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I’m diabetic and this little girl just bit me to wake me up when my blood sugar went to 312

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good girl

Yes she is

Is she your service pup? My Chihuahua/Jack Russell Terrier mix would alert my room mate when her sugars were too high or low. I loved that.

Yes she is

It's so refreshing seeing breeds of dogs that aren't usually seen as service dogs at work. Thank you for sharing this with us!


Yes she is

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This is the coolest thing ever! If you don't mind me asking, Is it true that thet can tell by smell or how do they tell?


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Yea she is

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I’m a type 1, usually wake up though. What’s a good dog for this? Got any good provider recommendations?

u/Feyranna avatar

You can train most any breed for diabetic alert. There are strips you put in your mouth to mimic the smell and teach them to do what you want for alert with the smell as the cue.

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u/thejig10 avatar

how? that’s amazing

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How the heck can they tell wth

u/puppychomp avatar

when your blood sugar is wack the chemical changes in your body make your breath smell differently


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And what do the dogs call it?

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My dog can both smell and taste the difference in her blood sugar. Personally, I could look in her eyes and tell that she needed to check. Her eyes would become dialated as if she had just came from the eye doctor.

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u/craftmacaro avatar

Well to be fair you must have smelled so sweet. Seriously though I’m glad you’re ok. Have you ever looked into Byetta or its extended acting form if your diabetes is type 2? It can be very effective for helping control certain otherwise stubborn cases since it works on glucagon receptors as opposed to insulin. I only ask because I do venom bioprospecting which is where the drug came from and I think it’s an underutilized treatment (despite some potential dangers like any diabetes medications).

Is venom bioprospecting what it sounds like? because if so, what a cool job!

u/craftmacaro avatar

I’m not sure what youre picturing but probably. We extract venom from snakes that we either keep or find in the field (mostly rattlesnakes in our collection but we have boomslangs, South American jumping vipers, corals, a Gabon, philodryas, and assorted other rear and snakes) then we use differing biochemical processes to separate the venoms into individual protein families and eventually individuals peptides. I’m focused on how toxic cellular effects vary between cancer lines and non cancer lines hoping to find something we can exploit for medical utility.

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Has good parento too

u/JuicyBetch avatar

Wow, I am diabetic and wasn't aware that service dogs could be trained for this! Would love to get one as I occasionally struggle with my sugar levels

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u/thatjenr avatar

10/10 the best girl.

u/GoldenMonster93 avatar


u/Drenlin avatar

It's fascinating how adept some animals re at this, even untrained ones. My wife is a diabetic, and if she goes too low while sleeping our cat will persistently poke at her face until she wakes up and eats something.

There have been a couple of times where she may very well have saved my wife's life.

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u/chadwicke619 avatar

Dogs can be trained to alert us when our blood sugar drops too low. Basically, when you have a blood sugar episode, you take a cloth, like a handkerchief or something similar, and rub it over your body. The cloth gathers up hormones/smells/sweat that your body generates in response to the glycemic incident. You then use that cloth to train a dog to perform some sort of work whenever they encounter the odor from the cloth.

SOURCE: My girlfriend and I fostered (and helped train) service dogs for a non-prof in San Diego.


When they trained my dog they had me breathe heavily into zip lock bags and wear socks when I was in DKA. It was the oddest experience on earth, but it worked. That dog gets UPSET when I eat poorly cause he can smell my failure, lol

It's incredible what dogs are capable of, I never knew they could do this.

u/unknownsoldierx avatar

When you're training the dogs, how do you go about generating a glycemic incident?

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Yup it’s a miniature schnauzer

u/b4billy27 avatar

Are you blind? It's CLEARLY a raccoon with a large teddy bear


Oh yeah my bad

u/JaneTheGenie avatar

This raccoon is not as thicc as the other raccoons

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I grew up with a miniature schnauzer named Charlie. We got him when I was about 12. He saved me from an abusive brother. He was so intelligent and a sweet snuggler. I miss still miss him and he's been gone years and years. sigh

Treasure your little sweetheart and please give her an extra hug and a kiss on her precious head.

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u/commonguy001 avatar

Schnauzers are kick ass little dogs. My 12 year old girl never left my side for a week after I get hit by a car on my bike when she was 6 months old. She still hangs out with me every day while I work, basically my 8 hour shadow in my office.

Aww my dog that passed away 2 years ago this month was a schnauzer.

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I have a Mini Schnauzer they really are the best dogs

u/INK9 avatar

A friend of mine had one, she was so smart. If you told her to get one of her toys to show you, it had to be specific. And she could tell the difference between the snowman and Santa, even though they were the same size. I thought she was a genius. Even better, she'd put her toys back after you admired them.

I had a Maltese who did this. She was the best dog. I still regret not training her for agility shows.

u/fluffymacaron avatar

My mini schnauzer is one of the dumbest dogs I've had lol. Sweetest girl in the world though!

Mine eats dirt.

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u/ksphotobug avatar

I have two mini schnauzers, when my anxiety flares bad my one takes on the anxiety & clings to me the other tries to cheer me up! They are incredible dogs! Mine are not therapy dogs but they sure are❤️ therapy to me! Dogs' intuitive sense is incredible!

u/commonguy001 avatar

We have two as well. A 12 YO and another that’s 8. Seriously awesome dogs, none more loyal or loving. #schnauzersrule

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u/MadJackViking avatar

r/dogswithjobs is a fantastic sub!

Thank you

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She bit you to help you get a drop of blood to test your glucose level.

Nah, she just has a sweet tooth and wanted a taste.


She’s a goodest girl.

u/talkyourownnonsense avatar

Awe I came here to say this. Take my upvote (sigh)

u/Lostpurplepen avatar

You too sugary - CHOMP!

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She didn’t draw blood just a very light bite enough to wake me

Trained? Or natural talent?


u/AmBull1216 avatar

That's so cool! How does she know? Like does she smell it on you or something?


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Schnauzers have also been known to be trained to smell cancer cells.

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Awesome! The best girl ever!

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Though I can't say for sure, I think my siamese cat does this to me. He isn't trained, but he's done this many times when my blood sugar is high or I'm having some adverse reaction to some of my medications..

Animals are amazing, sometimes.

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u/Snabelpaprika avatar

Miniature schnauzers must be really easy to train to do this; "I get to bite people AND get a reward? Wow!"

Had one before and if you said something mean she would squint at you menacingly. Would also bite when played with and pretend it was an accident by exaggerating her chewing on the toy after she "missed" it just before and bit me. Smart dog, but not as smart as she thought she was.


I don’t have my glasses on and read your title thinking she was a raccoon and I was so confused about so much in this post.

“If a raccoon bites you, you might have rabies not spiked blood sugar” me to me


u/Zigmoosh avatar


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Aww, she's so cute. We just lost our mini schnauzer a couple of months ago. Since I can't kiss mine, give your sweet girl a kiss from this random stranger. Such a good girl!

I’m sorry for your lose and I sure will

We have lots of minis for you to smile about at r/schnauzers — I hope you find a new best friend soon!

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I wonder if she could smell that something was wrong with you or maybe she just knew that it was time for it but you didnt do it

They smell. They have dogs trained to smell when your blood sugar drops too low. Or if you’re in DKA.

u/INK9 avatar

Amazing! I'm a nurse and have lots of diabetic patients. I have to actually test their blood sugar to get the levels.

Don't be so hard on yourself, dogs have really good noses. I'm sure you're good at plenty of things, like digital stimulation, etc that dogs can't do for their patients.

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Im guessing it's from your sweats that they smell it?

If you’re in DKA, I think they’re able to smell your ketone levels.

Last time I checked...a puppy trained for this type of stuff cost like $2K a pup. So worth it tho.

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My wife says a person with high ketones will have breath that smells like juicy fruit gum.

As a nurse that’s a smell she picked up on really quickly.


Smell. Even humans (paramedics) can be trained for that. But dogs are way better

EMT here. Next time I’m on a run and it’s a stable patient and my partner says “get a (routine) finger stick please” I’m gonna take a big whiff and say “112 partner”.

u/HereForTheGang_Bang avatar

If you did this to me I’d fucking fall off the gurney laughing.


the strips for the stick is HELLA expensive. Go old school and save ur employer some money XD. Im FrugalStudent111 after all

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I can smell something's wrong from here

u/QW1Q avatar

OP smelled like candy..

They can smell the ketones when blood sugar gets that high.


OP’s dog is trained to do this.

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u/Sis4All avatar

Good girl!! Hope you got your sugar levels down too. ♡

u/NixieBraaten avatar

The goodest bites.

Good girl!! I have a nurse kitty that paws at me or meeps in my ear (he can’t meow) and if I don’t wake up or listen, nurse kitty Meeko will go get my husband or someone else. Saved me several times! He knows when my seizures are going to happen, too. Sometimes before I do!

Animals are awesome. Hope you feel better now!

u/IheartCart00ns avatar

I had a cat that would routinely wake me up and lick my lips if my asthma started to flare-- she knew before I did!

We as a species so do not deserve the perfection that are pets ❤


I have sleep apnea and my cat wakes me up if I fall asleep without my cpap and start having problems. Once she gets me up she goes back to ignoring me :)

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She knows when you're going too sweet


I checked my sugar level to be 67,is it normal


60-100 is normal. Shouldn't go lower tho

u/TimskiTimski avatar

Do you mean 6.7 ? I thought 6 was normal. I am diabetic. 67 is way off the scale for me.

6.7 would be in mmol/l, 67 would be in mg/dl. I think you'd be dead otherwise, lol

Different numbers in different countries. In America 67 is low.

You’re thinking of hgb A1c where 6 is more or less “normal”, depending on whether you have diabetes or not. Previous poster was referring to blood sugar.

in mmol/L, 6 is pretty normal for a blood sugar

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Its in freedom units, didnt think id have to scroll this far dowm for someone to mention the normal readings

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If ur diabetic no not at all or ur not idk for sure might wanna get checked

u/angelcake893 avatar

67 actually isn’t that weird of a number for fasting non-diabetics.

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Ohh I thought I was on the schnauzer subreddit.. looks just like my sisters schnauzer, so cute !! 😭

No it’s a schnauzer just mini

o.o? I'm confused haha.. I mean I know she is a mini.. I read the other comments. I was just saying that she looks very similar to one we have ! :)

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Does she know what to do and what to detect?

BTW - she is fantastic

Yes she is a trained doggo and is great

You 2 are such a beautiful pair

Was she trained when you go her or did you have a dog and they trained her to detect it?

I got her trained

u/Triangle_Inequality avatar

The most ambiguous way to answer this question

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Get stronger for her - she wants her daddy to be as frolicky and carefree like her

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u/ParrotEvil avatar

Our cheweenie does that to my mother. You got yourself a rare good girl.

u/tonysphan avatar

That is why dogs are our best friend and they deserve a long happy life ❤


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u/vluke63 avatar

What’s the good girl’s name


u/vluke63 avatar

Good name for a good pupper

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u/AlpacaFlightSim avatar

Mini Schnauzers are the best 🥰

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u/Madharts avatar

Who's a big good girl??

She is

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I had 750 when I was diagnosed come at me

Had a noncompliant diabetic patient get mad a few years ago because the ED wouldn't admit him. He goes out and purposely jacks his sugar to over 1000. Ended up getting a bed.

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u/DerpyFish avatar

Ick! My son (4 at the time) was above 800 when he was diagnosed.

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I think i have the exact same raccon plushie. Is it a Webkinz ? I'm glad she's enjoying it anyway 😄

No clue has thst thing since I was a baby then just gave it to her

I think so. I remember having one a long time ago. Named it Elvis.

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I have diabetes too! When I was younger my cats would come into my room and meow at me if my sugar was low in the middle of the night, baffled me every time


Isn't 312 really high for blood sugar? I thought people lose consciousness when their blood sugar gets too low, not the other way around?

u/psychodreamr avatar

youre right... 312 means shit.

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u/Kingjjc267 avatar

I dont mean to sound ignorant, but is 312 bad?

Yes. You want it I think above 70 and below like 150. I’m a new diabetic, so I’m still learning the min and max. But yeah, 312 is bad.

u/Asator101 avatar

I've been a T1d for about 17 years now. Had to use a converter to know what 312 means (i use mmol/l). All I'm gonna say is: Try to stay in the the range you mentioned, but don't beat yourself up if it goes to 312 (or even waaay beyond). Life isn't always perfect and so are your blood sugar levels. I don't know how old you guys are, but being a perfect diabetic during your teenage years especially will be a really hard fight, if you don't want to sacrifice all the fun things about being a teenager. Live your life and try to enjoy it as much as possible, even if your A1c isn't always perfect. Don't sacrifice all fun for the Beetus

u/Kingjjc267 avatar

Ok, thanks.


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Huh. Over 130 I’m shaky. Like I said tho, I’m newly diagnosed; I tried not to sound like a know-it-all but still try to offer assistance if I could. I’m learning a lot here. Thank you! :)

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Also - my nephew and niece (brother and sister) have type 1 and my sister trained their dog from a puppy to catch their highs and lows. They both have a pump and a dex, but their dog catches their levels rising and falling faster than their dex. It's amazing how smart they are!! So glad you have a buddy looking out for you.

We don’t deserve dogs. 😍

Really don’t

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So happy to see a Schnauzer as a service dog!

There's diabetes signal dogs.

u/4redditever avatar

Give her a treat!!!

Done already

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Omg 312!

u/psychodreamr avatar

lol exactly...

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u/Placeholder0485 avatar

Wait is she trained to or just knew?


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u/pugs_are_love avatar

Is she trained?


u/pugs_are_love avatar

Awww I've always wanted one of those dogs. Are they good.

Very good doggo

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u/anime_lover713 avatar

I'm also a Diabetic and been wanting to get trained doggo to help my sugars. How'd you come to this?

I didn’t really do it my mom got it for me as a present and I love my doggo

u/anime_lover713 avatar

If you can ask your Mom, I'd be appreciated.

Alright I will

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You sure she isn't a vampire, OP? It's not obvious at first, but have you looked at her in a mirror?

u/beware_of_the_bun avatar

"Hey! If you die then who will feed me?!"


Good Dog! My dog is so self-absorbed and oblivious that she probably wouldn't notice if I fell over dead - until she wanted to be fed or to go out, that is! LOL

No joke my sister (36) died from a diabetic episode 5 weeks ago. This girl is a hero. I wish Kimmy had made it in the house to be near her dogs. Maybe she'd be posting this. Good on you, I'm very, very happy for you. This stuff is no joke.


Your blood sugar was high on the first place because she's so sweet

I have the same WebKin, it was my favourite one

Same! I have it around here somewhere...

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u/grayglitter avatar

She’s the best!!! ♥️


oh! a goodest girl

My cat does that for me too!

He always sleeps up around my head, so I guess he can smell the change in my breath.

I'm an adult onset, and I've had him for years longer than I've been T1, he's such a good and clever boy!


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Insulin in my case.

Alternative reason....That's when you taste better :p

u/stillinbed23 avatar

How does she know when your blood sugar is too high?

Not sure exactly my mom got her as a present while she was already trained pretty sure she smells it

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Chaotic Good

My sister is type 1 and we've all been looking into service dogs. It's nice to hear things like this. What a good girl!

Schnauzers are the best.

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312? Isn't the average amount around a 100? Then damn that's high, and even better that she woke you up!

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Just 312

u/RXDude89 avatar

Yeah that's not that high at all. It shouldn't acutely have significant effects.

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I miss my crabby mini schnauzer.

u/Deano_Delfino avatar

I had a schnauzer as well beautiful creatures

Nice doggo but from next year you can get a chip in your arm which will set of an alarm if it's too high or low. Bests getting up in the night to pee on sticks which had to do 20 years ago lol

u/DONKEY_LEG avatar

Saving lives and sniffing random dog butts, the life of a champion

She tried to eat you

Did you train her yourself?? I would love to teach my dog how to do this as well. I am also a diabetic

u/LilInez avatar

How does she sense this?

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Good doggie!!!

Love bite!


How did she know?

u/Aturom avatar

Best girl


u/lilblondegirl1 avatar

My lab, who has not been trained will wake me up when mine is super low. It is crazy how they can sense the change in our body chemistry and know we need help.

u/darkstarman avatar

The dog is talking. She's referring to the little stuffed animal. who apparently bit her ear.

u/iamfromouterspace avatar

Little clever pup trying to see if you were ready to be eaten.

All jokes aside, glad you’re ok.

How did she know? I'm not playing devils advocate I just am really curious.

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u/cianne_marie avatar

A schnauzer as a service dog for a diabetic. The irony is breathtaking.

(For those not in the know, schnauzers are notorious for several medical conditions, diabetes being one of them.)

Glad you're okay, OP!

u/Crush-Depth avatar

What a good girl! Is that a schnau doggo?

OP this is completely unrelated, but I see a tiger plushie in the corner of this pic...and I think I have that exact same one. Do you happen to have other pictures of it? I got mine in 2014 but I can't remember the shop I got it at so I've always been really worried about it ripping or etc. If needed I can link a pic of mine but I got it on a trip to 6 flags in San Antonio

I love her lil webkinz friend she has

u/sugargrasses avatar

Oh jeez, I'm a T1D and a blood sugar of 312 sucks. My blood sugar rn is 212 but I just ate so it's fine.

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She's too cute. Bite her back!

That's so amazing. My bunny daisy did this for me. Animals are so smart.

We don't deserve dogs.