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Sean knows that we are a nation of immigrants. The willingness to uproot and resettle in a foreign land gave America a legacy of risk-takers, adventurers, and hard workers.

In Congress, Sean:

  • Cosponsored the American Dream and Promise Act, which would create a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers (undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children) and those with Temporary Protected Status because they cannot safely return to their country of origin.
  • Cosponsored the Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Customs and Border Protection Custody Act to require the CBP to enact safety and hygiene standards for individuals in their care.
  • Voted for The Farm Workforce Modernization Act which stabilizes the agricultural sector and preserves our rural heritage by ensuring that farmers can meet their labor needs by establishing a program for agricultural workers, their spouses and minor children can earn legal Certified Agricultural Worker (CAW) status through continued agricultural employment.
  • Led a letter urging the Biden administration to take steps to create a robust resettlement program for Ukrainian refugees within the United States, including raising the refugee cap, ensuring that Ukrainians are eligible for priority resettlement, and expediting applications for humanitarian immigration programs.
  • Cosponsored a resolution to express that the House of Representatives is committed to keeping the United States open to those lawfully seeking refuge and asylum regardless of their race or country of origin and condemn white supremacy.

Of course, we need to protect our borders and vet those who wish to come to our country. That is not in dispute. More people want to immigrate to the United States than we can accommodate, and that is a blessing, not a burden.

Those who immigrate to the United States overwhelmingly do so with the idea that they will have more opportunity in this country than they do at home. Immigrants strengthen our country, and we shouldn’t shut our door to those who believe in American dream.

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