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I got a job at a dog daycare and it’s going pretty much as expected!

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Haha looks like drunk friends scrambling for a selfie

u/OvercookedAbsorption avatar

"oh look, his taking a selfie, compress guys.." what a lovely view.


'looks like drunk friends scrambling for a selfie...'

Oh, Hello, friend!! You must be New!

can We be in the picture too ?!

we saw you when you first came in,

HooRAY! Your brand new Job begin!

cuz we the Dogs, in daycare stay,

(we Always need Someone to play!)

there's balls to chase, n Lotsa toys,

(but Human frens we most enjoys)

so Take our Picture - We won't fuss !

You look like Good Boy

(...just like Us !)


edit: Great picture u/seattledjent, & thanks for the 'inspiration' u/Curiousmeeower ;)


This was amazing! You’re amazing!!

One of my comments was honored by a Schnoodle, too! Your photo is so funny, especially the white dog draped around you! Best of luck in your new job! XO, from a former Seattleite 💕🐕💟


Thank you kindly :) that’s Lucy, she’s SO FUNNY! Take care <3

Lucy makes me laugh!

u/damiami avatar

And oh my heart, the white poodle looks just like my beloved poodle who died 3 years ago

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ADAM! Hey brother miss ya!


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I haven't seen a Snoodle poem in a while. You are blessed. Also I love Lucy

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Why are your poems always so wholesome


It’s a tough job, but somebody should do it. Luckily for us, SchnoodleDoodle is up to the task.

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u/PoofBam avatar

I think Schnoodle is dog.

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I'm honored!!

I finally have a free award to give 😂

Best schnoodle yet.

Loooovvveee Your Poems.. as always!! ❤️❤️

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Haha best comment!!

Thanks, good luck with the new job bud.

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Look at that pup in the back, sneaking in like Jaws.....

Look at the one with the pink nose!!!

u/mull3286 avatar

I'm going to look at every single one of these dogs!

I'm not going to look at the one in the bottom left

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u/capecodder03 avatar

Best job ever after panda nanny!!! Good for you!

Disagree. You spend most of your day picking up shit and stopping that one dumb fucking lab from making the water bowl a swimming pool. I did it for 4 months.

u/caseysmith80 avatar

My Hershey is the dumb fucking lab that likes to go swimming in the water bowl. Every. Damn. Time.

Labs are water dogs, after all.

I’ve got a buddy who just got his first lab, he thought the dog was just lazy as hell until he took him to the ocean and the dog went apeshit and headfirst into the water.

The mental image of this playing out in my head is making me smile 🥰

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u/Natural-Macaroon-271 avatar

Hah.. my prissy ass Shih Tzu has the same problem, but that's just cause his face is flat :)

My BIL has a fat Basset at work that they have to manipulate into following them around to get exercise 🤣

Had to get my golden the fancy water bowl that has a stopper thing in it so he has to press it down to get a little bit of water at a time. Now he’s known at daycare as a pool hog and the dog that loses water bowl privileges for splashing and blowing bubbles in it.

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My shepherd never went to daycare, but he did do the water bowl thing. I moved and needed to get myself situated before bringing the dog so my brother took him for a bit. He set out a big bowl of water, but by the time he got home from work it was bone dry. So he set out two giant bowls of water and they were still dry by the time he came home from work. The next day he filled them both up went back inside and hid behind the curtain and saw that my shepherd immediately went over and started flipping them with his paws to get rid of the water. Lol

So he went and got a kiddie swimming pool filled it with water and went back inside. Before getting in the car to go to work he looked out back and my ridiculous shepherd was in the swimming pool going around and around trying to get as much water out as possible...


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Absolutely. He also loved my pup.

Dog tax

And that tennis ball was probably brand new 2 minutes before this picture. Lol My dog literally destroyed a kong in under 10 minutes.

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that is beautiful lmaooo

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Picking up poop, mopping up pee puddles, stopping the dogs from getting out of hand with each other, and getting them to PLEASE STOP HUMPING.

Seriously, who knew dogs hump so indiscriminately. Also german shepherds are crafty bastards that will take any opportunity to escape the yard


Only about 5%-8%of the day is actually cleaning shit thankfully 😅


Our day are has a poop bingo spot, if your dog poops in the circle you get a free day at daycare lol I think one dog has pooped in the spot.


That’s actually hilarious!!


They are one of the best daycares we have used, they have an A/C cooled metal plate, foam machines, jungle gyms, picture days, and cameras to watch while you are at work. Houston bark park if anyone in Houston needs a daycare.

My dog was injured a few years back, laceration near his back legs from another dog. Was just an accident they showed the footage, toby was running and another dog threw his nose at him and just wrong angle. Toby had to get stitched up and they paid for the whole vet trip, I think it was around 800$.

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Just wait for diarrhea season to start.

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Pros and cons like any job, im a dog daycare worker and that is literally such a small problem compared to other jobs lol. All you gotta do is become the person that they enjoy being around/having fun with and they’ll come over to you every single time you call their name. Its all about tone, energy, and mindset.


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Also you have to constantly by pulling some furiously humping chihuahua off of all the other dogs

Sounds like most jobs... But he gets to be with dogs!

I don’t know about that... I’m a librarian, and only occasionally have to deal with poop or humpers. Much more disturbing when I have to do it, though, especially since I’m in adult services.

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Don’t forget the constant barking... and the poop eaters

Yup, the store I was at was pretty gross too - floors were definitely not sealed correctly and the cleaning product was sub par. Could not pay me enough to sit in a room huffing dog feces and urine fumes for 6 hours a day.

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Totally curious about what your job consists of...

Do you play with good dogs all day? Do bad dogs come in? Do you clean up poop all the time? Record keeping?

Is it fun? Are you tired at the end of the day?

Not op but I used to do this before my shop had me start grooming full time, I was working the front of the shop so basically there were two of us, one at the front desk and one in the room with the dogs at all times, and the daycare room was split with a partition to keep big dogs on one side and small/medium dogs on the other. Basically you do a lot of bending down to pick up poop and mopping up pee, that takes up a decent chunk of your time. Honestly most of the time the dogs will just play among themselves, some of them will be asleep or by themselves and so on. I would sometimes sit in the room with them and let them cuddle up on me but I'd usually have to get up quite often to clean up a potty mess or something. If anyone was misbehaving we'd have to put them in time out in a suite with some water and toys. One time I had a wheaten start a fight with another dog so I put him in a suite and when I gave him his water bowl and he immediately turned it over and flung water all over the damn place lol. It was fun but I'm glad I'm on the grooming side now tbh

Sounds like a job that will be fun for a week and not any further than that lol

Basically lol, it's definitely challenging

u/dudeidontknoww avatar

Nah, that first week is hell, it chews employees up and spits them out, and if you're able to last longer then that to where you're used to the work and the dogs are used to you, you'll actually be able to have moments where you enjoy working with all these dogs. But that enjoyment is between a lot of stressful stuff. Ever broken up a dog fight? It sucks and I have the scars to prove it.

u/Shaydoggy avatar

I’ve worked dog day care twice and that is 100% correct. At first you’re like “I get to play with dogs all day!!” But that slowly goes away after picking up poop and breaking up fights lol

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u/schofield69 avatar

How would you break up a fight between two bigger dogs?

Thankfully this doesn't happen very often (most dogs are just derps who want to play) but when it does happen you generally don't want to get directly between them if you can help it, but if you can get behind whichever dog attacked first (cause they'll be the one holding on to the other dog) you can grab them by the collar or scruff and yank them away. Obviously this isn't the super ideal way to do this and it works better with two people or if you're really strong but dogs will absolutely fuck each other up if they really want to. Thankfully it very rarely comes to that

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u/MourkaCat avatar

It's super often? Do they not get to go outside? Or are you cleaning up the poop outside? I'm just concerned that all these dogs are peeing and pooing all over the floors inside and they were poorly trained....(Genuine question you're just making it sound like they're all just constantly peeing and pooping everywhere lol)


We'd take them out once every hour or so and we'd leave them out for quite a while sometimes, so they got frequent potty breaks, some dogs are just assholes that literally refuse to go outside. On the flip side of that we had a couple dogs from the same family that had only ever gone on grass their whole lives so they refused to go on the concrete outside, so we'd walk them out by the plants out front every couple of hours. Some of them were good about going outside but yeah, dogs hold lots of poop and pee and a lot of them don't really care where they leave it

u/MourkaCat avatar

Oh jeeze hahaha. So maybe not the best training for all of them.

I had dogs when I was a kid, and they would only ever go somewhere "bad" if they couldn't hold it anymore, but they were very good about holding it. (Like say if we were late coming home or something, rarely happened) Lots of shame if they weren't able to (And of course we never punished them for it, accidents happen, and they tried hard not to) They also had a sort of 'pooping spot' in our yard that they'd go to and then leave the rest of the yard for running around in.

So that's why I wondered, thanks for explaining.

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Up until last Friday, I was the assistant manager of a place like this 🥴 But as the AM I wore pretty much every hat in the place, so to answer your question-

Playing with the dogs is great and rewarding. Lots of good dogs. Some love to play, some would rather sleep, some like to wander aimlessly. It just be like that.

I don’t think dogs are inherently “bad” dogs. Some dogs are challenging in group settings. Sometimes they get scared and snappy with the other dogs. Sometimes they’re too excited and play rough and scare the other dogs. Sometimes they just want to be left alone and get grouchy when other dogs try to interact with them. At my place we tried to get to know each dog and organize them into groups they’d be happy in. If you have two exuberant puppies who are bugging the other dogs trying to play? Shove them in together with the group that’s just napping and let them wrestle each other while everyone else just vibes. Got a little dog who bullies other little dogs? Into the lion’s den you go my friend- enjoy the labs and huskies. We try to make it work. If we can’t- it’s dangerous for a pet/associate or a pet is too stressed -we give them one on one time and let the owner know what’s up.

There is lots of cleaning of poop. I’ve noticed that many seem to be on similar biological schedules, because a couple of hours will pass where none of them poop and then they ALL DO AT ONCE. And you always have the one asshole dog who tries to eat it.

We record eliminations through the day. Any new or weird behaviors from pets we know. General info about new pets’ personalities. Which dogs do or don’t like each other. My place also does boarding so we record their feeding, how much they eat, etc.

It is so fun, stressful, rewarding, and exhausting all at once. I am going to miss it dearly.

Hahahahahaha I've got 3 dogs and one of my aussies is a poop eater. They're is no convincing her otherwise. It's so gross but she is determined.

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Old dog daycare worker here!

You definitely get to play with dogs of all breeds, sizes, energy levels, play styles, etc. You do have good dogs, dogs that know their commands and listen. But those good habits can be wonky at a daycare as there are so many distractions. Bad dogs do come around, incidents happen, dogs get hurt, dogs get banned. It's all about having a good play group, always having a handler in the yard, and watching your yard to read the body languages. There is tons of poop we had to clean up as we could get 60-100 dogs in a day. We also get dogs who roll in poop or eat it, you get to learn which dogs have that habit and who to keep your eye on. Dogs also get diarrhea when stressed so runny poop was common, same with blood in stool. We kept records of EVERYTHING; incidents, anxiety, aggression, vomiting, paw chewing, blood in stool, if they are eating, medications administered, etc. Each dog had a profile where we wrote employees notes, incidents, feeding, medication. That was our internal system. We also had non-social or private play dogs who got potty runs rotated throughout the day. Omg, the cleaning was non-stop as well! We did spot cleaning for their suites after breakfast and lunch, then a deeper clean after dinner. It's a lot of work and you definitely come home so tired, but we also did 12 hr shifts. Such a fun job if you are an animal lover. Those little moments when you're in a good play group cuddled up by a group of dogs really is heaven. It was my absolute favorite thing walking into a yard and having all the dogs group up at the gate with their tails wagging wanting to say hi. ❤

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u/KestrelLowing avatar

Not OP, but I've worked at a couple dog daycares and still do.

No dogs are really "bad" or "good" but some dogs are more difficult to deal with in group play than others. Depending on the management, you can be pressured to keep dogs that really shouldn't be in the daycare and that can be incredibly annoying.

As for poop... yes. All the friggen time.

Fun? It depends. Some days it's pure work as you're dealing with insane dogs all day and are constantly putting out fires and I get home absolutely exhausted (my current place has really long hours - 10-11 hour days depending on when the last dog gets picked up. My last place I liked more and had shorter shifts). Other days it's super boring, and other days it is actually fun and your favorite dogs come in and your least favorite aren't there!

Record keeping varies by the job - honestly a lot of things are done basically by memorization (what dogs get along well with others, etc.) save for the super important ones.

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For a dog close is never close enough

u/afitz_7 avatar

Wait... you’re getting paid for that? You can probably charge people to fill in for you for additional income.

u/Rjnc1998 avatar

I’m jealous 🤗

That’s an epic convergence of wet noses



You are hereby reported to the kitty next to me cause she's the only one that remotely gives a shit!


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What a strange-looking dog, the one at the bottom. Then I realized that’s not its eye.

u/erinmiyu avatar

I too thought it was his eye.

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u/OkImagination4404 avatar

A dream job!

u/TheSportingRooster avatar

Shit. Shit everywhere.

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You can feel the happiness raidating from this picture. Good days ahead I see.


Depression subsiding :)

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That hairless spot below the black pup's mouth looked like an eye to me and I couldn't make sense of what I was looking at for like a solid ten seconds.

JFC, that was a real mindfuck.

I want to see the video. Where did it go?

That top dog looks pretty aggravated, like he is claiming you as his own and telling the others to back off


Actually she was just playing with the other dogs from my back. She likes to do that.


u/BetR24Get avatar

So stinking cute!


Hell yeah, shut all their running mouths in the comments!

u/thatwentBTE avatar

That is the most extra earring I have ever seen.

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Enjoy it! It's hard work! Watch your footing. I was running towards a dog with diarrhea (several poop eaters in the room) and slipped in water. I broke my foot and couldn't walk for two months. It still haunts me that there were cameras where clients could watch their dogs, and at least one person had to see me crawling on all fours to get out of the room. Plus the pooping culprit followed me out and laid down next to me as I tried not to pass out. Good times. I miss it.

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u/j-t-storm avatar

Damn but I wish I could afford to live on the salary paid to doggy daycare attendants.

That looks like just a damn good time to me.


u/creatorindamountains avatar

Unnecessary burn.

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u/dearwallace avatar

So heaven. You got a job in heaven.



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I called it my Prozac job. 5 hours of playing with dogs in the morning. Didn't think I would stay there for seven years. It's the only job i visit just to say hi.

Why was the post deleted? What was it?

A pic of a guy and four dogs. One dog had it's paws on his left shoulder and the others were on his left side near his leg. They were pretty cute dogs

The account was deleted along with its posts.

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You are lucky

This picture has an incredible aura

u/dee_zee2 avatar

Lucky!! My dream job after I retire

u/helen269 avatar

Your mask is too low.

So cute 🥺

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He was wearing a hat with the company logo on it. Probably not a good idea to go to the front page with that.


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We keep harnesses and drag lines (cut leashes) for particularly zoomie dogs lol

Collars on isn’t weird but harness and leash on is if they’re in the play park.

“One of us. One of us...”

Those puppies know a good soul when the sense it. It's a lot of work but it's also happy doggy time. Thank you!

Did you formerly work for the Kroger family of companies? Noticed that Fred Meyer mask.


Haha bingo! I sure did, it was cool at first but quickly burned out.

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If you put this pic on tinder it’s unlimited matches


Hmmm you sir are a genius

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u/selz202 avatar

Fred Meyer has a dog daycare now?

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u/MarsupialPatient avatar

Used to do this as well! I unfortunately had a bad experience breaking up a fight between a Boxer and a Karelian Bear Dog, neither of the dogs got hurt but I got a huge hole in my face above my lip. Be safe! Look up ways to spot aggressive behaviour and act on it before it becomes a problem. Stay safe brother!


Omg I’m so sorry to hear about this. Yes always safety first! Amazing beautiful creatures but still very powerful and fast and things can escalate quickly. I will be extra careful in those situations. Thank you for sharing!

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u/yeamonn avatar

99% sure my little man gets his nails done here!


Truly living the dream.

Hey! I also just got a job at a dog daycare and I 100% can relate haha. Have fun with your new four legged coworkers.


Ayyye! You know then! Working here is Definitely calming my soul in a much needed way! Good luck to you as well friend :)

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Congratulations! You have my dream job!

I always wondered how much fun people who work at these have. Every time I drop my Corgi off, whichever person who brings him in just looks so pleased and excited to get him.


Oh yeah corgis are especially lovable so I’m not suprised. It gets stressful but we have a lot of fun and it’s sooo rewarding!

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I have a friend who recently started working at a doggy day care and I frequently get pictures like this.

How is the dog poop?



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This will be my retirement gig. I might not even charge people. Just drop off your pup and I'll play with them all day.


We should go into business lol

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How do I get this job?


All you have to do is apply!!

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u/FunkBunchesofoats avatar

I was just at Jackson park golf course right near that day care

I just had a job interview today for a job at a dog boarding kennel. Fingers crossed this could be me soon.

What breed is the black dog? She look exactly like my Border Collie Golden mix


He’s surprisingly large and still a puppy. He’s definitely got some retriever I believe!

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Job... You're in paradise!

I love this. Pure chaos in the best way.

Oh! They love you! And you are perfect for the job.


Thank you so much <3 I love them so much!

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u/dazedglitter113 avatar

that seems like it would be such a rewarding job!!

has to be better than clicklist ;)

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I'm having some trouble figuring out the angle with the black dog. It's eyes look like they're right underneath the mouth, like a fish or something.

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Awwwwwh, that reminds me of the time I started working in a safe injection site.

I think they like you.

u/sl600rt avatar

Don't let Huskeys around any dog smaller than them.


We keep the huskies with the chihuahuas to keep em in check.

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I transitioned from doing daycare into an "adventures" business, pretty much off lead hikes etc. I highly recommend it, you can make decent money taking 4-5 dogs out at a time. I love your pups dude!

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This man is the real hero here, folks.

Any chance this is in St Paul? One of those looks uncannily like my dog.

u/oceanblue0714 avatar

Best job ever.

Me too! Just started two weeks ago. Went from feeling hopeless and unemployed to finding like the perfect job for me right now. Very grateful I’m not having to do customer service right now.

It's definitely fun and definitely stressful, been doing it for 6 years. Worth it though. Welcome to the pack!

awww image is gone. the thumbnail looks adorable though.

He forgot to turn his swag off, woke up covered in bitches.!

I used to work at one and it was the best job I ever had. I often contemplate going back to a job like that but sadly it just doesn't pay enough for me. (I just bought a house and got hella bills to pay!)

u/thequejos avatar

doesn't matter what you do in your life; you will always remember this job


No doubt in my mind <3

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Ah man, I'm so jealous. I want that as my part time job. I think I will be happy


You would be sooo happy to go to work

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u/Bootsy86 avatar

It's hard seeing someone else out there living your dream.

Wholesome af ❤️

Please post more of this. Such a positivity!!

Glad to see things are going so well.

Congrats!!!! What a great job!! Fun all around for everyone!!!

u/GloomyKnight_14 avatar

The white pup getting a piggyback looks just like my doggo! Do you know the breed?


You better tell us their names man, they cute

This post has made me seriously question my choice of profession.

Have the best time with the dogs! Our dog goes to doggie daycare 3 days a week, which has been a lifesaver during work-from-home. You are doing great work!

u/Maryjaneplante avatar

There's too much love and sexiness in this picture, I'm not equipped dammit


<3 <3 thank u <3 <3

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u/saffronpolygon avatar

You must be a really good egg if these furbabies are all over you like this. May you have the best life!

Sorry, did you heaven?

You look like you are having an awesome time there


Best time I’m in love!!

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I’ll do that job for free! If it means I get to hang out with doggos!

Praying for your health, hope you recover from this malicious attack soon.


🤕 😂

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u/shamrockvictory avatar

much love , adorable friends

This reminded me of a dog I used to see at work, I'm a dog groomer but before I started grooming full time I worked the front of the daycare side and we had a dog that had to be watched literally the whole time she was there cause if another dog shit she would scramble to eat it as fast as she could. She was very fast and successful a handful of times. Congrats on the new job lol I can promise you it won't be a dull one

how do you get this job and what are your responsibilities and pay?

u/Bgrngod avatar

My cousins' last name is Meyer. When I was younger their family dog's name was Fred.

Fred Meyer tried to hump me while I was playing Blades of Steel on the NES. Other than that incident, Fred Meyer was a very good dog.

u/bettylou79 avatar

Best job ever!?

Does the barking get to you ever? Which dog is your favorite and why?

Also work at one, best job ever ~ Against our policy to upload pictures of the dogs tho, would share our goofs if it wasn't ^

Sorry if it's a silly question, but why aren't you allowed to post pics of the dogs?

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You are the Borkmaster, Master of all Bork.

u/xdylanthehumanx avatar

Are you Hom Tolland?


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u/dogrescuersometimes avatar

The eyes are not visible. That's a cyst on his cheek/throat.

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I'm so proud of Tom Holland taking the time to do this!


I need to look up who this Tom Holland is now that people keep saying this xD

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Not to be a downer, but I'd hate for you to lose your new job: be super careful posting pics of other people's dogs without a signed release; I work with animals too and this would give you a stern warning or immediate termination (especially if you're new).