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Record Rainfall, Tornadoes and Frequent Heavy Snowfalls–UK Wild Weather in 1950

December 13, 2020

By Paul Homewood



  Record tornado kills two people and leaves a trail of destruction in southern England – May 1950

While the weather in 1950 was not quite as wild as 1940’s in Britain, but it certainly had its ups and downs, with several notable episodes.


Although the year started with near average temperatures in January, this fact hid an unusually mild start, with temperatures in Wales exceeding 60F, an extremely rare occurrence.

This warm spell was followed by an intense period of cold weather with heavy snowfall.






The snow quickly turned to rain, lots of it. In England and Wales, it was the second wettest February since records began, causing considerable flooding in places.






April brought an unusually severe snowstorm at the end of the month to the southeast, where up to 6 inches fell. The storm caused much damage, bringing down trees and telephone poles.





The wild weather continued into May, with a tornado causing great damage in Buckinghamshire and killing two people. The tornado is officially the longest track in England, and the longest lasting in Europe:




June was an extremely warm month, the second warmest on record at the time in England. Temperatures reached 92F in London.





Following a wet July and August, September proved to be exceptionally wet, particularly so in N Ireland and Scotland. The heavy rainfall caused serious flooding  and did great damage to the harvest.

In both Scotland and N Ireland, 1950 still holds the record as the wettest September on record.







The year had a final sting in the tail, with December experiencing exceptional cold and heavy snowfall.





Most people would regard all of this as “wild weather”. It is telling that the BBC had to resort to “record sunshine” to bolster their claims of wild weather this year!

  1. December 13, 2020 1:22 pm

    Data man striked again.
    Word to the wise.
    Don’t mess with accountants.

  2. Broadlands permalink
    December 13, 2020 1:29 pm

    Hard for anyone to see where AGW fits in when all that extreme weather was when atmospheric CO2 was still at pre-industrial levels. Climate emergencies and existential crises had yet to be invented to scare little children and teenagers in Sweden.

    • Matt Dalby permalink
      December 14, 2020 12:45 am

      Before global temperature data sets were adjusted fit the AGW theory the early 1950’s were a pretty warm period. Unadjusted data sets from stations in Greenland and the Arctic show greater warmth than the present. Therefore extreme weather in 1950 could fit in with a theory of natural climate change.

  3. MrGrimNasty permalink
    December 13, 2020 2:10 pm

    With 10 days or so of mild, possibly very mild weather to come, it looks like the CET yearly mean temperature record could come down to the last week of the year. By then December’s currently slightly negative anomaly could have been pushed above +2C. I think around +2.4C will secure the record. At the moment the final week of the year is forecast to be cooler/cold, but such predictions have repeatedly vanished of late.

    Regardless it will likely be within a tenth/hundredths of the warmest year, so realistically the same as the warmest.

    Of course this has nothing to do with global warming raising temperatures directly, and is merely the result of which wind directions/air mass sources have dominated over the UK during the year and the amount of sunshine – which some will probably say has altered as a result of climate change.

  4. sid permalink
    December 13, 2020 2:49 pm

    Yep and its cycling back to us….its just statisticks

  5. MrGrimNasty permalink
    December 13, 2020 4:05 pm

    Vital Brussel Sprout update.

    2019 Shortage because climate.
    2020 Glut because climate.

    Such has been farming since the beginning of time, dependent on the whims of the WEATHER! Difference now is that fossil fuel energy gives us the option to freeze the glut for the next dearth. 12 months in the freezer makes no difference to a sprout.

    • Broadlands permalink
      December 13, 2020 4:29 pm

      Very good point. The CFC-ozone scam didn’t help with refrigeration (esp. in the poorer nations), nor will the AGW hoax help with the personal heating or cooling of our local environments, never mind transportation over any distance. Not a pleasant future? A few months in a freezing meeting room for politicians legislating our future might help.:)

    • yonason permalink
      December 13, 2020 6:51 pm

      I remember it being cauliflower…

      Cauliflower Shortages

      Oh, well, their both Kohl crops, which rhymes with Coal, so there must be a problem with them, somehow.

  6. December 13, 2020 4:16 pm

    You would think that Boris Johnson would know all about cycles, seeing as he rides one and has impoverished the motorist at the expense of providing loads of new cycle lanes. But he appears to be oblivious (no doubt on purpose) to weather and climate cycles. Somebody should inform him.

    • Vanessa permalink
      December 14, 2020 2:19 pm

      Boris knows absolutely NOTHING it is his little side-kick, Carrie who makes all the decisions and she is rabidly “GREEN” ! God help England !

  7. Nancy & John Hultquist permalink
    December 13, 2020 6:05 pm

    I guess the Climate Cult believes the future will be more wild than the past if we don’t all repent and buy indulgences. Better to have the wild of the past.
    Never is it explained how moving production of things to less developed countries – outputting the same or more Carbon Dioxide – is the solution to the global crisis they see ahead. I guess the Cult thinks those other countries are as “green” as peas.

    Gaia doesn’t care.

    • December 13, 2020 6:41 pm

      Indulgences are now called “offsets” payable the Al Gore, his fellow eco terrorist organizations and California. Bit ironic that the big greenies, with Elon leading the way, are starting to move out of California Utopia to “red neck” GOP Texas.

      • yonason permalink
        December 13, 2020 6:54 pm

        They’re done pillaging CA, now on to greener pastures.

      • Vanessa permalink
        December 14, 2020 2:17 pm

        Yes, they all seem to buy properties on the coast – so they are not worried about sea level increases and flooding !!!! Says it all really ?!!!

  8. Bryan Wilson permalink
    December 13, 2020 7:35 pm

    Week 15

    Get Outlook for iOS ________________________________

  9. Duker permalink
    December 14, 2020 6:01 am

    Just looked at a Sydney Australia report on a bad storm off the northern NSW coast. heavy rain, beach erosion etc etc. They make out its end of times but the real clue is is (thankfully) in the story
    “Bureau of Meteorology manager Jane Golding said the conditions were a “once-a-year” weather event.”
    Over hyping the impacts of ‘once a year’ weather gets clicks on websites.

  10. arfurbryant permalink
    December 14, 2020 1:42 pm

    What many people forget is that none of the datasets going back more than 40 years are truly homogenous as the method of measuring temperature (and to a certain extent rainfall) are very different since c1980. It is at that point that the UK and, later, most other countries, started to measure temperature with platinum electric thermometers and computers, rather than glass thermometers and eyeballs. Although the precision.of the two types of instrument are similar, the accuracy of reading is very different. The UKMO quotes a possible margin of error between 2C and 10C (2 being frequent and 10 possible) for readings by human eye. This means the current focus on tenths or hundredths of degree C measurements has little relevance to the long term dataset. But you won’t hear that from either the UKMO, politicians or the MSM…

  11. Vanessa permalink
    December 14, 2020 2:13 pm

    Interesting to see that the temperatures were taken in real places like London (Camden Square) in those days rather than behind a jet engine on the runway at Heathrow! Why are “people” so dishonest now ?

    • arfurbryant permalink
      December 14, 2020 2:54 pm

      Because they have an agenda which is prioritised above objectivity. Its the same reason they proclaim alarm based on a long term dataset which is spliced from three or four different sources, none of which are truly compatible or representative.

  12. Tievena permalink
    December 18, 2020 11:35 pm

    Has anyone seen the shocking Legal and General advertising in the Daily Telegraph by Jonathon Porritt Climate change rage
    I have never read such eco garbage in my life

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