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India Gains Three New Bands, Sweden Gets Permanent 60-Meter Access


Radio amateurs in India now have access to three new bands. India’s Ministry of Communications’ Department of Telecommunications has published an updated National Frequency Allocation Plan, effective October 25, which lists the new bands at 5 MHz (60 meters), 472 kHz (630 meters), and 136 kHz (2300 meters). All allocations are on a secondary basis.

On 60 meters, hams now have access to 5,351.5 – 5,366.5 kHz at 15 W EIRP; on 630 meters, 472 – 479 kHz at 1 W EIRP, and on 2300 meters, 135.7 – 137.8 kHz at 1 W EIRP.

Sweden’s IARU member-society SSA reports that radio amateurs there gained routine secondary access to 5,351.5 – 5,366.5 kHz at 15 W EIRP on November 1. Temporary permission has been available since 2016, by application. SSA recommends following IARU Region 1 guidelines for using the band; a Swedish version is available. — Thanks to Paul Gaskell, G4MWO, Editor, The 5 MHz Newsletter; SSA



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