$100 For This Dell 144Hz 1ms FreeSync Gaming Monitor Is Basically Cheating

Dell S2419HGF 24" FHD TN LED FreeSync Gaming Monitor | $100 | Dell
Dell S2419HGF 24" FHD TN LED FreeSync Gaming Monitor | $100 | Dell
Graphic: Eric Ravenscraft

Update: Sold out

It’s hard to find a better upgrade to your gaming rig’s setup than a good 144Hz monitor with a 1ms response time. Between the higher potential frame rate and the essentially invisible lag between your input and action on your screen, you can melt into your game. Which is why a 24" Dell monitor like this for $100 feels almost like cheating. At the very least, it’s one of the most inexpensive upgrades you can get for your game that we’ve seen.