII avatar

How did they draw that realistic image? Amazing!


u/Molotov56 avatar

Living in south Florida I’ve learned to speak a little Spanish to help navigate. I usually use the time in non-English speaker’s Uber’s to help improve my Spanish.

u/Joey101937 avatar

thats a damn good picture of you wtf

Jesus this was reposted with the same title before the other one was off the front page.

Fuuuuck capitalism. This is cute while being depressing.

u/billy1105 avatar

Darn, he's cute. Does he have a single brother?😛

u/jblatumich avatar

Wait... What?

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u/codybasso avatar

Harlequin take Uber I guess...

u/tomatotomatoe420 avatar

5 stars

u/justin--sane avatar

Great kid, great guy. Also, fuck Uber for exploiting workers.

u/Cleverbird avatar

What's up with that ridiculously photogenic picture though? Like, that looks straight up like a stock image!

That guy made it himself

Smart ploy

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u/ultramegafart avatar

Nothing unusual here, just Harley Quinn taking an Uber

Is that Charlie day?

u/Blatant_Shit avatar

Usually kids draw themselves in the picture too.

What a creative child

u/Pinky2832 avatar

Plot twist: he doesn’t have a daughter.

u/bruteski226 avatar

Maybe I’ve been burnt too many times in life, but are we sure that he didn’t just draw that himself, and write it himself? And isn’t possibly seeing three different women at the same time? Just saying. It would be the perfect heist.

Heisting what... compassion and understanding?

u/bruteski226 avatar

Maybe a necklace of diamonds worth 250 million from Willy Bank? IDK! that's how heists work! you think you're a step ahead the whole time but then you realize that everything you did was part of the other guys heist plan the whole time!

heisting man. it's a cruel mistress.

You make a... point. I'll keep a watch out for just this sort of thing.

u/bruteski226 avatar

now you wont get got.

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What about the women again?

u/bruteski226 avatar

thats whats up

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Probably an unpopular opinion but...I find this sort of thing weird, using your kids to evoke sympathy. Feels manipulative.

u/lukissed avatar

It could have been the kid going out of her way to do so. I can’t even think about the amount of times I’ve intervened to protect my dad, who speaks 3 languages and English is his 3rd. You feel extremely protective over your own parents. I know I have! I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with a reminder for people to be more understanding. :)

u/Catterix avatar

It is, slightly. But if it decreases being screamed at by a passenger because they have no patience with your weak English, it’s a fair deal.

I mean. The real sad thing is that this has to be a thing. Like, if you’re a decent person who DOESNT take out your frustration on someone because they haven’t mastered your language, this sign isn’t for you. And if you ARE that person, this sign is for you and I have no sympathy for you being manipulated, yanno?


You have to use them for something

I have to assume it's like hanging your kids art on the fridge. They made it for you, so it's more to make the kid feel appreciated than it is to diffuse the people in the back seat.

I'd personally treat it the same as any sign just saying "sorry English isn't my first language". Now I know, and I can adjust my expectations for how we communicate.


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u/TikeSavage avatar

i love this country


I dont


Comment deleted by user


Why Has someone to love a country? Are you a fking idiot?

u/TikeSavage avatar

We take pride it in our country. Want the best for it. And want people who want to live here and want to make it better not cancerous people. U dont understand how good we have it, youre acting like a spoiled child.

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Damn daddy

u/zool714 avatar

I’ve never been keen about learning another language but after getting interested in Japanese culture and language, I have to say I have a lot of respect for those who willingly and voluntarily learn another language. I also make sure to have a lot more patience with people who don’t speak English very well.

Harley Quinn? Is that you riding in the Uber? Those pants gave away your identity!

Reposted 3 hours later. Boo

What a disarming thing for a serial killer to have in his Uber.

Is that in an uber?

It's in an uber.

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In a uber.

u/xDogggeh avatar

Are you in a Harley Quinn cosplay by chance?

u/accidentalsurvivor avatar

The last time I got a cabbie that spoke English was in London. Language doesn't make any difference, they all get me to where I want to go. I hand them the address and they enter it into the GPS.

u/2muchonreddit avatar

I’ve noticed a lot of kids that translate for there parents seem wiser then there years. I could see a kid drawing this

I'm going to put one in my car. That's brilliant. If I'm not in the mood to deal with a rider's bs I'll just pretend I don't understand their language. So cool.

This is the most stereotypical “Redditor” post I’ve ever seen. Anyone else?

This is incredibly sweet of the girl and incredibly smart of the driver

Aww. What a sweet kid and kudos to her daddy for teaching his child compassion

u/couteaujaune avatar

A true daddy


u/lectroid avatar

If I had to drive rodeshare I'd have my friend's kid draw me a picture like this. It must work well for tips.

Using kid make money.. Pathetic

Plot twist, he drew it himself for free 5 stars.

They even used the correct "your". I know a lot of people who don't know the difference.

Did anyone else see the leggings and wonder if Harley Quinn took the photo. . .

u/gingrasci avatar

Not if he lives in Miami he isn’t

u/gingrasci avatar

Not if he lives in Miami he isn’t

I sincerely appreciate this guys struggle to learn the words for left and right in a foreign language but please learn them before accepting a navigation occupation.

Dude, it's a fucking Uber car not air traffic control, get over yourself.

You know, people kinda need money to survive before they go off learning languages, and if they had to turn down every job that involves speaking they'd starve. And the post says nothing about the actual level of his English. Get over yourself.

I never said english


The original post does though. Implicitly at the very least

The original post does though. Implicitly af the very least

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u/CansinSPAAACE avatar

Bla bla bla me importa puta

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u/PatriotMinear avatar

Am I the only person who finds it weird that one pants leg is pink and one is black

Wholesomeness aside, wtf are those leggings


Englisch uber alles!

u/1234fakestreets avatar

I don't give a shit what language you speak. Please know how to drive.

u/l2ewind avatar

Depending on where you live it's almost a necessity. Or a part of your life. Ive Learned Spanish, English, Korean, Japanese, German, French and Portuguese. Can fluently write in Spanish, English, French and Japanese. The rest I'll just wing lol. Spanish was my native language. English I learned at school. Had a ton of Japanese and Korean friends growing up. My neighbor was from Stuttgart Germany and spoke very little English(was like a grandma to me,RIP. She made the best cheesecake I've ever had!). I was part of a indoor soccer league team, and was the only non Brazilian, so I learned Portuguese from them. And French I took in high school 4 years. lol