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All this baby donkey wants to do is cuddle

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Carne assada


Carne Culodo

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u/plebkuchen avatar

I want to retire somewhere where I can have a pair of mini donkeys. My plan for this is not complete, as they may or may not have straw hats with holes cut out for the ears.

u/sagebrushsam avatar

What kind of monster would give a donkey a hat without holes for ears?

An asshat monster

Maybe you could just put a small hat in the space between the ears

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u/OkSquash1 avatar

He's wagging his tail from happiness!!

u/Ctate2001 avatar

The mom’s like “you seeing this shit?”

Lol exactly what I was thinking. Like she's telling the person filming "could you make your human stop?"

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What a charmer! A real Donkeyoté!

I laughed a bit too loud and woke my hubby up.

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u/figgs1515 avatar

Come to find out, donkeys are actually great guardians for farms. I saw a video of one grabbing a coyote by the neck and yeeting it into another dimension.

Yeet haw!!!

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"A little ass never hurt anyone."


"Ass, Grass, or Gas, nobody rides for free."


-Ed Kemper


MOTHER! You're really getting my Zapples going....

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u/vobsvids32 avatar

And I’m the mornin they havin waffles

u/shibbydooby avatar

That's a dog if I've ever seen one. Down to the tail way!


I always upvote a nice...


(I'm sorry)

u/laciewings avatar

Don't be. They were...assking for it

u/Banana_On_Pizza avatar

I can assure it

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u/Sygma6 avatar

No you're not. In situations like this the proper post script is, "I'll see myself out" or, "goodnight everybody".

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Heyy i wouldnt mind cuddling dat ass ... Im sure the girl is nice too

u/IDontCareEnoughToLie avatar

One of my bucket list items is to cuddle a donkey like this ❤️ be still my heart

Fun fact. Mini donkeys are big into cuddling. They all love it


My mom used to have a miniature donkey aptly named Baby Donk.

That animal was the meanest piece of hell I've ever met. I'm convinced the only reason he was alive was because the devil didn't want to put up with his bullshit.

He loved puffy Cheetos though. God help you if you had the unmitigated gall to give him a regular Cheeto though.

u/EyeC0uldntH3lpMys3lf avatar

Every animal that's a Baby...i use a 'b ' for there name.... That's a BONKEY. AND HES AMAZING.

u/EyeC0uldntH3lpMys3lf avatar

Like awwww 'biraffes ' and lil 'baligators' omg.... Tiny things need there own name.

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No offense but this lady's an ass kisser.

u/Pawz_007 avatar

That girl got a cute ass on her

u/Assclown_wrangler avatar

You joke, but it's tradition in parts of the world such as Columbia.

u/Assclown_wrangler avatar

I could happily have enjoyed the rest of my life without having the knowledge from this video. Thank you...and I hate you. /s

u/Metal_Badger avatar

I... I don't think that's where he was going with that joke...


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Because life is spicy

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u/orchidlover20 avatar

I had no idea that they are so affectionate.


Out of all equine, donkeys are my favorite. I just love their personalities.

u/Panko_K avatar

So lovely~

Watch out. That fucker will eat your wallet.

u/fixittony2014 avatar

Mmmmhmmm...I'd cuddle with that ass too!


She better still be snuggling that donkey right now!

u/hairymidget123 avatar

Aww she has a tiny ass!

My doggo used to play with the neighbors’ miniature donkeys. Gross, but she loved to bathe their long ears!



im all alone, theres no one here beside me

What a cute little ass.

u/really-drunk-too avatar

I’m just here for the hairy ass puns!

Gotta love a girl with a cute ass

u/bootrot avatar

The title of this post is also an acceptable response when someone tries to pressure you into a more intimate situation than you are comfortable with. Just point both thumbs at your chest, lower your voice, and say "All THIS baby donkey wants to do IS cuddle."

That's one sweet ass.

That girl has a cute ass

Ass like that? I’d wanna cuddle it too.

It's so FLUFFY! ~ Agnes

Cute donkey! Yeah, that dog pretty cool, too.


This place looks so peaceful, any guess as to where it is?

u/thatguy425 avatar

Can you fuckin blame him?

Thank you! Made me feel better on this bad day : )

u/dit_red2020 avatar

Awe thats cute


u/Milothesilobitch avatar

Wow look at the scenery in the background too. This looks like paradise. I wish I could be in her shoes.

u/Olddriverjc avatar

Donkey wags tail too, good to know.



The girl looks like James from odd1sout

u/MotherListen avatar

When can animals consent?



Ass cuddles are the best cuddles

That is a wierd dog


Is this in Switzerland?


I want someone to cuddle my ass too ;(

u/Sygma6 avatar

It's a big world out there. There's someone for your bum.

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u/gmxpoppy avatar

Chonky donkey!

u/gotele avatar

I need a baby donkey in my life


Dunkey was cute as a kid

wag wag wag



They are cute when they're babies But then they grow up in a complete jackasses


What a ass

u/Nero_PR avatar

Now that I stop to think about it, I guess most animals must love do skinship with us humans because our soft skin must feel good when rubbing against animal hair, scales, feathers. It must be a comfy feeling.

aww I really want to cuddle with him,too

You fucking donkey!

Now that's what you call kissing the ass

u/Chinkiest_Chinky avatar

The only donkey I know reviews videos games on the internet.

His little tail makes me so happy

u/ike7899 avatar

That is so cool!!

When you love him, even when he’s an ass.

donkies are so cool, smart too- in their own way- my dad grew up on a farm in ireland and had an old donkey called jessey. When jessey was done with your shit (us kids would ride him) he would walk into the big bush of nettles.

as a kid (never me) in summer with shorts and t shirt he would slowly walk into the nettle bushes and lie down.. if you dont have the sense to jump off before he gets there your dumber then a donkey. He was a smart donkey, my dad used to tell me to get him to market you would have to guide him, but he always knew the way home no problem.


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thorns maybe but they have rough hair that protects them from nettles and small thorns at least.. maybe he was indifferent to the pain and enjoyed the suffering of others :) he was super chilled normally but kids can make anyone suicidal lol

edit: his name was jessey :D

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And 0:42, there's a big ass!

u/bcastner avatar

What a jackass

I don't blame him, I've never wanted to be a donkey more!!